View Full Version : 40k bases - rules - size- types

07-02-2011, 03:23 PM
Hi all!

I am currently about to begin working on my eldar army. I am curious to know how beveled bases are in 40k? I want to make sure there is no advantage and an unnoticeable disadvantage if I were to use them. From an artist standpoint, the beveled bases look far more professional and clean.

Thanks for the help!

07-02-2011, 05:12 PM
As long as the edge of the base is the correct size, it doesn't matter if the base is bevelled or not.

07-02-2011, 09:54 PM
Do they really matter that much?

I ask because I have custom built chapter master on a bike. Made it with extended forks. And I put it on the large circular heavy weapons teams base for the Imperial Guard. It looked a lot better that way.

From my point of view the only thing bad about using this base instead of the bike base is that it can be tricky in tight areas.

In fact, I consider it liability. Assault is all about base to base contact. And the larger size means my enemy can get much more in contact on my guy.

A friend of mine who is a bit of rule's lawyer quibbled over the size of this base being used even though it would give him an advantage in hand to hand by getting more models in on this guy.

07-03-2011, 12:16 AM
Yeah it matters.
Its right there in the rules that models must be on the correct bases. Its why they have bike bases.

Morgan Darkstar
07-03-2011, 04:25 AM
No it doesn't matter that much.

as long as your opponent is cool with it, then anything goes.

07-03-2011, 05:19 AM
Do they really matter that much?

I ask because I have custom built chapter master on a bike. Made it with extended forks. And I put it on the large circular heavy weapons teams base for the Imperial Guard. It looked a lot better that way.

From my point of view the only thing bad about using this base instead of the bike base is that it can be tricky in tight areas.

In fact, I consider it liability. Assault is all about base to base contact. And the larger size means my enemy can get much more in contact on my guy.

A friend of mine who is a bit of rule's lawyer quibbled over the size of this base being used even though it would give him an advantage in hand to hand by getting more models in on this guy.

However, it also means that you can multi-assault much more easily. It's not difficult for a Trygon/Dreadknight to assault 2 or 3 squads at once due to it's base size, so having your biker captain on a larger base means that when he assaults one unit, the size of the base means he can catch another unit more easily than if he had the biker base. It really depends on who is more on the offensive, if the enemy is, he has the advantage of being able to get more guys in base contact with you, if you're on the offensive, you have the advantage of being able to drag more if his guys into assault and thus they can't shoot at your army, and you can kill them.

07-03-2011, 06:10 AM
No, as logn as the bases are the right size, and if you got to a GW tournament don't say anythign and they won't notice ;)

people who say that it does matter are just sad, its a game. But the base does have to be the right size. That is clear int eh rules. But what the bases have on them doesn't matter, liekt he scenery or anything.

07-04-2011, 03:37 AM
Isn't it also stated that larger is OK.
Or am I still stuck in 4ed rules?

I have to say as long as it is the same size it is OK, or if it is slightly larger for the purpose of a cool conversion.

07-04-2011, 04:55 PM
I don't abuse the oversized base for the model. It was chosen simply because it looked better for the model which I had extended the forks on to give it a more chopper like appearance. It's unlikely I'll ever be in a tournament so no worries there. And as far assaulting multiple squads I never do that anyway. So really, the only disadvantage is that my opponent can always put more models on the biker since the larger base allows for more to contact it.

07-05-2011, 08:18 PM

I don't abuse the oversized base

Just be advised that if you mod your bases, it can become an issue if you use them in play. Certain people *have* abused the rules involving bases to gain advantage at tournaments, and in response, GW has made a point of addressing the issue in the BRB (p4). So, despite your intentions, opponents may be wary of your motives, and TOs will often dq them, but this doesn't make those other people unreasonable!

If your bases are the same "footprint" and height as the originals, it probably won't matter if the edges are square, beveled or radiused - the chance of anyone taking umbrage is very small.
(And THOSE people may very well be unreasonable ... )


07-06-2011, 09:48 AM
Yeah it matters.
Its right there in the rules that models must be on the correct bases. Its why they have bike bases.

I thought that the rules stated that you can use any base so long as it is at least as large as the base that the mini comes with. The smallest size beveled bases used in Dark Age, Malifaux and Warmachine are all slightly larger than the circular bases used in 40k, and would therefore be ok. The 40mm bases are exactly the same size.

Has anyone actually found ways to abuse such a slight difference in size? I guess if you had quite a mish mash of different size bases that doesn't look particularly fluffy, then people should get suspicious (why are all of your gretchin on 40mm bases?)

But if you put all of your minis onto reasonable bases as compared to the ones they come with, there shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, other games are very strict about the basing- the base is a part of the statlines in the Warmachine and Malifaux books, and probably in Dark Age also.

07-06-2011, 10:03 AM
I thought that the rules stated that you can use any base so long as it is at least as large as the base that the mini comes with.

That's Fourth Edition. I rather liked that rule, as many models can (should!) use larger bases. Especially when it comes to simply making a better looking base!

So, what's the ruling on old Terminators that used to come on 25mm bases. Do they have to stay on 25mm's or should they be upgraded to 40mm bases?