View Full Version : skirmisher rules

07-22-2011, 06:42 PM
I am new to Warhammer fantasy and having trouble with the way skirmishers work. These questions answered would help a great deal. Single characters only have a line of sight off the front of their base. Does the line of sight rule apply to skirmishers?
When skirmishers announce a 'shooting' attack against a unit are all of the models supposed to be facing the unit attacked? Can they be repositioned after the movement and magic phase is over to facilitate this?
If skirmishers are "running away" to avoid being charged must they end their turn facing the direction they ran.
How do you determine which skirmisher is being charged?

07-22-2011, 07:50 PM
1) Skirmishers draw line of sight like everyone else as depicted on page 77 of the basic rulebook.

2)The unit cannot be repositioned after the move phase unless affected by a rule that allows this (magic, special unit rules, etc). If only part of the unit can see the target to fire at it, then only those models that can see the target can fire.

3) Skirmishers flee like everyone else, so the answer is yes, they must face away from the unit they are fleeing. This stems from the 2nd paragraph of the right column on page 60 of the basic rulebook.

4) The unit is being charged, not an individual model. So this is worked out like any other charge and you measure from closest model to closest model. Once in base contact the skirmishers rank up like everyone else without the gaps in their lines.

07-23-2011, 08:30 PM
thanks so much for the input....a big help!