View Full Version : 2000pts CSM vs Blood Angels DoA

Bedroom General
07-09-2011, 10:53 PM
Ok, the story so far.
This is the first time that I am going to REALLY need help in list building. Its a grudge match between my CSM and my friend's Blood Angels. These foes haven't met since 3rd ed, so I don't have the familiarity with that 'dex that I have with most others, mostly.

He's been playng SOB and IG for years. So he sidles up and starts talking about how great the new 'dex is now that he's starting to play 'em again (including mashing up a really good Ultramarine player we both know.) so of course its on! 2000pts a piece.

He'll probably use (from memories of his ridiculously well painted army) Mephiston, Dreads with those blood talons ( he has old dreads, so we'll allow proxy load outs), lots of assault jumpers, a Baal, termies etc etc. He was going on about DoA a lot and knowing his aggressive playing style(even with IG!) I expect that his gleeful description of pinpoint deep striking will occur all over my force by turn 2 at least.

Anyway, with that garbled info to digest, I present to you my list.
Currently 1996pts

DP MON Warp time, Wings (only Princes I have are Nurgle)
Kharn the Betrayer

8x Khorne B, Ch PF (with Kharn in LR)

8x Khorne B, Ch PF, Rh
8x Khorne B, Ch PF, Rh

7x PM 2xMelta, Rh
7x PM 2xMelta, Rh

Vindicator Poss
Vindicator Poss
Land Raider Poss

Please help me tailor this list to the BA tomfoolery heading my way.
Experiences and tactics also incredibly welcome!

Lord Inquisitor
07-11-2011, 12:37 PM
I'd say that list has a good chance against him. The main thing is that you don't let your forces get separated to much while you try to divide and conquer his forces. Vindicators blow up the squads, or dreads. PMs destroy dreads, and any other armor he might take. One thing to remember is that his assault marines are just normal marines, with one extra attack. If has a priest they have FNP and Furious Charge, all units within 6". So one beserker squad may be able to kill one of his squads if they get the charge after 2 maybe three turns, a lot depends on FNP. Just don't let him get the charge, that is a big thing. Those Blood Talons are to watch out for, they are only S6 but for every unsaved wound you take they get an extra attack. So they can easily kill any of your squads in one go, so shoot them dead. They will have to walk or drop pod at you though. He may take the Librarian dread which can take psychic powers and one lets him move as jump infantry. I think the single most important thing for you to do is make sure you get the charge and not him. I play BA with a lot of Assault Squads and a few dreads and my brother plays Chaos so I'm kind of giving you tips from the other side of the table.

Also, if your going to let him proxy you could proxy a Tzeentch prince. That is my personal preference because you I feel a 4+ invulnerable is better than +1 to T, Nurgle isn't bad though so it is more of personal preference. The only other list change I would suggest thinking about is a Defiler instead of one of the Vindicator. Again, though, either way will work. A Defiler just gives you great close combat and for the army your facing the cannon will do about the same.