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View Full Version : New to Wood Elves

06-30-2011, 10:02 PM
Hey, I am getting started on Wood Elves (trading some stuff for decent starting army) and I know they aren't exactly the best choice currently in fantasy (I also have Dwarf, WoC, and Orcs&Goblins armies) but I was wondering if people had some advice for how to play them.

I was planning on just playing them some during the summer (if I get one win I'd be happy lol) and just make them look nice/collect (I usually only game about once a month during the school year while I'm at college and a ton during the summer) and just go on the hope they have a new book by the next summer lol...

Anyway, enough of the introduction, I was just wondering if people had some advice other than play another army (my friends already tell me that enough)

07-01-2011, 01:50 AM
Wood Elves depend on shooting their opponent down, then fighting them in a wood. Woods are the key- Skirmishers are steadfast in woods, and no one else is. Thankfully, wood elves can bring a forest to the table, then have a spell to move woods around.

Sometime's it's worth it to loose a unit to bait someone into charging close enough to a forest that you can move the forest onto them, then attempt to hit them hard.

I don't play them, but occasionally I play against them, and this was my opinion.

07-01-2011, 08:09 AM
use 3 treemen

07-01-2011, 09:59 AM
There are rumours of a new army book in Q1 2012

04-17-2012, 09:04 AM
i don't play my self, but two of my friends do. while most of the army is indeed reallly shooting or skimisher in nature. your treeman or forest dragons are like your most solid closecombat creature, those and treekin, in large groups. support them with lots of small glade guard units.

04-19-2012, 08:30 AM
I was planning on just playing them some during the summer (if I get one win I'd be happy lol) and just make them look nice/collect (I usually only game about once a month during the school year while I'm at college and a ton during the summer) and just go on the hope they have a new book by the next summer lol...

If you want 'em to look nice more than you want to win, the only advice I can give you is to collect whichever models you happen to think look the best. Me, I'm fond of Dryads and Wardancers.

04-19-2012, 07:54 PM
Skeith - watch that necromancy. This topic hadn't had a post in 9 months, and the OP hasn't been on the forum since August of last year.

And since nobody else caught it:

Wood Elves depend on shooting their opponent down, then fighting them in a wood. Woods are the key- Skirmishers are steadfast in woods, and no one else is. Thankfully, wood elves can bring a forest to the table, then have a spell to move woods around.

Sometime's it's worth it to loose a unit to bait someone into charging close enough to a forest that you can move the forest onto them, then attempt to hit them hard.
If your opponent is moving forests onto your units, he's cheating - the Treesinging spell ends if a forest contacts a unit or another piece of terrain.

use 3 treemen
Not the best advice - It's not even possible until 2300+ points, and if you were to do that, you'd take 2 Treemen and a Treeman Ancient, which means no Lore of Life. If you actually wanted three plain Treemen in a game, you'd need to be playing a 3500 point game. Not exactly starting army levels there.