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View Full Version : Katana's for SM?

09-04-2009, 03:17 AM
So, I'm starting to plan my Badab army; Mantis Warriors. The artwork and the Preying Mantis Style has me thinking about using power swords shaped more like Katana's than the usual European broadsword influence.

Does anyone know of a good source of more Oriental looking blades that would fit the scale, probably need 6 or so?


09-04-2009, 03:34 AM
Check the LoTR product range. I believe the Easterlings or something have katana-esque weapons.

Little Brother
09-04-2009, 04:12 PM
I made mine from plasticard. Once you have made a blade you like the shape of, use it as a template for all the others. You can get plasticard that is about 1.5mm thick, which is thick enough to drill and pin in place.

Cut a disk of plasticard for the guard/crosspiece (don't know what it's called on a katana) and place it between the fist and the blade.

If you are starting with an arm and fist that had a powersword from the command squad sprue or dark angel vets sprue then the handle from those models should be long enough to look like a katana's handle. If your using something with a shorter handle like a chainsword then use plastic rod or the shaft from a banner pole to build the long handle.