View Full Version : 2000 pts Air Fury Dark Eldar

07-21-2011, 09:53 PM
Alright guys... here's a new type of list that I haven't seen around the 'net.

HQ - Duke Sliscus

EL - Trueborn (4)
-x4 Blasters, Venom w/Splinter Cannon

EL - Trueborn (4)
-x4 Blasters, Venom w/Splinter Cannon

EL - Trueborn (4)
-x4 Blasters, Venom w/Splinter Cannon

TR - Warriors (9)
-Blaster, Raider w/Splinter Racks

TR - Warriors (10)
-Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider

TR - Warriors (10)
-Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider

FA - Scourges (5)
-x2 Haywire Blasters

FA - Scourges (5)
-x2 Haywire Blasters

HV - Voidraven Bomber
-Flickerfields, Implosion Missile

HV - Voidraven Bomber
-Flickerfields, Implosion Missile

HV - Voidraven Bomber
-Flickerfields, Implosion Missile

If I've got all the upgrades right in there... then it comes out to be exactly 2000 points, with not a single unit capable of Close Combat

All in all, there are 6 Void Lances, 3 Void Mines, and 3 Implosion Missiles, 17 Blasters, 3 Dark Lances, 4 Haywire Blasters, 6 Shard Carbines, 24 Splinter Rifles, and 8 Splinter Cannons. (74 weapons) on 9 vehicles and 52 infantry.

Now, the common spam-tastic list (Venom-Spam) which has 18 Blasters, 9 Dark Lances, 20 Splinter Rifles, and 18 Splinter Cannons (65 weapons) on 12 vehicles and 43 infantry (assuming 3 Ravagers, 3 trueborn (4) in venoms, and 6 warriors (5) in venoms with 1 HQ) Just.... for comparison's sake.

Anyway, I think it looks decent. Voidravens have armor 11, are NOT open-topped, and with Flickerfields they're decently survivable even when shooting. The three Implosion Missiles are for those pesky HQ's (though I still want to find a better use of 90 points to be honest). The nice thing about the Duke is I can deepstrike all those Venoms right up against vehicles, instead of having to worry about surviving across the table if I don't get 1st turn. What do you guys think?

07-21-2011, 10:28 PM
Remove the implosion missiles, after all the tests and saves they can make it is hard to actually cause any wounds and they are only small blasts. Replace them with thr standard monoscythe missiles, wound everything on a 2, and you can even crack light tanks with it. Looks like a decent sitting list though.