View Full Version : Storm of Magic Overview/Review

07-12-2011, 01:19 PM
Here's our Storm of Magic Overview/Review:

QCG: Storm of Magic Review (http://queencityguard.com/index.php/2011/07/12/review-storm-of-magic-there-be-monsters/)

C&C appreciated. Enjoy!

07-12-2011, 06:54 PM
I don't usually care about fantasy, but when I do, I prefer to read reviews of new products from QCG. Thanks I enjoyed it!

07-12-2011, 07:53 PM
I don't usually care about fantasy, but when I do, I prefer to read reviews of new products from QCG. Thanks I enjoyed it!

Thanks. Our co-editor is doing a cockatrice paint on our YouTube channel, I believe.

07-13-2011, 11:05 AM
Good review, although you probably should have mentioned the fact that you can take 'Sorcerous Pacts' in addition to Monsters. Being able to add a unit of Daemons, a Vampire or a War Sphinx, etc., to your existing army is an interesting way for people to try out a unit or add an interesting spin to their normal army.

07-13-2011, 11:39 AM
Snap, good call. I think I forgot about it because it's only, what? Three pages?

Definitely worth noting, and I'll adjust accordingly.

07-24-2011, 12:36 AM
Forgive and indulge me for just a moment while I rant. First of all, I can't disaggree more with this review, except on one point; the book is acetically pleasing and the artwork is impressive. However, it is also combersome for any practical standard. Please, oh holy god, I'm sick of hearing how cool the spinner in the book is. The book is big and has an even bigger profile when laid on the table making the spinner impractical for game play. Not to mention the fact that I've had the magnet in the book stick to all kinds of stuff. A die would have been much more practical. And the fold out cover makes it hard to hold and read. The rules are simple witch I usually like for a wargame, however, I don't think they even come close to matching a standard to reach a level of game on par with Apocalypse. Most of the cataclsm spells are just over the top and while some might say they make for "absolutly hilarious game changers" I would say that they bring a level of stupidity to a core rules system whose tactical and stratagy driven system I greatly appreciate. I like the thought of an objective based game and the arcane fulcrums are a cool idea, but are unbalanced by the fact that they count as buildings whose rules are already broke (our local community only beleives there are only five scenerios in the core book). I also really don't care for the new models. The chimera doesnt even look like a chimera (head of a dragon, goat, and eagle), and why is the third head coming out of it's back? Why is the cockatrice model staring directly at the ground? Really does anything in the world run around a battlefield like that. Lammasu... weak. Tarus... Weak. Fen beasts... weak. Culminate all of the above and the outragous price of $49.99 almost makes me want to puke.

There is however a silver lining; the new black dragon looks like a cool and I'm sure fun kit, and all the new sorceror models ('bout time we see these) look great. and I'm absolutly thrilled that they're in plastic and not resin. :)

07-24-2011, 02:44 AM
w8 a min m8 you moan how its no where near close apocalypse and moan about over the top spells?

Cmon Apocalypse is way over the top. at least in SOM everyone gets something, I mean look at armies like tau in 40k nothing they can use in apocalypse that is anywhere near powerful enough to combat stupid baneblades over the topness is provided in store.

Also the book isnt that big and not as if you should keep the book on the gaming table for the game.

This has to be one of the best expantions yet.

07-24-2011, 02:41 PM
Let's see...you can't even figure out how to use the rulebook on a table and we're supposed to take your criticisms seriously? Besides the fact that I personally disagree with just about everything you said in your rant, I'd like to point out that SoM is nothing like Apocalypse...I keep seeing this comparison being made and I really can't understand it. SoM can be played at any point level, it has a completely new set of Victory conditions, it in no way changes the build of your basic armies (there are no 'SoM Formations' that are specific to an individual army..virtually everything in the book can be taken by ANY Army), etc., etc.. Everytime I see this comparison being made, my first thought is that the writer has no idea what he/she is talking about..

07-24-2011, 08:01 PM
While I agree that the little book cover nub does make it hard to page through the SoM book for the purpose of general reading and rules reference I disagree entirely about everything else.

Include a die? As much as I think the spinner is fairly cheap and will break down over time... that's better than losing my special "winds of magic" die. Ideally in a year from now if I decide I want to play SoM I'd rather be able to just break out the book than be forced to search through my large collection of dice to find one specific die.

As for the Chimera, have you ever even seen classical art pieces of a chimera? One of the heads is most definitely coming out of the back. GW just made it look a little more anatomically correct. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_(mythology) ).

