View Full Version : Question about squad upgrades

07-02-2011, 04:49 PM
I'm trying to flesh out my first army list (it's a tyranids list) and was confused with the upgrades for different squads. Can you mix and match upgrades in one brood/squad? For example say I have 6 warriors, can I give 3 of them deathspitters, leave 2 of them with the default devourers, and give 1 of them the scything talons upgrades or does the entire squad need to be outfit with the same weapons? Same question for the non-weapon biomorphs. Can 3 of them have adrenal glands, and 3 of them have toxin sacs or must the entire squad be upgraded uniformly?

07-02-2011, 10:17 PM
If an entry reads "any model may" or "one model" then yes, you can mix and match. If it reads "each model may ... for x points per" then they must all get it.

Some entries list "no more than x models" or "up to x models may" then you are limited to the times tha tup grade can be taken.

Some upgrades will themselves list "may only be taken once per squad" or something to that effect, which would limit you as well.

07-03-2011, 04:03 AM
lobster overlord has it. So in the case of warriors, it says "the entire brood may take" for most of the options. This means if one has it, all of them have to. However, it also says 'one warrior in the brood may exchange his devourer for...' so in this case only one may do so. The rest of the units work in a similar way. So in terms of wepons you would have to give all of them deathspitters or all additonal scything talons (though one could have a barbed strangler or venom cannon). Equally if one has adrenal glands, all of them must have it.

You used to be able to mix and match weapons in the last codex, which is why all my warriors are modelled up differently and I'm now having to use them as 'counts as' warriors. Thanks for that GW.

07-06-2011, 11:08 AM
Awesome - that answers everything precisely. Thanks guys - appreciate it. Now I need to figure out my first army list...