View Full Version : A new army list challenge - The VEGAN!

07-10-2011, 07:46 AM
OK, this is somewhat of a counterpart to the Malton Necromancer 500pt challenge, and in some ways less demanding - in others possibly more so. I went to a local club recently and it occurred to me that, although I don't play the uber-max of tournament lists (my usual suspects, CSM, have no oblits nor lash in - being Khorne I spit a little on lash princes.) Anyway after issuing a drubbing, I thought, how can I limit and challenge myself and not trot out the same stuff again and again.

And thats how the VEGAN was born. VEGAN because they eat absolutely no animal products, so no cheese or spam allowed.

Here is the vegan challenge:

The disclaimers first: As with MN and the 500, don't try and change it, whinge about it or anything - its about reaching a point where if you minmax tournament style, you've a good chance - so it is a conscious handicap. Do or do not, I care not, but don't whinge. I know this may be unbalanced but in my circumstances it will be tres amusent, YMMV.

Points - just use your usual points for whatever you are playing.

How this works: You must choose 1 HQ and 2 troops first. You then fill up the rest of your army by choosing units from the sections in order they are found in the codex.

Ie 1 x HQ, 2 x troops, then 1 x elites, then 1 x fast attack, then 1 x HS, before going back to 1 x HQ, 1 x elites, 1 x troops, 1 x fast attack, 1 x HS.

Limitations: Unless your codex has only 1 option in a given slot, you must choose one of each unit type before selecting a second. For example, SW, first could be Grey hunters or Blood Claws, second will be the opposite, third could be either, fourth will be what you only have one of and so on.

HQs: MUST be either named characters OR codex specific entries for your first choice. If you come round to a second, you can choose anything. However, no second choices unless they are from the same Chapter/Craftworld/Traitor Legion/Icon of Chaos/Guard Regiment/Ork Clan/Your codex division structure here.

So, for example, vanilla marines. Can't take a captain, commander or librarian first (as these come into DA, BA, BT etc). Must be named. If they take from Hestan or Lysander they can go for the generics second, but can't add Cassius or whoever. In fact ultras are probably the only ones if i recall who could do 2 x named.

CSM: take kharn, no bile or lash prince (because they are slaanesh). Take Ghazkull? No non-Goff characters. Take Creed? he is Cadian, so no Straken etc.

All other FOC slots: The player MUST take their first choice as a codex specific entry for example Blood Angels: Cannot take tac marines first as they are also in Codex Space Marine. Could take a jump pack troop squad first, then a tac squad as the second troop.

Unit upgrade characters: Limited by your HQ choice. So, IG: If you went Cadian (Creed) you cannnot have Harker as a squad Sgt (Catachan). If you went Lysander (Imperial Fists) no Telion or Chronus.

Vehicles including transports: 1 of each type until you have exhausted all options. Spacewolf example: You have 4 squads you want to transport. The options are rhino, pod, razorback. You may have one of each and the fourth can be one of any of these, the fifth one of the 2 you only have one of etc.

Squadrons are allowed to have multiple vehicles within legal choices. So, IG, you can have a LR squadron in HS, and assuming you get round to HS again, you can go Basilisks and if you got round to HS a third time you could have bombards or Hydras whatever.

Unit arming limitations. You may only use the same WEAPON options in a unit once. So, if you have troops choices, you may only have 1 x plasma squad, then next you must use say , melta, and next something else. this does not apply to wargear.

I will post up some examples later. If you do this, it restricts you. But, it channelises you into using YOUR own codex army, not creating a hodgepodge - it will be fluffy and with no cheese and minimal spam unless you are playing a squillion points. I would appreciate thoughts and comments!

07-10-2011, 09:17 AM
I like this game :)

Just to clarify: say I'm building a BA list, and take Dante (who unlocks Sanguinary Guard as a Troop choice). Can I then take Sanguinary Guard as my first troop choice, or are we playing it very strict in that your first Troop choice must be only from that section, rather than an "unlockable" unit?

Because a Dante/Sanguinary Guard list is the one I'm thinking of doing...

Oh, and what of things like the Death Company Dreadnought? Do I have to purchase him with the Death Company. or do I have to wait until I've gone through the other slots first?

Sorry to be a pain; I'm in the middle of list-building a BA army right now, and this seems like quite a fun way to do it :)

07-10-2011, 10:06 AM
I would say Sang guard as an unlock are OK (roger the Logan/Wolfguard troops.)

Wrt the death coy dread, I don't know the entry - do you only get it after death company? I would say you could go death company into troop slot 1, then the dread into 2. However if death company are your second choice because you took jump marines, the death company dread wouldn't be able to be chosen until you had had 1 x FA, then 1 x HS, then 1 x HQ, then 1 x elite!

The other guy
07-10-2011, 10:39 AM
Something like this??

Dark Eldar 1500 Vegan

Baron Sthonyx
Unlocked Troop - Hellions x 20 (320)
Troop2 - Wytches x 10, Razorflail, Hydra-gauntlets, Hekatrix
In Raider, Night Shields (200)

Elite - Bloodbrides x 5, Haywire Granades, Shardnet
In Venom, Splinter Cannon (150)

Fast - Reavers x 6, Caltrops, Arena Champion armed with Power Wpn (172)

Heavy - Voidraven Bomber with Implosion Missile, Shatterfield Missile, Night Shields, Flicker Fields (205)

HQ 2 - Kheraduakh

Elite 2 - Mandrakes x 6 (90)

Troop 3 - Warriors x 5, Blaster
In a Venom (115)

Total - 1497

07-10-2011, 10:50 AM
TOG - awesome, 'zackly so. Now you may be grinning that this is a killer DE list - I genuinely don't know cos I've never played them. This Vegan method may be harder with older codexes (of course!?!) but them's the breaks!

