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View Full Version : Things that I have made recently(Imperial Fortress, Dark Eldar, Reaver Titan)

07-17-2011, 11:36 AM
Time to start a PLOG for my projects, with a hope that I will keep it updated! Thanks to my good pal Lexington for an awesome title.

Anyhow, the first and most important thing that I have made lately is this:

My lovely daughter Olivia. She is exactly one month old, and is totally amazing on many different levels.

During her ventures into nap land, I have been working on scratch building a near likeness to the Forge World Imperial Fortress kit. Normally, my local gamer friends would tell you that I have no problem shelling out the cash for one of these, but right now I would rather put the money towards Olivia going to college, should she so desire to.

Construction is 100% foam core board right now. There will be some PVC pipe columns added to each tower when I get a chance to get over to my fathers house(he has a power circle saw in a mitre box, and I do not) with Forgeworld razorback turrets on each. The towers will at some point get some quad auto cannons added, and I am thinning of making ground level extensions of the gatehouse towers with some sort of missile launcher on then, but that is all drawing board sort of stuff. Soon, the whole thing will get covered in a layer of drywall plaster, and be sanded smooth..


07-17-2011, 11:39 AM
I never have understood the four image limit per post thing on BOLS lounge.

Here are the gatehouse towers that I have begun to detail, with a corner section lined up next to it. I currently am unsure if I will make the gate open or not. I certainly still can, I just do not know if I care enough to do it. I may just make a solid door that snaps on via magnetic strip.


07-17-2011, 04:36 PM
hey do u happen to have a material list and list of the dimensions you used to make everything?

Mike X
07-17-2011, 06:19 PM
hey do u happen to have a material list and list of the dimensions you used to make everything?

Olivia was most likely created using semen, a female complete with a functioning uterus, and nine months' worth of ice cream and pickles. It's a common scratch build, really. I see them all the time.

07-17-2011, 06:40 PM
Olivia was most likely created using semen, a female complete with a functioning uterus, and nine months' worth of ice cream and pickles. It's a common scratch build, really. I see them all the time.

Hah! Om my god, you just crit my wife and I with comedy. You win sir.

Anyhow dimensions... Kind of. I had this habit of jotting dimensions down on the foam core that I had not yet used, and then using those pieces later. So anything I gave wouldn't really be accurate.

I started using a set of templates put together by a gu on Warseer. However, those templates were designed to be used in cutting down huge blocks of white styrofoam for the structure, and I did not want to do that, so I took one of his wall templates and used that to extrapolate everything else that I needed using a T-square, 30-60-90 triangle, and some steel rulers. I also used an xacto foam board cutter for nice 90 degree cuts, some normal xacto blades, and lots of Gorilla brand wood glue.

So far I have burned through four full sheets of 3/16" thick foam core, and one full sheet of 1/2" foam core. I need to pick up some heavy poster board to do all of the edging with, to cover up any exposed foam.

07-17-2011, 06:43 PM

Mocking up the gatehouse gantry. Each gatehouse tower will have an additional level built into it, on top of what currently stands.

07-17-2011, 10:56 PM
always wondered how they scratch built them baby things, might have to try it one day. Now the fortress thingy is starting to look impressive one day it might rival that scratch built baby but the paint job on that thing so damn realistic going to be hard to top that.

07-18-2011, 04:45 AM
I recommend magnetizing it, so if you get tired of having one gender you can easily change. I've heard people are doing it in China to combat all the boyspam their one child policy throws up.Best to use a 2mm magnet.

OP- good luck with the little model and your miniatures too.

07-18-2011, 05:59 AM
Another little gamer enters the world. Congratulations! My first a still a few years off

As for the models they're very impressive. I'd do the same and blatantly rip off your work if I had the space to store it...One day...

07-18-2011, 06:51 AM
wow very nice! i suppose the fortesss could double as one of those baby gates :P

07-18-2011, 12:52 PM
Me thinks that baby will have a high AP value. :)

07-18-2011, 06:57 PM
Made some more progress on the gatehouse today. Gantry is cut, built, and drying, and the gate is cut out. The gate will be sheathed in plasticard with some magnetic strip added, to hold it up to the inner walls. Then comes covering all of the exposed foam with poster board, yay!


07-18-2011, 08:34 PM
I approve of your projects, both Imperial and biological. :P

Srs, that wall is gonna be a Thing in the Main.

07-19-2011, 02:06 AM
when your finished your going to have to find someone that will let you use it in a game, and I place this as my terrain for my side of the board and I have control of all the turrets muhahahahahah.

