View Full Version : Need help CSM vs Blood Angels DoA list

Bedroom General
07-09-2011, 08:30 PM
I've picked up a 2000 pt battle vs a friend who is a very competent (and competitive) player. He has just switched back to his Blood Angels from Sisters for the first time since 3rd ed!!! He is using a Mephiston led DoA list with bucket loads of assault squads (he has about four squads!) fast Baal and leaping dreads with talon thingies!

I don't know the exact list, and I am unfamiliar with the Blood Angels codex, but given his playing style (aggressive and tactically smart) he'll probably be on me by turn two at latest.

So for 2000 pts and using the dear old Chaos Space Marine Codex, what are my best options unit and tactics wise? I have most model choices and options available.

Help me Obi-wan, you're my only hope:D

Lord Inquisitor
07-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Couple of things to watch on his side. 1st, Mephiston is not an IC so he cannot join a squad. That means you can target him with high S/AP weapons and he has no invulnerable save, he is T6 with W5. So if you can shoot him to death good, but power fists and Abaddon will most likely take care of him. He also can't deep strike as he is only jump infantry when he uses a power. Blood Talons are fierce but can't be taken on a Librarian Dread(leaping dread). Those guys will have to come across the board, unless drop podded, so shoot them up. If he does deep strike his Assault Squads they will have a good chance of all coming in the first turn, just assault him and destroy individual squads. The main thing you need to do is not let him get the charge. If you can do that his marines won't be that bad, but they will probably have FNP. Take a Defiler, I'd suggest 2, so the battle cannons can rip up the deep struck squads, as they will be in nice tight circles, and to counter his dreads. Take a Prince with warp time and bolt of change or wind of chaos, mark of tzeentch. He can mess up Mephiston, dreads, or the squads. Don't send him in alone against Mephiston though. I'd suggest Abaddon and beserkers in a LR then a mix of beserkers and Plagues Marines in rhinos. Vindicators are always good also so think about that when it comes to heavies. Also make sure to kill his priests as quickly as possible. Thats some general tips, just don't let him overwhelm you.

Bedroom General
07-09-2011, 10:18 PM
Thanks Lord Inquisitor. That has given me a great starting point. I'll post my first list over on army lists for c+c asap!

07-10-2011, 12:49 AM
DoA means it is no parking lot list. How about dual lash with 9 oblits and some melta or plasma plague marines? In 4e this was an uber-beardy cheese army.