View Full Version : 1850--cult troop list

07-09-2011, 08:15 AM
I always liked the idea of playing a cult army with each of the cults included in my troop selections.

Obviously the learning(and winning) curve is gonna be steep. However i pride myself on making fluffy,inventive lists over the standard, competitive ones. Any suggestions would be great, although i dont i think there is much room to give.

Demon Prince--MoT, Wings, DoomBolt, Warp Time

8 Khorne Beserkers(Icon)--w/ Champ and PowerFist
Rhino W/ Extra armor

7 Plague Marines(Icon, 2 meltaguns)--w/ Champ and Powerfist
Rhino w/ Extra armor

6 Noise Marines(Icon, 4 sonic blasters, 1 blastmaster)--w/ Champ, pwr wpn,doom siren, sonic blaster
Rhino w/ Havoc launcher

9 Thousand Sons(Icon)--w/ Sorcerer,and WoC
Rhino w/ Extra armor

Predator--Autocannon, Las Sponsons

Defiler(soulginder conversion)--3 total CCWs ,Reaper Autocannon

8 havocs(IoCG,2 autocannons, 2 missle launchers)--w/ Champ

Obviously im in a tight spot because i want all the cult troops wchich take up like 1300 points. Leaving 550ish to mess around with.

Also wondering which troop would be best objective sitter, i thought it might be the noise marines.

I been struggling between taking a squad of 5 termies instead of the havocs, but that would leave me limited long range shooting.

I know everyone likes the slaneesh DP with lash, but With the space wolf missle spam and the dark eldar lance spam i felt the 4++ would come in handy.

I know its gonna be a rough road, but im rollin with my theme anyway. Just need a little help with the 550 ish points i could mess around with.

Bedroom General
07-09-2011, 11:21 PM
I feel your pain, I've been fiddling around with this idea since I finally caved and bought a box of Thousand Sons, finally completing my cult collection.
I would suggest the following changes,
I don't see any reason for the icons, there are no Daemons or other deepstrikers, don't take them.
Lose all Rhino upgrades, I have experimented with them all and found that they confuse the task of the rhino, to deliver/protect troops CHEAPLY and to block line of sight. (Your experiences may differ of course)
Consider the Noise Marines with this load out
6xNM 5xSB, Ch (DS, PW) Rh
I would also suggest losing the champ in the Plague marine squad and just use them for tank hunting with the meltas.
Take bolt of change on the TS Sorc ('cos its cool!). Fire out of the back of the Rhino if you like.
Finally, the Havok squad doesn't fit with the meched up nature of the force. Perhaps consider an alternative.
Another scoring squad is always nice.
You should find that these suggestions will free up a few points.
I hope that this has been of some assistance.

07-10-2011, 07:26 AM
I'd squeeze a vindicator in there if you can.