07-19-2011, 09:35 AM
when your finished your going to have to find someone that will let you use it in a game, and I place this as my terrain for my side of the board and I have control of all the turrets muhahahahahah.

There are apoc strategems that you can use for them - plus planetstrike has rules for controlling turrets.

07-19-2011, 09:47 AM
There are actually rules for using the "Imperial Fortress Walls" in Imperial Armour: Apocalypse 1.

Basically, you pay a number of points per wall section: walls are W points, towers are X, gatehouse is Y, and gatehouse towers are Z. Every gatehouse MUST have two gatehouse towers.

Each section is AV 14 and has a number of wounds. You target a section of the wall, and each penetrating hit removes one wound. Once all wounds are gone, the section is removed.

Each section gives a 3+ cover save to any models on the ramparts, and each tower can include a "bunker" which basically functions like a planetstrike Bastion, though if the tower is destroyed the unit inside simply dies. Each tower and gatehouse tower has a number of different weapon upgrades that you can buy.

All in all, a fortress with four walls, two towers, a gatehouse, and two gatehouse towers such as I am building will run about 1000 points if fully upgraded.

Also, my local apocalypse gaming friends would let me use it in a heart beat if I wanted to.

07-19-2011, 09:55 AM
Cool, that's a sweet build mate! That's going to be an awesome piece on the table top.

07-19-2011, 12:09 PM
Amazing job, please donīt cease posting pics of it!!

Emerald Rose Widow
07-19-2011, 09:15 PM
Can't wait to see the finished product, but still I think the wall cant compare to the daughter, that was some high quality work right there -giggles- love babies -squee-

07-20-2011, 12:42 AM
Congratulations on the grot matey :). Thats a good looking kid you have there. I guess with all those sleepiness nights your experiencing now, its good to have a have something to do at 3am :p

I used to paint a little with my own grot strapped to the front in our baby born. worked wonders.

As for the fortress, good work and keep us up to date :):)

07-21-2011, 08:45 AM
Did not get much done the last two nights. Olivia had her 4-6 week growth spurt Sunday-Tuesday, so she was particularly difficult. We did not get much sleep. Though, all is better now!

I did manage to get some detailing in on the gate. Not going to overly detail it, and one of my cuts on the gate halves ended up swaying a little at the bottom, ah well! I know that I'm generally a Chaos guy, but decided to try my hand at an aquila...


Because I know I said there would be some other stuff in this thread besides the fortress, here are some other things that I'm slowly trudging along on:

My pair of titans, "The Great Work"(warhound) and "Pater Fraternus"(reaver). The Warhound still needs a little work, and I kind of want to repaint her. The Reaver still needs a bit of trim painted, and I need to finish up the trim on the other leg so that I can glue it all on.


Some terrain that I've been airbrushing for my LGS. My fortress will likely be painted in a similar style:


07-21-2011, 04:06 PM
Amazing job!!!!

Please keep on it, I want to see it finished!!

08-01-2011, 08:24 AM
Haven't done too much work lately, as I'm waiting to drop these off with a friend who is going to precision cut some MDF bases for me. I don't want to plaster the parts until I have a solid base to work on.

But I did get to this point:


It's pretty much ready to go, except that I made the door about 3/16" too large on both of the sides because I failed to keep in mind that there will be about a 3/16" layer of plaster on the foamcore in the doorway. I'm going to have to try to carefully cut the sides of the door down, and possibly take a small amount off of the top or bottom as well.

I've also ordered some turrets for it. Two FW Hydras and two FW Razorback turrets. I was going to go with one of the multitude of third party quad-autocannon solutions, but in the end I also needed two chimera kits to go with some Chapterhouse wheeled chimera kits I have laying around, and the FW Hydras end up being slightly cheaper than any of the third party products + chimeras.

I am also going to skip scratch building bunkers for the tops of the towers, because it'll be a pain in the butt. I grabbed a FW pill box that my dad has with the thought that I might cast copies of it in resin, but it is a little small. So I am settling on putting these on top of each tower, and then setting some magnets on the roof so that I can use the hydra cannons with them:


They're about 4.5" square, which fits perfect on the top of the towers(the tower top is like 5.25"x5.5"). And it'll save me a lot of angled cuts through foamcore, which I currently hate making.

08-02-2011, 12:28 AM
That's a nice build indeed man. Once you sort out the gate, you'll be cruisin' like before. :D

08-02-2011, 09:00 AM

Adding some Grimdark to the gatehouse towers. The bunker on the top of the tower is just a placeholder. ;)

08-02-2011, 12:16 PM
Nice works!!!

08-05-2011, 09:00 AM
No pictures today, I'm dropping the walls/towers/gatehouse off with a carpenter friend who is going to cut some MDF bases that fit together nice and snug. Once I have these it's plasterin' time!!!

