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View Full Version : 50pt Menoth list

07-07-2011, 02:44 AM
Basically just looking for some feedback on this list, namely focussing on more long ranged combat. Have you nothing constructive to say, it would be nice of you not to post it.

- High Exemplar Kreoss (+5 warjack points)

- 2x Redeemer
- Revenger
- Avatar of Menoth

- Wracks
- Choir of Menoth (Leader & 3)
- Daughters of the Flame
- 2x Deliverer Sunburst Crew
- The Covenant of Menoth
- 3x Vassal Mechanik
- High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
- 2x Paladin of the Order of the Wall

07-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Looks like a pretty solid pop 'n drop list.

Daughters are a nice target for Defender's Ward, but so is the Avatar. Given his toughness and your ability to block lanes with Vilmon and Paladins, I think you'll be able to nicely advance forward. With that said, I'm not totally sold on the daughters as everything else is quite tough. A part of me thinks that they'll be too quick for the rest of your army. Personally, I love Knights Exemplar and think some weapon master infantry might be better suited to the list. That's just me, however.

There's really not much I would recommend changing - I feel the daughters vs KE choice is simply preference and matchups - although I feel as though you're pretty light on Jacks.

As mentioned, this is a pretty standard approach for Kreoss players and is pretty well-recognized. Honestly, that's the only real weakness I see. Other than speed, but that's Menoth, I suppose. :)