View Full Version : Knights of Blood Contemptor Dreadnought W.I.P.

07-23-2011, 02:11 PM
Ok managed to put the new dread together no problem, decided it would become part of my Knights of Blood (Blood Angels successor)

Unlike most of my other KOB which are mostly metallic with a splash or red, I thought with this dread I would go half and half to represent its origins in the Blood Angels, still very much a w.i.p, I have a lot of painting and weathering to go and I also need to tidy up the line down the middle and as well I have a reasonable scenic base for him to go on. However heres the 1st pics.


07-24-2011, 03:25 PM
a good start! the metals could use some more definition and the eyes seem flat but it could turn out nicely :)
