View Full Version : 1850 Tournament DE¿Critiques?

07-20-2011, 07:25 PM
So here is my 1850 list just wondering what the BOLS people had to say about it.

1 Haemonculus W/liquifier gun (60pts)
1 Haemonculus W/liquifier gun (60pts)

4 Troops

9 Wyches w/Hydra Gauntlets, Hextrix ,Haywire Grenades, Agonizer, Phantasam Grenade Launcher
W/ Raider, FF.(218pts)
9 Wyches w/Hydra Gauntlets, Hextrix ,Haywire Grenades, Agonizer, Phantasam Grenade Launcher
W/ Raider, FF.(218pts)
By the way the HQ's will each ride with the Wyches giving them Feel no pain. In case they get blown up on transport they might survive 6's then 4's.

10 Kabilite Warriors W/ Blaster, Splinter Cannon,Sybarite.
W/Raider, FF Splinter Racks.(195pts)
10 Kabilite Warriors W/ Blaster, Splinter Cannon,Sybarite.
W/Raider, FF Splinter Racks.(195pts)

3 Elites

4 Kabilite Trueborn W/ 4 blasters
w/ Venom,Splinercannon. (173pts)
4 Kabilite Trueborn W/ 4 blasters
w/ Venom,Splinercannon. (173pts)
4 Kabilite Trueborn W/ 4 blasters
w/ Venom,Splinercannon. (173pts)

3 Heavy

1 Ravager w/ flicker Field (115pts)
1 Ravager w/ flicker Field (115pts)
1 Ravager w/ flicker Field (115pts)

I know its not the typical lists i have seen on here but i have been playing the new Codex for a while and this list seems to work pretty well so far fingers crossed i am undefeated but now that the list is out there that might change. 19 kill points kind of sucks but what are you going to do?

07-20-2011, 08:21 PM
Well, I think it will do a lot vs mechanized, but it's not going to do as great against infantry builds.

No nightshields is curious. Have you played with them? They may end up as a great investment particularly on the Wyches, as they effectively remove the threat of meltaguns, bolters, Tau plasma rifles and other small arms that could manage to harm your vehicles after they charge forward.

07-20-2011, 08:57 PM
Well, I think it will do a lot vs mechanized, but it's not going to do as great against infantry builds.

No nightshields is curious. Have you played with them? They may end up as a great investment particularly on the Wyches, as they effectively remove the threat of meltaguns, bolters, Tau plasma rifles and other small arms that could manage to harm your vehicles after they charge forward.

I have played with night shields And it hasn't worked for me as well as it has for some. I actually haven't played any tau players with this list. but i have played everything else. I do sometimes run the Wyches raiders with Distengrator cannons. Believe it or not the 3 venom's with with splintercannons 12 shots each do a heck a lot of damage to infantry. The re-rolls to hit on the Warrior raiders are fantastic if you haven't used them try them out.
As for meltaguns and bolters i just hope the dice gods are with me. Like anything else in this game. You are right and i could put them on there i had 40pts extra and decided on 2 PGL and 2 Sybarites. I chose the 2 sybarites so that if on the actual likely hood that i get shot down(that never happens to a 10avraider) LD9 is so much better then LD8. I hate getting pinned or Lossing morale and running away.(i always think of Monty python for some reason)I Chose the PGL again for when i get shot down and i get assaulted the person assaulting me looses there +1A for charging my wyches. I guess what i am trying to say is i think you either pick NS or FF and hope for the best because the inevitability is that playing DE you are going Wreck or Explode. I hope this answers your question.