View Full Version : looking for a little help against Vulkan

07-10-2011, 08:48 PM
I redone my 1st ever 40k army, that I started back in 2nd Ed, my Blood Angels. Over the last few months I've tried about 12 different lists, and had very mixed luck. My regular opponenet runs a vulkan salamanders list that tears me up. If I'm lucky I can make it about 3 turns before he's reduced me down to an unwinnable position. Vulkan himself is a real problem but the massed flammers and melltas take out just about whatever I throw his way. I have also noted that as his troops are so much cheaper, a mistake is not so nearly costly. Any suggestions on a new angle, not nessecarly a new list. As far as what I have tried I've done a mech list and a hvy dread list as well as aversion of DOA.

07-10-2011, 11:56 PM
Could we have a base list? Stuff that you run, could choose to run or prefer to run? Sometimes, it's really the tactical application and less an issue of dice.

A good idea of what his list typically looks like would also be good. In fact, it might be more crucial to understanding him.

I would initially suspect that you are having a hard time getting off charges, because Blood Angels should often give him lots of trouble in CC. Do you use Sanguinary Priests? 3+/FNP is often the difference between a winning and losing list. My Dark Eldar have one more games do to acquiring FNP at the right moment than I care to count.

07-11-2011, 06:52 AM
Salamanders are an extremely tough army in a tight firefight. If I read you correctly, you've figured that the flamer/melta rerolls just makes for a brutal close range firefight.

Not knowing much about your list, its hard to make a specific comment, but allow me to contribute a suggestion. Sallies don't usually have a lot of long range firepower. Use this to your advantage.

You need to spend a turn or two setting up your attack, you want to launch everything at once, but do so in a way that keeps you from getting shot up in the process. In other words, don't send in units piecemeal, make sure you're launching your assaults in tandem, and whenever you can, try to put two units on one of his.

I play alot of ork players locally. I can handle anything they throw at me, if it comes one at a time. If the player can bring it all at the same time, its tough to hold the line.

For what its worth.

07-11-2011, 09:13 AM
I suggest using Stormravens. It ignores the Melta rule, and it is whicked fast. A blood taloned dread in tow can make short work of the marines.

07-22-2011, 03:20 AM

Indeed if we have a basic list we can help :)
I Run a vulcan list with droppods ( sternguards & ironclads ) . So i know where the strong and weak points are :)

07-22-2011, 06:32 AM
I've found that vanguard veterans with a few power weapons can be a very useful sacrifical unit if you can deep strike them well and get off a multi charge to hopefully tie up a couple of units while the rest of your army maneuvers to assault.

Like Tynskel I would also recommend stormravens due to its maneuverability and protection from meltas. They carry a large amount of weapons which can help to thin out your opponents before assault too.