View Full Version : 1750 blood jumpers ( some help please )

07-22-2011, 12:34 AM
I started a Blood jumpers army and i want it to be a solid hard list that can be used at tournaments . I don’t want to buy a load of marines cause they look cool and then use them ones in a game and find out that they don’t work that well .
So i want to spend some time thinking this army over before buying a lot of stuff . but it seams they aren’t really a match against horde army’s . So i was thinking to do it a little different than normal jump army’s .
The plan is the run it with 3 vindicators . They can dance around the big massive army’s cause of there 12 inch move and still be able to fire .
If the big groups of orc/nids are badly damaged the jumpers will go in for the kill .

Also they can be used as a wall for the jumpers to move forward . Is this a bad or good idea ?
Cause they are the only armour in the list an wil be taking a lot of incomming fire power :)

For so far i have to fallowing list .
1 libby , lance/shield
2 x priest jumppack
10 man assault squad , 2x metla 1 fist
10 man assault squad , 2 x melta 1fist
5 Vanguard vets jumppacks 1 thunderhammer
5 honor guard jumppacks 3 melta guns
3 vindicator siege shield

And still have 175 point left . I was thinking to take an extra assault squad .

Thank you for your time and help ,

07-22-2011, 06:34 AM
free up 25 point and take a Sanguinary Guard.

07-22-2011, 07:10 AM
How are you taking Honour guard without the right Hq option. Also I think a Libby Furioso would be better. I find that the 35 pt transport reduction on the assault marinedsould make you want to take a fast
Razorback with a heavy flamer.

With the assault marines I rather use 2 flamers and two inferno pistols on the priest and the saergent.

I think the Vanguard should have 2-3 power weapons, since they have a really god chance to assault when they come in via deep strike, they only devieate d6 due to decent of angels and can assault 6".

07-23-2011, 08:30 AM
There is a Libby in the list, hence honor guard

07-23-2011, 10:07 AM
There is a Libby in the list, hence honor guard

My Bad. I was thinking regular marines with the Captain limit.

07-23-2011, 03:29 PM
Yep the libbie lets me take the honour guard squad :)

Als made the fallowing list a bit diffrent as the first 1

libbie jumpack , shield/lance

Priest , jumpack

Priest , Jumppack


Honour guard squad 5 , jumppacks , 3 melta`s

Vanguard vets 5 , 2 power weapons .

Assault squad 10 , 2 melta , fist , hand flamer

Assault squad 10 , 2 melta , fist , hand flamer

Assault sqaud 5

5 dev , 4 missle launchers
5 dev , 4 missle launchers
5 dev , 4 missle launchers

is 1750 :)