View Full Version : New FAQs - Orks, GK, BRB, Marines

07-11-2011, 02:16 PM
New Ork FAQ is up. (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1490295a_Orks_Version_1_1.pdf)

Some highlights:

Q: If an Independent Character on a warbike joins
Snikrot’s unit before the game starts, can they still turn
up using the Ambush special rule? (p62)
A: Yes (lol).

Q: Can an Ork that is attacking an enemy vehicle by
using a boarding plank do so even if his unit fired at a
different target in the Shooting phase? (p93)
A: Yes.

Q: Can a Walker attack back against an Ork attacking
him from a boarding plank? (p93)
A: No.

Q: Is a deff rolla a weapon that can be destroyed by a
Weapon Destroyed result on the damage table? (p55)
A: No.

Q: Can a unit of Tankbustas choose to Run in the
Shooting phase if there is a vehicle in line of sight but
out of range of their weapons? (p42)
A: No.

Q: What cover save does kustom force field give to a
vehicle within 6" of it? (p35)
A: 4+. Note that for a squadron of vehicles only those
within 6” of the custom force filed will count as

There are more additions - some stuff about Deffkoptas, Waaghs, and a couple of correction. A surprisingly thorough set of answers really.

New GK one too! (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1830601a_Grey_Knights_v1_1.pdf)

Q: If a Librarian embarked on a vehicle attempts to use
Vortex of Doom and fails his psychic test, what
happens? (p25)
A: Place the template over the vehicle the Librarian is
embarked in and resolve the hit against the vehicle’s
rear armor value.

Q: What happens to an embarked Dreadnought that
suffers an Immobilized result from the hit when the
Stormraven it is embarked in Explodes? (p37)
A: It is Destroyed as it is unable to disembark.

Q. Can a vehicle with the Power of the Machine Spirit
fire a weapon on the turn the vehicle uses Smoke
Launchers? (p36)
A. No.

Q: Can a Stormraven Gunship that has moved flat out
still use its Power of the Machine Spirit to fire one gun?
A: Yes.

Q: Is a unit that assaults, or is assaulted by, multiple
units with rad or psychotroke grenades subjected to
the effects multiple times? (p60-61)
A: No.

Q: Can a Librarian use The Summoning psychic power
on a vehicle with troops embarked upon it? (p25)
A: Yes, as long as it has the Warp Stabilisation Field

& more

Space Marines got two changes:

Page 97 – Wargear, Chainfist
Change to “See the Terminator entry on page 64. Note
that a chainfist on an Ironclad Dreadnought is a
Dreadnought close combat weapon that rolls 2D6 for
armour penetration.

and the Vortex of Doom one same as the GKs.

The main rulebook has some changes too (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1830600a_40k_Rulebook_version_1_4.pdf):

Q: Are a vehicle’s wings considered to be part of its
hull? (p60)
A: Yes.

Q: Does a unit with the Scout special rule pass it on to
any vehicle it is embarked in? (p76)
A: No.

Q: Can a vehicle with the Scout special rule still Scout
or Outflank if it has a unit embarked in it that doesn’t
have the Scout special rule? (p76)
A: Yes.

There are a few other ones, but they're the most interesting. Tau (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1760102a_Tau_Empire_Version_1_1.pdf)might be new, but I don't really know as it's not dated.

07-11-2011, 02:44 PM
Holy cow the Ork FQ is something, 4+ cover save from the force field is surprising

07-11-2011, 03:06 PM
I don't see anything new in the Tau one

07-11-2011, 03:28 PM
Holy cow the Ork FQ is something, 4+ cover save from the force field is surprising

Uhhh... no it's not. Obscured vehicles get a 4+ cover save. KFFs make vehicles count as obscured. I don't know why they even needed to put this in the FAQ.

07-11-2011, 05:05 PM
Because some people don't know how to read....

07-11-2011, 05:13 PM
My bad! I don't use a KFF I just glanced over it a while back and assumed it gave everything a 5+ forgot it said obscured, you are correct this should be a no-brainer

07-11-2011, 07:30 PM
Q: Are a vehicle’s wings considered to be part of its
hull? (p60)
A: Yes.

So does this mean I can target a vehicle's wing with my shooting, thus using the closer distance from my weapon?

07-11-2011, 08:16 PM
Q: Are a vehicle’s wings considered to be part of its
hull? (p60)
A: Yes.

So does this mean I can target a vehicle's wing with my shooting, thus using the closer distance from my weapon?

I thought that would be more for blast weapons that scatter not for TLoS purposes.

Then again with GW, they trueley intended to baffle us with these FAQs. :p

Duo Sonata
07-11-2011, 08:17 PM
Ironclads chainfist no longer striking at I1 is mildly entertaining however the immobilized dreadnought dying in a crashed stormraven seems harsh but at least it's unlikely to ever happen. Don't much care for the nerf on Psykostoke grenades tho, that's quite the pisser. Would have been nice if they clarrified wheither or not Summoning is affected by teleport homers.

07-11-2011, 08:18 PM
The Ork KFF dealing with the squadron was nice to see. Now that screen of killa kans just got a little tighter. HA! Take that big meks.

07-11-2011, 09:01 PM
Holy cow the Ork FQ is something, 4+ cover save from the force field is surprising

It's always been a 4+ cover save for vheclies, and +5 for infantry thow. The rule says that infantry get a +5 cover save, and vheclies count as being obscured. It dose not give a specif save or anything to the vheclie. So since the main rule book says 4+ for obscured vehicles, that's the save you use.

I don't get why some people needed this FAQ'd, by RAW it's always worked that way.

The squadron thing is also another thing that was stright foreword IMHO, but I can atleast see why some people might it cleared. Alot of people see to get confused by vheclie squadron rules and cover.

07-11-2011, 09:08 PM
My personal fav is from the Grey Knights FAQ

Q: Some Grey Knights squads can take a Razorback as a
dedicated transport. A Razorback has a transport
capacity of six models. Can you still choose this as a
dedicated transport for a squad with more than six
models? (p92)

A: Yes.

07-13-2011, 02:41 AM
killa kans are cool , especiall when you see a large numer of the little critters out shooting other things in an ork army lol

07-14-2011, 02:19 AM
All in all I think these are pretty good FAQs, I agree with all of them (don't like some of them though! :)) and think that the majority of them were mainly common sense but it's nice to have them in print.

The only one I find a little odd is being able to ram Valks/Vendettas/Stormravens with your tanks! I picture giant ramps with Land Raiders revving up behind them so they can take flying leaps at skimmers! :)

Glad they sorted out wings/hull which I always thought was pretty obvious but know that it wasn't to everybody, as well as using the base for working out whether it is above enemy models or not. Again, that one to me seems like common sense.

The only one I'm not happy with, purely from a personal point of view, is weapons with specified strengths not benefitting from the +1 strength bonus from furious charge.

Makes Straken slightly weaker (but not enough for me to stop using him) and also makes me question the value of Mogul Kamir in a Rough Rider unit. Once the hunting lances are done I don't tend to charge them back in, although I guess +1 strength on a standard Guardsman isn't something to be sniffed at, just think there are better ways of getting it than Mogul Kamir.

Otherwise though I am happy they are updating these a bit more regularly.

I am hoping that we might see a return to the good old days of White Dwarf with a monthly reader's questions style article that could clear these sort of things up a bit faster, although being written 3 months prior to publication might make that tricky.

For once well done GW for producing these. Now if only they could get the rulebook and Codices written in sucj a way that regular FAQs wouldn't be necessary I would be a happy man! ;)