I did some experimenting with standard drywall plaster on a spare piece of foamcore the other night. It worked quite well, though the 24 hour dry time meant that some of the moisture from the plaster warped the foamcore sheet a little. I am thinking that the wall pieces will not warp however, since each piece that plaster will touch is glued down on all four sides, and some pieces on an edge as well... To be certain, I'll test it further with a straight wall section that I have the wall itself cut and assembled, but no detailing work done on. If it warps, I can build a replacement easily enough and start testing with the hydrocal plaster.

I just want to avoid the hydrocal for a few reasons: it has an incredibly short working time, 30 minutes tops(that is when it is mixed with ice water). So I would have to work in multiple small sections. Also, I would have to do some experimenting to find a good mix ratio: the box includes a mix ratio for pouring plaster, but I would need it initially to be more of a hard paste that will hold its form once worked onto an inclined or vertical surface. Since I don't have a ton of time to work on this anyhow, the 24 hour dry time of drywall plaster isn't a huge inconvenience for me.

So anyhow, hoping that it works.

Forgeworld finally shipped my turrets. It only took them 31 days to ship the order. :? I think that is the longest that I've ever had to wait for them to actually ship something save for my Warhound which was ordered right when Apocalypse came out.

I also missed a small note on the Quantum Gothic website when I ordered the bunkers to top my towers with: "Any orders placed after July 12th will not be shipped until September." Of course, I saw this about a week after I had placed my order. A little disappointing, considering how pretty absurd their shipping prices to the US seem. Ah well, I guess it gives me time to get the whole thing based, plastered, the door fixed, and all of the GRIMDARK! gothic arches cut out of plasticard.

08-05-2011, 10:20 AM
Really awesome work so far on the Fortress there Regnir, really looking forward to seeing it come alive when you plaster it.

08-07-2011, 09:55 AM

Here is a mock up/test pattern of what the walls will look like once finished. Currently all of the sections are off with my carpenter friend who is cutting some bases for me!

I may need to pick up a tool for spacklimg corners. Hardware store hoooooo!

08-07-2011, 10:09 AM
Another brick in the wall... Hehehehe

08-07-2011, 04:58 PM
How can you have pudding if you won't eat your meat!

I have a 3D test going with plaster right now. The sheet test piece above warped a little, due to the long dry time on the drywall plaster. I want to make sure a 3d structure reinforced with solid glue won't warp too badly before moving onto the real deal. I will know tomorrow!

Also forge world finally shipped my turrets. It only took 31 days to cast my order! :(

Slowest ship time I have ever had from them.

08-08-2011, 01:03 PM
could you please put a pic up of the reavers base, am incredibly interested to see wat figures are on it, thanks


08-09-2011, 09:07 AM
could you please put a pic up of the reavers base, am incredibly interested to see wat figures are on it, thanks


Sure, I'll unpack it in the next day or so and snap a few. But basically, it's a small unit of Forgeworld Traitor Guardsmen being pushed forward by a Renegade Enforcer. They're all standing up on the big aquila that is included in that terrain kit with the huge marine statue.

08-09-2011, 01:03 PM
thanks, look forward to seeing it

08-11-2011, 11:14 AM
Turrets for the gatehouse! Of course, the bunker/tower tops will not get here until September, thankyouverymuch Quantum freaking Gothic....


08-11-2011, 03:47 PM
thanks, look forward to seeing it

Here are some pics of the WIP base. I'm not going to finish it until I've got the titans right leg finished(currently only the left leg is done).


I'm still considering adding something else, just not sure what. I wanted to break down the statue that came in that box with the Aquila, but there wasn't really enough real estate on my base and I didn't want to go with a larger base.

08-12-2011, 07:00 AM
What a fantastic thread. I love WIP and project logs so much.

We need more pictures :D

08-12-2011, 08:36 AM
Thank you Vman.

I'd like to take a moment(without pictures) to muse on the Hydra turrets from Forgeworld. I'm not going to vent that the barrels were bent into roughly the shape of a pretzel, because honestly they weren't.

I almost think that they need to be rebuilt and re-cast from the ground up, because the "detail" on them can hardly be called that. The turret base itself was fine, but on the autocannons themselves the detail is pretty atrocious looking. I seem to recall the cannons on my father's hydra looking way better.

IT makes me wish I had gone with third party/aftermarket quad autocannons, but I wanted the IG tanks that came with the FW kits.

08-12-2011, 10:34 AM
I cant seem to find Gatehouse Mini's online do you have a website link for them?

