View Full Version : Some DE in August. Ur-Ghul and Medusae

07-23-2011, 11:40 AM
Blurry pic:


07-23-2011, 11:58 AM
I was wondering what that skull that pops up on a few of the DE sprues was, looks like its from the ur-guhl.

Expect this release to have similar problems to the beasts, a squad of any size is going to get very expensive.

Good to see them keeping up the DE releases though.

07-23-2011, 12:33 PM
The whole problem with the Court is that you're required to take one of each to start. If that little inconsistency wasn't there, you could do a LOT more with that Court, and people might be motivated to then buy the models. Certainly a Court filled with any one model would be fantastic and ideal depending on your playstyle, but the mix is simply a hodge-podge that doesn't have a great focus, and even the Sslyth's higher toughness is wasted because of majority rules.

07-23-2011, 01:41 PM
I bet the sslyth and the lhemaen are on the same page, so the entire court will be released. That would only leave the bomber and some SCs. Asdrubael Vect coming next for DE?

07-23-2011, 03:10 PM
I bet the sslyth and the lhemaen are on the same page, so the entire court will be released. That would only leave the bomber and some SCs. Asdrubael Vect coming next for DE?

If only we were that lucky. If you read the page, it says "The Courts of the Archon receive their first retainers this month, but these two aliens"

Emphasis on TWO.

07-23-2011, 04:15 PM
If only we were that lucky. If you read the page, it says "The Courts of the Archon receive their first retainers this month, but these two aliens"

Emphasis on TWO.

You are correct, sir. I guess I should have read the text. :P

But on the bright side, that probably means the other two aren't that far off! (Has fingers crossed.)

07-23-2011, 04:59 PM
Hmm...the Ur-Ghul seemed to be described as an insect in the codex.

The Medusae looks great from what I can tell.

All this is moot because a) you've got to field one of each and they're only releasing two of them. Not to mention that the points values are a little wack. 35 pts for a Sslyth? Mmm hmm. Dead on arrival.

In before a Tyranid player shows up to whine.

Drew da Destroya
07-23-2011, 07:39 PM
9.50 pounds... ouch. That translates to what, $15 US? I wasn't a big fan of the unit anyway, but this gives me another reason to not buy the models. The Medusae does look cool, at least, so maybe I can justify one as conversion fodder at some point.

Thanks for the info, Eldargal!

Brass Scorpion
07-23-2011, 11:24 PM
9.50 pounds... ouch. That translates to what, $15 US? I wasn't a big fan of the unit anyway, but this gives me another reason to not buy the models.The list of models I'm not willing to buy simply due to the price has increased dramatically since May 28 this year and I know several other decades-long GW fans suddenly cutting way back. I think GW finally has hit a price tipping point for even many of its most devoted fans.

07-24-2011, 06:02 AM
I will wait until better res pics arrive!!!

But they seem amazing... Even on Failcast

07-24-2011, 03:20 PM
ooft i thought this finecast stuff was meant to be cheaper!? nice sculpts though!


07-24-2011, 10:14 PM
ooft i thought this finecast stuff was meant to be cheaper!? nice sculpts though!


When metal was being produced, one worker in a factory could pump out 40 models per day.

When they made the switch to finecast, the nature of the material was different. Now that same worker can only produce 10 models per day.

That means that finecast *could* cost 4 times as much as the metal models. Be thankful that they don't.

07-25-2011, 11:29 PM
Better pictures courtesy of Hogs of War via Warseer:

I like them both quite a bit, the medusae is much more gribbly than I thought it might be.

07-26-2011, 12:45 AM
Yeah, I really like these, but the Archon's retinue rules are just not worth it. I'll get them for the pleasure of painting them, but only AFTER everything else in the army is good to go.

Really wish they had faq'd the Court of the Archon rules so that it was more clear if you really have to take at least one of each. As has been said, the Sllyth's T5 is useless thanks to majority toughness and its costs more than a ****ing Terminator.

07-27-2011, 06:37 PM
Oh yeah! I'v painted an Ur-ghul skull. What kit was that on? It was first wave DE i think. At the time i thought it was the victim of some torture a haemonculous had inflicted.

07-27-2011, 10:50 PM
Think its on the Warrior sprue. There's also one on a Scourge perch.

07-28-2011, 01:28 AM
Ad on a pike on the Raider kit.

Whats the one on the side of the venom kit though?

Also I like boht the models...I think. But whats the point in only releasing half a unit you have to field all of to use?

07-28-2011, 01:38 AM
Rumour has it the other half may be coming in September.