View Full Version : Your Opinion On My 1k Sons Project; Artificer Or Terminator

07-10-2011, 04:58 AM
I’m slowly starting work on a Thousand Sons Scarab Occult army after being inspired by both the Horus Heresy novel I read in Febuary and the artwork in the Horus Heresy Visions artbooks.

I was even more eager with the Grey Knight codex and Tomb Kings coming out. The best models for the job were the Forgeworld Iron armour warriors as the Thousand Sons always have gold or white rims on their armour, plus the helmets are similar to those in the artbook. So here are the first two models…



Sadly while these forge world conversions look brilliant, I’m not about to spend over £50 for each squad, so I’m been thinking of using them as GK terminators. And now we get to issue at hand.

Of course as you can see from these two I plan to model every warrior to look like a hardened veteran, attached wargear and robes, the iron armour should represent artificer armour very well and I've also modelled a personal teleporter on the backpack.

The main reasons behind using these models as count as terminators are...

1. The armour looks fantastic
2. I can get more interesting poses like the one with the halberd
3. 40k Fiction often tells of lone heroic astartes taking on whole hordes of enemy warriors, it be nice to have an army where that was a bit more true.
4. Money, I had planned to do a purifer list but I just can't afford to buy that many iron armour kits and all the bits required.
5. I can make a pre-heresy Ahriman to go with the army


I'm hoping I'll be able to convince people of reasons why this conversion could work as a terminator...

The 2+ Save - Artificer armour (the armour does look unique compared to standard issue.)
Storm Bolter - Psychic Bolts / Offensive Psychic Powers (psi bolt ammo)
5+ Inv - Kin Sheilds and other defensive powers
Deep Strike - Teleporter Pack (as modelled)
Nemesis Weapon - represented on the model
Unable to perform sweeping advance - the 1k Sons careful nature.

The large backpack makes it as tall as a terminator and even if it didn't they're all being mounted on raised bases and there just a few mm slimmer. I've also mounted them on a 40mm bases and will not include any power armoured warriors in the army.

However because I attend several tournaments during the year I need to consider how my opponents will react to them, as I don't want to put weeks into painting these models if people will react in a negative way as I believe few people will be able to realise they're terminators until I've told them.
Plus how will people react to none of them being modelled with any type of ranged weapons even thou it will be easy to tell which of them is armed with the specialist weaponry?

Because of this I have come up with an alternative Grey Knight Terminator conversion that actually uses GK Terminator bits, however the huge downside is that it uses a large number of non-gw bits…

Chapterhouse Studio’s Thousand Son Terminator pads,
Micro Art’s Steampunk robed legs that happen to be terminator sized,
& Scibor Miniature’s Egyptian Head Crests and small shields.

The end result would be similar to this guy but modelled as a Thousand Son > http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h438/HadrielCaine/Deathwing/DSC02562.jpg

This could cause issues at Throne Of Skulls which I attend twice every year, plus other GW based tournaments. I guess I could get away with saying I green stuffed the robes. I guess if I go with the terminators I could always use forge world conversions as purifiers or interceptors. One other problem is I don't have a much modelling flexibility and as many bits to choose from compared to the artificer armoured versions for my characters.

People say I should stick with the artificer but they aren’t tournament players which is why I choose to post this question on this forum. So I would like to hear your opinions on the matter as both the artificer & terminator armoured warriors will look great and both have advantages and disadvantages, so given what I've said and after looking at the 2 models (& the possible alternative) what are your thoughts about the issue?