View Full Version : If Carlsberg did painting Verdigris...

07-14-2011, 12:52 PM
This is the best ever guid to painting Verdigris I have seen out there. I thought I would share it.

The Website is some chaps called Mad Ponies - this is their work not mine.


07-14-2011, 02:22 PM
If Carlsburg did painting verdigris...would they still come in a green can? Something to think about.

07-21-2011, 03:38 PM
That's a really good article about it, and I've used many of his suggestions to good effect. I did find that his wash recipe didn't work well for me on broad surfaces (I only thinned it with water as he doesn't specify in the tut), so I added rubbing alcohol to the mix and ended up with good results.

I think the best advice for verdigris is to play around with it until you find something that you're comfortable with. He's got great suggestions for colors to use and ways to build up layers, so that's a good place to start. Like many painting effects, verdigris looks better if you take the time to build it up slowly and it is absolutely critical to allow every coat of wash to fully dry before applying the next coat.

If things start to go wrong with verdigris you can also do a thin wash close to the color you started with over the work you've built up. It helps to tone everything down and smooth it out enabling you to take another crack at it without repainting the whole model.

The only other suggestion I have with verdigris is to keep the color pallet of the whole model in mind when choosing to use verdigris as weathering. Depending on you color choices for the rest of the model the verdigris can help make the model pop or it can look really out of place.