View Full Version : Death Company & Black Rage

07-21-2011, 10:38 PM
Been messing around with a 10 man DeathCo unit and really think they are a great unit for the pts cost. I just give them bolters and let them rapid fire and assault, no jump packs since they cost so much. My problem is the Rage issue.

When I use a Rhino to get them into assualt I can usually use the Rhino to block LoS to another visible enemy and then be able to mount back up if needed. But when I did this with a Stormraven (which I figured was bigger, at least the base) I was told the flyer does not block any LoS. So my DeathCo went chasing shadows across the board.

Is there anyway that even with "Rage" I can still mount up to be able to get to the enemy faster? Or Does the Stormraven given me any LoS help? Most of the time I just try to assault into the biggest group I can get into. But it would be nice to mount back up without an arguement from the player across from me.

Any tips or FAQ input would be great. Thanks

07-22-2011, 12:33 AM
It used to be a rule that skimmers didn't block line of sight for your own units, period. That may be what your opponent was thinking of. Nowadays, skimmers block what they block - which, in the case of a Stormraven on a large flying base is not much, of course, since the base itself doesn't block LOS and the Stormraven is so high up. Still, it is theoretically possible that your Stormraven could block LOS, changing which enemy unit is nearest visible unit to the Death Company in the Movement phase.

Did that answer your question? I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do.

07-22-2011, 02:22 AM
I don't know if this is correct but if you positioned your stormraven directly between your death company and the enemy if the death company then move as required by rage and finish their move within the required distance to board the stormraven surely they can do so?

I believe this fulfils the requirements of rage while allowing you to reboard the stormraven, I do not have my rulebook to confirm this though.

07-22-2011, 05:22 AM
Yes, that would be legal. Moving towards the nearest visible enemy doesn't mean that you can't embark upon an available transport at the end of that move.

07-22-2011, 06:03 AM
Well, isn't there a related issue with orks that have rage can only board if the vehicle will transport them closer?

07-22-2011, 06:28 AM
Don't know about that my knowledge doesn't stretch as far as orks unfortunately

07-22-2011, 08:29 AM
I don't know if this is correct but if you positioned your stormraven directly between your death company and the enemy if the death company then move as required by rage and finish their move within the required distance to board the stormraven surely they can do so?

I believe this fulfils the requirements of rage while allowing you to reboard the stormraven, I do not have my rulebook to confirm this though.

Yeathat might. Where as the Rhino of course can totally block LoS and allow the DeathCo to mount back up. It seems t the Stormraven might not be able to provide the same benefits, even if I put the Stormraven in between the DeathCo and the unit it is trying to Rage towards.

07-22-2011, 08:50 AM
I think it should be permissable as from what I remember the rage rule only requires you to move towards the closest enemy unit in the movement phase, so as long as you are doing that you are following the rules. I don't think that the rules will prevent you from mounting up as long as you do so while moving towards said enemy unit

07-22-2011, 09:32 AM
I think it should be permissable as from what I remember the rage rule only requires you to move towards the closest enemy unit in the movement phase, so as long as you are doing that you are following the rules. I don't think that the rules will prevent you from mounting up as long as you do so while moving towards said enemy unit
That is exactly correct.

The ork case is different. Whereas Rage only requires you to move towards the nearest enemy unit during the Movement phase, and is specifically deactivated if you are aboard a transport, Mad Dok Grotsnik's special rule states "Grotsnik is so bloodthirsty that he will always move as fast as possible towards the nearest enemy, assaulting it if possible."

07-24-2011, 09:21 PM
Well, isn't there a related issue with orks that have rage can only board if the vehicle will transport them closer?

For this one, you're talking about the MadDok. See the FAQ for more details.

Note the vehicle embark rules: Step #1 - Move all models within 2" of access point. Step #2 - They are now embarked.

Nowhere does it say if that movement is restricted by any other rule... as long as it is a "normal" move in the movement phase, you can embark.

PS: the "bloodthirsty" thing for the MadDok is explained in the FAQ in fact: he confers his bloodthirstiness to his transport, and it has to move as much as possible towards the opponent.

Rage doesn't do that. Hell, for Rage you're even allowed the option to NOT move if you don't want to (the only thing Rage restricts is the direction of that movement)

07-25-2011, 04:51 PM
Rage doesn't do that. Hell, for Rage you're even allowed the option to NOT move if you don't want to (the only thing Rage restricts is the direction of that movement)

rage states you must move as fast as possible towards nearest visable enemy unit,

the only freedom of movement with rage is the assault phase where you can charge in any direction or not charge at all

07-25-2011, 08:54 PM
rage states you must move as fast as possible towards nearest visable enemy unit,

the only freedom of movement with rage is the assault phase where you can charge in any direction or not charge at all
Hmmm... Guess I got that part wrong.

07-26-2011, 04:14 PM
rage states you must move as fast as possible towards nearest visable enemy unit,

the only freedom of movement with rage is the assault phase where you can charge in any direction or not charge at all

But if you come within 2in of a transport during any point of your movement can you mount back up? Or does rage keep you from mounting back up?

07-26-2011, 06:49 PM
But if you come within 2in of a transport during any point of your movement can you mount back up? Or does rage keep you from mounting back up?
Rage doesn't keep you from mounting back up, it just restricts the circumstances in which you can do so.

The Rage rule states that you have to move as fast as possible towards the nearest visible enemy unit during the Movement phase, and is suspended while embarked. Hence, assuming at least one enemy unit is visible, it would not be legal to mount up at the start of your Movement phase or in the middle of your Movement phase, because by doing so you would voluntarily be not moving as fast as possible towards the nearest visible enemy unit. However, you could move as fast as possible towards the nearest visible enemy unit, and at the end of that move embark on a transport, as you would have satisfied the requirements of the Rage rule for that Movement phase.

I like to think of it like this: Rage units won't get on a transport, but that doesn't stop the transport from chasing them with a vacuum and sucking them in at the end of their move.