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View Full Version : Special Operations: Killzone...anyone else loving this?

Longbottom Leaf
07-14-2011, 07:52 AM
Hello all! :)

Haven't played 40k in a looong time, but a friend of mine got me back into the 40k universe with Special Operations : Killzone!

Linky (http://galaxyinflames.blogspot.com/2010/07/special-operations-killzone-skirmish.html)

It has been a ton of fun!

Anyone else really loving this more Skirmish feel to 40k?

If so, what are some of your fav teams to run?

Longbottom Leaf
07-14-2011, 10:42 AM
I guess not...:D

07-14-2011, 12:47 PM
Actually we are going to run a month long Killzone league at my FLGS all through August. It will give us a bunch of small games to play inbetween the tune up games for Ard Boyz and give th eguys that don't play in Ard Boyz a fun event to participate in. I've only played a couple of game but it's fast and fun.

07-15-2011, 09:36 PM
It's a fantastically fun game.

Not to mention, the potential for sick and twisted combinations is almost unending.

Case in point: Striking Scorpion Exarch w/chainsabres as a team leader (+1 wnd free) plus the rending skill. (that's 5 attacks on the charge re-rolling to hit and wound with rending) Ouch.

Or a Dire Avenger Exarch with twin catapults and the "reroll armor saves" power.

How about a Fire Dragon Exarch w/fire pike, crack shot exarch power and the "extra shot" shooting skill?

It's just a thing of beauty, the evil you can dream up. And that's just the now out-dated eldar codex.

Cripes--to think of what I could do with the new GK or DE dexes? The mind boggles...

07-15-2011, 11:13 PM
Can't use any GKs. No psykers allowed, apparently.

07-16-2011, 07:59 AM
Incorrect. There's nothing in the rules about no psykers. And I just downloaded the updated rules (I was working off an older set.)

IG can have a psychic battle squad.

Eldar can have a warlock.

Daemonhunters can have a psychic inquisitor. (Yes, they haven't updated the errata to show the new GK dex yet--so possibly no inquisitor/henchmen from the GK dex can be used at this time.)

'Nids still get Zoanthropes.

So you can still get a lot of juice from the GK. You just can't have any inquisitorial stuff until the update it with a new errata.

07-16-2011, 02:20 PM
Hm, i know i saw it somewhere, maybe they tried it in one version but got rid of it in the more recent ones. Good thing tool because that would be a stupid rule.

07-17-2011, 05:04 AM
My group tends to do a couple of Killzone games followed by some standard 40K. They're quick and fun. We all drive a couple of hours to get together, so being able to get a few games in is a good thing.