I will still come up with one for my main armies soon.

Master Bryss
07-10-2011, 12:57 PM
So, the challenge is to build a list like I normally build lists, except I'm not allowed the 1 or 2 clones I sometimes allow myself? Fair enough. I also find it disconcerting that this challenge has so far only been taken by Brits...

Master Bryss' Typical 1500 Dark Eldar (Modified):

HQ1- Aurelia Malys- 130

T1- 20 Kabalites with Blaster and 2 Splinter Cannons- 215

T2- 10 Wyches with 2 Shardnets and Hekatrix with Agoniser- 150
T2- Raider with Flickerfield- 70

E1- 5 Incubi inc.Klaivex with Demiklaives- 145
E1- Venom- 55

F1- 5 Reavers with 1 Cluster Caltrops- 130

H1- Ravager with three Dark Lances, Night Shield, Flickerfield- 125

HQ2- Haemonculus Ancient with Hexrifle (unlocks Wracks as Troops)- 95

E2- 9 Trueborn with 2 Splinter Cannons and 7 Shardcarbines- 163
E2- Raider with Night Shield, Flickerfield- 80

T3- 10 Wracks with Liquifier Gun and Acothyst with Agoniser- 140

Should come to 1498

Commander Vimes
07-10-2011, 05:32 PM
I'm not exactly sure how the differing weapons outfitting is supposed to work, but assuming that it is no two units of the same type may be equipped with the same combination of weapons, here's a list. You also don't specify how units without FO slots, such as lesser demons, work.

Guard 2k

1st HQ
CCS w/ 4 plasma guns, Astropath: 140
Chimera: 55

1st Troop
PCS w/ 4 meltas: 70
Chimera: 55
Infantry Squad w/ melta: 60
Chimera 55
Infantry Squad w/ flamer: 55
Chimera 55
Infantry Squad w/ Autocannon: 60
Chimera 55
Infantry Squad w/ Grenade Launcher, Autocannon: 65
Chimera 55
Infantry Squad w/ flamer, Autocannon: 65
Chimera 55
Special Weapons Squad w/ 3 melta: 65
Special Weapons Squad w/ 3 flamers, 50

2nd Troop
Vets w/ 3 meltas: 100
Chimera: 55

1st Elite
Psyker Battle Squad w/ 6 Psykers: 80
Chimera: 55

1st Fast Attack
Vendetta: 130

1st Heavy Support
2 Hydras: 150

2nd HQ
Tech Priest w/ 2 servitors: 75

2nd Elite
5x Storm Troopers w/ 2 meltas: 105
Chimera: 55

3rd Troop
Penal Legion: 80

2nd Fast Attack:
Valkyrie w/ Heavy Bolter Sponson: 110

2000 Points

Storm Troops Deep Strike and the SWS and Penal Legion divvy up their chimera, the Vendetta, and the Valk as I wish. Strategy is to overrun the enemy with 12 Chimera Chassis and 2 Valk Chassis. I've got four reasonably good melta units and a ton of suppressing fire from the Autocannons and multilasers. The Tech Priest is there to run around and repair immobilized chimeras, he'll ride with the CCS most of the time. I have ten mobile scoring units which is going to be a huge advantage as most other lists under this format will struggle to reach a 4th Troops choice. The Astropath lets me go all reserve if I want to, and easily can being fully meched.

07-10-2011, 06:19 PM
Commander a nice list. As to Lesser daemons or no force-org entries, as long as you have your 1 xhq, 2 x troops compulsories, you could choose one of the lesser daemons or equivalent when you ticked around to wherever in the codex they sit. So for example, lesser demons would be 3rd choice troops as they can't be one of your compulsories (If I remember...)

07-10-2011, 08:19 PM
I was going to do a DE list, but there have already been a few of those, so...

HQ1: Eldrad - 210
5 Warlocks - 1 Enhance, 1 Embolden, 1 Destructor, 1 Spear - 158

T1: 5 Dire Avengers - 60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones - 110
T2: 3 Jetbikes - 66

EL1: 5 Fire Dragons - 80
Wave Serpent - 110

FA1: Vyper: Shuriken Cannon - 50

HS1: Falcon: Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Holofields, Vectored Engines - 185

HQ2: Farseer: Fortune, Doom, Spirit Stones, Runes of Witnessing - 140
7 Warlocks - 1 Enhance, 1 Embolden, 2 Destructor, 2 Spears - 221
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones - 110


or slightly more fluffy

HQ1: Vulken - 190

EL1: 5 Terminators: TH/SS - 200
Transport: Land Raider Redeemer: Extra Armour, Multimelta - 265

T1: 5 Marines: - 90
Transport: Razorback: Twin Heavy Flamers - 65
T2: 10 Scouts: Camo Cloaks - 170

FA1: 2 Land Speeders: Multi-Meltas - 120

HS1: Predator: Autocannon, 2 Lascannons - 120

HQ2: Librarian - Null Zone, Gate of Inifinty - 100

EL2: Iron Clad Dreadnought: Meltagun, Heavy Flamer, Extra Armour, Drop Pod - 180