View Full Version : Blood Angels for 'Ard Boyz

07-07-2011, 05:41 PM
I've decided against my Space Wolves as it would require a bit too much effort to put them together (I want to take a *gasp* fully painted army to 'Ard Bioyz this year). So, instead of the space pups, I've opted to go with my Blood Angel army of metal bawkses. Anyway, here's the list:

Librarian 100
-Shield of Sanguinus, Blood Lance
Command Squad 205
-4 Meltaguns, Rhino

Librarian 100
-Shield of Sanguinus, Blood Lance
Command Squad 205
-4 Meltaguns, Rhino

2 x 5 Sternguard 400
-2 Meltaguns, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Combi-Flamer

4 x 5 Assault Squad 620
-Razorback w/ Lascannon/TL Plasmagun

Fast Attack
3 x Baal Predator 435
-TL Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Heavy Support
3 x Vindicator 435


Self explanatory, really. 14 Rhino chassis is a lot for most opponents to deal with reliably.The Vindicators go in front of the Razorbacks and the Rhinos filled with Melta flank the Vindicators to protect their weak side armor. All of these vehicles get cover from my 2 Librarians. The Baals scout up the flanks and provide fire support and general annoyance, they might even Outflank in a few rare and specific circumstances. I tried Flamestorm cannons on them and was incredibly disappointed, but if someone has a suggestion on how to make them more effective (gameplay-wise) I would definitely listen.

The only things that I am not willing to change are the inclusion of 3 Baal Predators and 3 Vindicators. Also, the list must remain entirely mechanized.

One thing I was considering, however, is dropping the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on every Baal and instead adding 9 Hunter-Killer missiles to various vehicles. This would allow my army to deal a lot more damage on my first round of shooting and let the Vindicators go to work earlier than they would otherwise be able to. Thoughts on this approach?

07-07-2011, 09:58 PM
Would switch one Baal to flamestorm.

Also, I think it would be worth your while to ditch one Sternguard squad to give all of your assault squads weapons. You are ultra reliant on the armor 11 for firepower, and do not have any backup. If someone gets close, you want to quickly eliminate them.

Also, not that i am against tams, but what if they ge immobilized? You'll have a massive traffic jam. Possibly better for your opponent than blowing them up.

Lastly, i think it would be worth your while to invest in siege shields. Vindicators moving anywhere is pretty awesome. If any shenanigans occur to cause dangerous terrain for vindicators, you will not have to worry.

07-09-2011, 12:14 AM
I agree about the vehicle spam. Some armies (like GKs) can tear apart AV11 like paper nowadays, so relying purely on that will be a disadvantage. I'm not a BA expert so I can't tell you exactly what to do to fix it, but dropping a few upgrades or a unit to beef up your squads themselves is a good start, I think.

07-12-2011, 09:44 AM
After a couple test games I decided to swap the Vindicators out for Predators... they just weren't useful enough! Anyway, here's the new list.

2 x Librarian 200
-Shield of Sanguinus, Blood Lance
2 x Command Squad 410
-4 Meltaguns, Rhino

2 x 5 Sternguard 390
-2 Meltaguns, Rhino w/ Hunter-Killer Missile

4 x Assault Squad 660
-Razorback w/ Lascannon/TL Plasmagun, Hunter-Killer Missile

Fast Attack
3 x Baal Predator 435
-TL Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Heavy Support
3 x Predator 405
-Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons


It's got a lot more firepower at range, although it is lacking in the Ork-killing department. I think I might drop the Hunter-Killer missiles for some Combi-Flamers and Hand Flamers on my squads.

07-12-2011, 10:13 AM
I have fount that 1 vindicator is fun to use, and can be quite useful.

07-12-2011, 02:56 PM
I agree that getting some flamers into the assault squads would be a huge benefit to the army. As it stands, you've got plenty ways to cut down mech or scare terminators, but what do you do after clearing out all the vehicles? If you play against a heavy infantry army, or swarms of marines in rhinos, you may be in for a rough game.

Then again, part of 'ard boyz is just banking on tabling the three opponents you get. If you get a bunch of players with land raiders and storm ravens, you've got the answer. If you pull horde orks or marines, you're going to be hurting. Figure out your local meta and plan accordingly!