08-12-2011, 02:01 PM
I cant seem to find Gatehouse Mini's online do you have a website link for them?

There is no gatehouse minis. Those cannons are from Forge World, and I am going to use them on the gatehouse that I am building.

08-12-2011, 02:15 PM
Excellent, dude!!!

Hope to see more advances soon...

08-19-2011, 02:50 PM
thanks for the pics, it looks good, maybe some razor wire would "cure" the base without too uch overkill

08-21-2011, 03:19 PM
My buddy still has not had the time to cut out bases for my walls yet, so no progress there. But I did dig out something that I picked up at Adepticon....


I have always wanted a deathwing army, but just never went for it. Started some building on a Belial one night while I could not sleep. I really wish that I could find a small lions head that would work as a suitable replacement for the hammer head. I definitely do not want to stick with a normal square head.

08-21-2011, 07:59 PM
High Elf Chariot=lion heads.

09-09-2011, 07:44 AM
So, this project was on hold for a bit while we adjust to the wife going back to work.

Good news is, I finally have the fortress walls back, and now they have bases! I need to glue them down to the bases this weekend and start with the plaster, so I'll have some more pictures early/mid next week.

In the meantime, I've been bit by a new bug. I've been slowly selling off some 40k Orks and thinking about selling the Warmachine Retribution models that I never use, and buying into a smallish Ogre force.

So I bought these for an old Chaos Warriors army that I started in 7th Edition, but I never ended up sticking with it because I couldn't stand the 7th Edition army. I decided to keep them for some reason, so I'm going to turn them into some Ironguts:


I'm building some custom great weapons for them because I don't like most of the weapons that on the sprues.


I am thinking about casting these in resin once they're finished up and I've made a few more because 1) I love Ironguts, and 2) I love Mournfangs and both can wield great weapons.

06-18-2012, 10:18 PM

Finally been getting some time to work on stuff now that my daughter is one year old. It's hard to imagine that I started this thread a year ago.

Anyhow, I've build and 90% painted a Pre-Heresy Space Wolves army that I took to Sukigod's "Waaaghfest" tournament. I'll post some pictures of that when I get the chance to take some nicer ones(and once I add backpacks to the models!).

In the meantime, here is the Fathers Day gift that I built and painted for my Dad, who is an avid Thousand Sons player.


06-19-2012, 02:50 AM

Hands down, the best silver tower I've seen to date.

06-19-2012, 09:25 AM

Hands down, the best silver tower I've seen to date.

Thank you so much! I also found a nice large Magnus the Red aftermarket model that I will be giving to him along with this tower, it just has not yet arrived in the mail.

06-19-2012, 09:34 AM
That tower is sweet Regnir....just amazing.

06-19-2012, 10:29 AM
Oh wow, that's a gorgeous tower indeed. I just love those crystals sticking out at the bottom, they balance the look of the model quite nicely. :D

06-19-2012, 11:36 AM
Yeah, sweet looking tower there Regnir. Your Wolves did place well on painting and now after seeing this, I can see why. Great use of the airbrush and as I mentioned elsewhere, this is very inspirational. Top notch stuff!

06-19-2012, 10:07 PM
Yeah, sweet looking tower there Regnir. Your Wolves did place well on painting and now after seeing this, I can see why. Great use of the airbrush and as I mentioned elsewhere, this is very inspirational. Top notch stuff!

Thank you sir. This is a huge compliment coming from you AZ I WUVZ UR ORKZ!

06-21-2012, 09:37 AM
Well, the newest God Machine is ready for the paintforge!

Gloria Vox, Warlord Titan attached to the Death Guard XVIth. Here is a size comparison:


Left to right: Chaos Space Marine, Mortarion/Daemon Prince, Rhino, 15mm Dreamforge Leviathan/Knight, Warhound, Reaver, Warlord.

I have a full album at https://picasaweb.google.com/117985733387554875267/Warlord?authkey=Gv1sRgCNeku5TYuO3k3wE. Because of the picture attachment limit, I won't attach anything else.

The weapons are modular: I have two apocalyptic missile launchers and two turbo lasers for the shoulders. For arms I have a Lasblaster, a Gatling Cannon, a Volcano Canno, and a Plasma Destructor. The shoulder weapons mount with a pair of heavy magnets, and the arms utilize a set of cleverly hidden bolts.

It weighs a lot.

06-28-2012, 01:56 PM
Been putting some more work into the Reaver and its base. Got a good portion of the remaining armor trim finished last night.


06-28-2012, 01:58 PM
Also, part of my PH Space Wolves army. I did not take these models to WaaghFest the other week, but I did get some initial paint airbrushed on.
