View Full Version : DE Ard Boyz List

07-20-2011, 07:20 PM
Ok, i got an Ard boyz primer this sat. so i want a little advise on a list, i posted one like this a bit ago but have changed a few things, let me know what you think.


Archon-160-Huskblade, soultrap, shadowfield, Phatasm launcher


4 Trueborn-108-4 blasters, Venom with x2 splinter cannons-65-
4 Trueborn-108-4 blasters, Venom with x2 splinter cannons-65-
6 Incubi-162-klaivex with onslaught, Raider with flickerfields-70-


9 wyches-120-hekatix with agonizer, Raider with flickerfields
5 warriors-60-1 with blaster, Venom with x2 splinter cannons-65
5 warriors-60-1 with blaster, raider with flickerfields-70
5 warriors-60-1 with blaster, raider with flickerfields-70
10 warriors-125-1 with darklance, sybarite-raider with flickerfields-70
10 warriors-125-1 with darklance, sybarite-raider with flickerfields-70


Ravager-125-3 darklances, flickerfields and nightshields
Ravager-125-3 darklances, flickerfields and nightshields
Razorwing-175-Disintegrators, splinter cannon, nightshields, flickerfields

Ok that leaves me with 112pts if my math is right. Not sure what to use it on besides maybe upgrading the tanks with nightshields and torment launchers. Please if you have anything better i could use the points on let me know.

So here is the plan, Vect will go with the 9 wyches as he is a power house and just needs some extra wounds and they can help tarpit, the Archon will go with the incubi. Those 2 units are going to be my counter assault unit if something gets to close. Blasterborn will be popping tanks or Nobz if need be. 5 man warrior squards will hand back and just shoot and then zip forward towards the end to contest or control objectives. the 2 ten man squads will sit on my own objectives and fire the darklance out for more tank killing. Razorwing is my "wipe the unit off the board", after he blows his misslies i will just annoy people with the cannons and use it to contest.

I played a list like this last night, the only thing different is i had bloodbrides instead of incubie and 2 haemies instead of the archon, also had a unit of beastmasters. I played against battle wagon orkz and did really good at the start but towards the end he just slowly starting killing things, ended in a draw. the bloodbrides and wyches got owned by some nobz but vect did manage to kill a unit of nobz and 25 boys before he went down. I think i will be facing a few ork players so that is why i dropped the bloodbrides and haemies due to alot of their stuff being str6 or higher so FnP doesnt help out that much.

Would you guys think it would be better to stick with the 2 haemies, bloodbrides, and beastmaster pack or does this list look better?