View Full Version : 2000 pts Daemons Tourney list

07-22-2011, 06:53 AM
2000 pt Daemon Tourney Army

333 Fateweaver
100 Masque
165 Skulltaker on Chariot

105 3 Flamers
105 3 Flamers
105 3 Flamers

95 5 Horrors/ Bolt
100 4 Horrors, Changeling/ Bolt
252 18 Daemonettes
160 10 Bloodletters

Heavy Support
160 Soul Grinder with Phelgm
160 Tzeentch Prince with Bolt and Gaze
160 Tzeentch Prince with Bolt and Gaze

2000 total

HQ: I'm using the Masque to spin walkers around so their rear armour is facing my str 8 ap 1 bolt shots, also I can use the Masque to get more flame template hits on enemy units or move the enemy closer to my flamers etc.

Skulltaker is in here for some melee support, also he's a shinny target to distract the enemy from shooting other models.

Now that the grey knights are weaker against Daemons and no more ally psycannons I can now refield the Fateweaver. Another distrction that keeps my army alive a lot longer then normal.

Elites: Flamers of Tzeetnch can deal a lot of damage, so far my 9 flamers and Masque combo in one game kiled 1500 points in a 2k game. It's a beautiful sight when the Masque can move units in such a way that with 3 flame units I can manage to flame 9 units in one sitting, I usually can take out 5-6 if I roll god with the Masque.

Horrors with bolt provide antitank and a unit of 5 can dish out 15 str 4 ap 4 shots, better then stealth suits at half the cost.

Daemonettes is a very mobile unit that can defeat armour 10-12 and can take out most units.

Bloodletters are in my army for the fact I can take out storm shield terminators with this squad, almost the only reason why I take them. Also they can defeat armour 10-11 on the charge.

The Tzeentch prince with str 8 shooting hitting on 2s is too good to pass up. I can dish out 4 marine killing shots at range and can possibly kill 5 marines on the charge. I try to keep them near Fateweaver so they can stay alive longer.

The soulgrinder is great and hard to deal with unless a melta comes along. The 36" range of the battle cannon is very helpful and again with the Masque help it's possible to get 2-3 units with 1 shot.

If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. I don't like plaguebearers for may reasons. 1. Weak against power weapons, 2. Weak in combat, 3. Can't do anything useful and just sit on the objective doing nothing. I won many games deep striking my horrors on objectives, also all the other 3 options can deal with vehicles, while the plaguebearers can't.