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View Full Version : Epic Scale Through The Ages

Shotgun Justice
07-22-2011, 10:12 AM
Hi all.

I've never collected any of the Epic scale games and so have come with a couple of questions, I've come up with a few plans to use Epic models for 40k conversions / terrain ideas but have a limited knowledge of the model range and so could do with some guidance.

What I’m curious about is changes in size/scale of the models over the years, when I started collecting Games Workshop stuff Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine were the games I was aware of, over the years I know there have been several versions of the system with different names, my perhaps naive assumption has been that the games have been of much the same substance but with new rule sets etc.
40k and Fantasy models have grown in size over the years, although they are notionally of the same scale the spinal problems that afflicted so many early sculpts have been cured by near miraculous medical and casting technology - has there been a similar growth of Epic scale models?

Have there been many new versions of models over the years? E.g I know that the old land raider (mk 1) was the common design at Epic scale for many years but the modern design was later sculpted and sold. Has this also been true for troop / command stands, vehicles?

I am particularly interested in Space Marine models (not the game system but the faction, the army of the Adeptus Astartes) but general info would be much appreciated.

I intend to do most of my buying from Ebay and so forewarned is forearmed, as some ridiculously named Imperial tactician would have it.


07-23-2011, 12:21 PM
Hi all.

I've never collected any of the Epic scale games and so have come with a couple of questions, I've come up with a few plans to use Epic models for 40k conversions / terrain ideas but have a limited knowledge of the model range and so could do with some guidance.

What I’m curious about is changes in size/scale of the models over the years, when I started collecting Games Workshop stuff Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine were the games I was aware of, over the years I know there have been several versions of the system with different names, my perhaps naive assumption has been that the games have been of much the same substance but with new rule sets etc.
40k and Fantasy models have grown in size over the years, although they are notionally of the same scale the spinal problems that afflicted so many early sculpts have been cured by near miraculous medical and casting technology - has there been a similar growth of Epic scale models?

Have there been many new versions of models over the years? E.g I know that the old land raider (mk 1) was the common design at Epic scale for many years but the modern design was later sculpted and sold. Has this also been true for troop / command stands, vehicles?

I am particularly interested in Space Marine models (not the game system but the faction, the army of the Adeptus Astartes) but general info would be much appreciated.

I intend to do most of my buying from Ebay and so forewarned is forearmed, as some ridiculously named Imperial tactician would have it.


The biggest change in Epic scale miniatures was the transition from plastic to metal when Epic Armageddon was released. However the same moulds were used for the new metal miniatures and there was no change in scale. AFAIK the lead Space Marines you can buy from GW are exactly the same size as those in the original Imperial Space Marine boxes from the early 90s (the 1st and 2nd edition boxed sets contained Mark VI Space Marines which are no longer available. Prior to the release of 1st edition Space Marine, you could also get metal Mark VI marines).

Forgeworld's versions of Epic vehicles are usually larger than the GW versions: while infantry models all fall into the standard 5:1 ratio (ie an Epic miniature is 5 times smaller than the 40K version), most GW vehicles and titans are sculpted at a higher ratio, making them smaller than they really should be. All FW models follow the 5:1 ratio, so a FW Baneblade is quite a bit larger than the GW equivalent.

Epic miniatures have been rather stable over the years. The Imperial Reaver Titan is the oldest miniature in GW's catalogue and has been in production for more than 20 years without any noticeable changes.

Shotgun Justice
07-26-2011, 06:32 AM
Cheers jodrell - are you named for the Centre for Astrophysics by any chance?

Just the sort of info I was looking for - I am now able to indulge an unhealthy appetite for ebay once again and start sticking little men to slightly less little men.
