View Full Version : Best way to turn SM scout bikes into IG roughriders

07-12-2011, 02:26 AM
What is the best way to turn SM scout bikes into IG roughriders?

More specifically, what is the best was to arm the bikes with lances?

Are there any bits that you could use to make some of lance count-as or shaped-charge count-as that could protrude in some way from the bike, rather than just have the biker with a lance-arm?

07-12-2011, 03:25 AM
I know it's not an answer to your question but I have always really liked this guys Elysian Rough riders.
I've bought one of these bikes to give it a go myself. Hopefully it might inspire you.


07-12-2011, 10:20 AM
Having done this exact conversion a while ago. i can help here



I used old bretonian lance arms. i suppose you could just the lance hands off and attach to a laspistol arm or something like that.

07-12-2011, 12:09 PM
expacifist, thanks for those pics! I reckon I can do this now (money and motivation pending :p)

07-12-2011, 01:23 PM
Here's another idea for you. I used the IG bodies/legs and simply cut the legs using green stuff to reshape the hips. I'm gonna eventially change the weapons to have spear tips.


Rift Knight
07-13-2011, 09:25 PM
I don't know if this helps, but I made traditional style riders with Cadians and Wood Elf Glade Riders. Used glade riders horses and legs, cadian torsos and heads and did cutting and glueing to combine arms lances and guns. They actually turned out pretty good. If my son will let me use his camera I'll try to put up some pics.

Rift Knight

07-13-2011, 10:53 PM
What is the best way to turn SM scout bikes into IG roughriders?

More specifically, what is the best was to arm the bikes with lances?

Are there any bits that you could use to make some of lance count-as or shaped-charge count-as that could protrude in some way from the bike, rather than just have the biker with a lance-arm?

A good option would be Empire Knight arms on Cadian bodies and bikes, for two reasons: First off, they have a solid, plate mail arm holding a lance that could be easily made up to look like a reinforced or bionic arm. Second, you actually have weapon options left over for the Knights themselves. If your LFGS has a fantasy community, or one of your friends plays fantasy Empire, offer to go in a few bucks on a box of knights and you'll get 8 of the things. That's assuming they don't already have a few, of course.