The Cockatrice is reeling back and preparing the strike at something directly in front. Looking up some images of roosters fighting (don't take this as an endorsement for an illegal sport either). You will see the head down to protect the vulnerable arteries in the neck, the claws up, and the wings out. This pretty much mimics the exact pose of the cockatrice.

Buildings aren't broken. I've never even heard this argument before. It's hard to shift units out of buildings but hey.. welcome to the point of buildings. I do think there should be size restrictions for how many models fit into a building, but that's about it.

Really, you are complaining about the magnet sticking to other magnetic things? How about just keeping other magnetic surfaces away from the book... it's not like the magnets are particularly powerful... they barely hold the cover together. Last I checked they weren't pulling metal forks from across the room and I haven't seen a single image of someone putting their SoM book on the fridge. This is just complaining for the sake of complaining now.

07-25-2011, 05:39 AM
Forgive and indulge me for just a moment while I rant. First of all, I can't disaggree more with this review, except on one point; the book is acetically pleasing and the artwork is impressive. However, it is also combersome for any practical standard. Please, oh holy god, I'm sick of hearing how cool the spinner in the book is. The book is big and has an even bigger profile when laid on the table making the spinner impractical for game play. Not to mention the fact that I've had the magnet in the book stick to all kinds of stuff. A die would have been much more practical. And the fold out cover makes it hard to hold and read. The rules are simple witch I usually like for a wargame, however, I don't think they even come close to matching a standard to reach a level of game on par with Apocalypse. Most of the cataclsm spells are just over the top and while some might say they make for "absolutly hilarious game changers" I would say that they bring a level of stupidity to a core rules system whose tactical and stratagy driven system I greatly appreciate. I like the thought of an objective based game and the arcane fulcrums are a cool idea, but are unbalanced by the fact that they count as buildings whose rules are already broke (our local community only beleives there are only five scenerios in the core book). I also really don't care for the new models. The chimera doesnt even look like a chimera (head of a dragon, goat, and eagle), and why is the third head coming out of it's back? Why is the cockatrice model staring directly at the ground? Really does anything in the world run around a battlefield like that. Lammasu... weak. Tarus... Weak. Fen beasts... weak. Culminate all of the above and the outragous price of $49.99 almost makes me want to puke.

There is however a silver lining; the new black dragon looks like a cool and I'm sure fun kit, and all the new sorceror models ('bout time we see these) look great. and I'm absolutly thrilled that they're in plastic and not resin. :)

1) There is whole seperate thread looking at the design of the book (and how frustrating it is).
2) GW has stated on number of occasions that whilst they are inspired by real world things, they aren't constrained by them. Trish Morrison makes that very point on the Cockatrice on p33 of the current WD. And FYI, Chimera's aren't real, so you can make them look however you want.
3) Building's are broken? You are going to have to elaborate on that.
4) Catclysm spells might be OTT, but even in a SoM game you aren't going to be casting them that often.
5) SoM is still a very tactical game, it's just the tatics you need to use to win are different to those in the main game. If you don't like these tatics, thats cool, you don't have to play them.
6) Comparisons to Apocalypse are totally inappropriate. It is a different game system and is trying to do something very different to Apoc. GW has never billed this as 'Fantasy Apocalypse', that is something you have doen for yourself. You would be better of comparing it to Planetstrike or Cities of Death, which are trying to introduce a different way of paying and using scenery with the game mechanics, rather than Apoc, which is just turning things up to 11.
7) You are right about the dragon looking awesome.

07-25-2011, 07:53 AM
There is however a silver lining; the new black dragon looks like a cool and I'm sure fun kit, and all the new sorceror models ('bout time we see these) look great. and I'm absolutly thrilled that they're in plastic and not resin. :)

Don't be afraid of resin. It isn't going to hurt you.

07-25-2011, 08:18 AM
Don't be naive, everyone knows resin is going to rape his father, murder his mother and raze his city to the ground, throwing up an unholy mound of skulls from which to summon its fel god from the eldritch beyond.

Don't be afraid of resin. It isn't going to hurt you.

07-25-2011, 09:39 AM
Resin for the Resin God! The most powerful being in existence provided he doesn't get bent slightly too much or get too hot. :)

07-25-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm still flabbergasted by the melting problems. I haven't had a single resin piece melt, and a few of mine were in my BF bag in my car for the past 2 weeks.

07-26-2011, 03:18 AM
Can't say I know anyone that has experience it either. I guess extremes of heat will melt it, but I can't see how most people will generate that, short of sticking them in the oven or something stupid.

07-26-2011, 03:39 AM
Lammasu... weak. Tarus... Weak. Fen beasts... weak.

These aren't new sculpts, they're classic models re-released. Personally I like the Taurus model, but agree with the others. It's nice that they're available again though.