View Full Version : 750pt Dark Eldar Ride of the Valkyries tourney

07-15-2011, 09:49 PM
Short and sweet list for a number of local 750 point tourneys we play. This army is somewhat different compared to my normal lists in the way that everything is super concentrated. The Razorwing and Venom sit back at midfield while the Wyches rush up into the face of their opponent, who has hopefully just been dethroned from any mechanized support. The Blaster Trueborn get a helping hand from the Archon, who uses that whopping BS7 to help drop tanks and dreads like flies.

Archon w/ Blaster

3x Trueborn w/ 3x Blasters
Venom, Nightshields, Splinter Cannon

7x Wyches, Hekatrix w/ Agonizer
Raider, nightshields

7x Wyches, Hekatrix w/ Agonizer
Raider, nightshields

Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Nightshields, Flickerfield

The idea here is to scalpel out hard units with the darklight weapons and lay down a barrage against hordes or clumped infantry with the Razorwing. The darklances also go a long way towards killing GK terminators and MEQs quickly.