View Full Version : My Version of LoganWing/Wolfwing

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
07-09-2011, 12:02 PM
Logan Grimnar (Duh!!)


5 Wolf Guard Termintors ( 5 Squads )
1) Power Weapon
2) Chainfist
3) Powerfist, Cyclone Missile, Storm Shield
4) Wolfclaw
5) Mark of the Wulfen, Storm Shield


Lone Wolf- Terminator Armor, 2 Wolves, Wolf Claw, Melta Bomb


6 Long Fangs 5 MultiMeltas Drop Pod

Fast Attack

15 Fenrisian Wolves CyberWolf


Wolf Brother Hellstrom
07-10-2011, 06:22 AM
i didnt get to finish my post so..
I know this has been done to death before but i think with some support this list could be pretty nasty. so i have been trying to find the right way to go. I think it could at least whoop up on Deathwing

Logan drops in with Long Fangs and multimeltas anything of certain signifigance such as land raiders, monoliths, or leman russ's

then the wolves rush forward to givehim whatever support whether meatshield or assault they can, cause by turn two im sure Logan and the fangs are geting blasted on being out in the open

Termies mop up and focus fire to demech opponent.

I know its not terribly competitive but do you think it could hang? any changes you think i should make? I was kinda thinking of trading wolves and lone wolf for 3 Thunderwolf cavalry or find some points for canis to be with the wolves.

Comments welcome

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
07-17-2011, 10:13 AM
come on yall! tell me it sucks or something

07-17-2011, 05:21 PM
I'd drop the long fangs and wolves to get more wolfguard and characters.