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07-08-2011, 11:25 AM
Hi all

My question concerns the ZZap shots from the doom whell. Do each of the three bolts cause only one hit each inflicting d6 wounds or is each of the three shots resolved as the warp lightning spell and cause d6 hits?

07-08-2011, 01:47 PM
they are each one auto hit dealing d6 wounds.

07-08-2011, 03:13 PM
Cool, thanks

07-09-2011, 11:44 AM
I thought it was a shooting attack? Where does it say it autohits?

07-09-2011, 03:07 PM
It's pretty obvious if you read the Skaven rulebook that you don't have to roll to hit. I'd quote text but apparently my little ratmen have gone and hidden my army book in an effort to wipe their existence from the minds of men.

However, the Skaven FAQ (Page 6 I do believe) quite clearly states the following;

"Q. Must a Doomwheel roll to hit with each 'Zzzzap!' bolt? Can it stand and shoot?"
"A. No to both questions."

07-09-2011, 03:22 PM
Found the book, here is the relevant passage on the "Zzzzap!" rule;

"Each warp lightning bolt has an 18" range and will
strike the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of
terrain or line of sight. Roll for each bolt separately,
measuring from the Doomwheel’s base. If the closest
unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the
next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are
equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit
is struck. The Zzzzap bolts are Warpstone Weapons."

Note that it never mentions this is a shooting attack nor does it say you roll to hit. In fact it states that the bolts strike the nearest unit within 18" and if that unit dies to the first bolt then the second bolt hits the next closest unit. The only reason some people assume that the warp lightning attack is worked out like normal shooting is due to this attack occurring in the shooting phase.

07-09-2011, 05:37 PM
Found the book, here is the relevant passage on the "Zzzzap!" rule;

"Each warp lightning bolt has an 18" range and will
strike the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of
terrain or line of sight. Roll for each bolt separately,
measuring from the Doomwheel’s base. If the closest
unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the
next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are
equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit
is struck. The Zzzzap bolts are Warpstone Weapons."

Note that it never mentions this is a shooting attack nor does it say you roll to hit. In fact it states that the bolts strike the nearest unit within 18" and if that unit dies to the first bolt then the second bolt hits the next closest unit. The only reason some people assume that the warp lightning attack is worked out like normal shooting is due to this attack occurring in the shooting phase.

Actually I had assumed it was a shooting attack that required an attack roll because of the "Roll for each bolt separately, measuring from the Doomwheel's base." I had believed that the roll part was in reference to an ranged attack roll. However the FAQ seems to have answered my question, evidently I wasn't the only one confused.

07-10-2011, 06:16 AM
Thing that confuses me is how do you kill a unit with it, since u can only kill 3 models :p

07-10-2011, 09:45 AM
You don't It's not intended to kill units. It's a warmachine/monster hunter. It does okay against units that it can charge in the flank due to impact hits but that unit better be fighting someone else too or they will at least cause the doomwheel to break and run from static combat resolution.