View Full Version : 1000 points BA for a 2000 point game

06-30-2011, 03:07 PM
So I will be playing doubles on Saturday.
Each person brings 1000 points, at standard force org chart. We will be paired up.

I do not know what my partner is bringing, nor do I know who my partner even is!

Sooooo. I decided to make a Sanguine Descendant Honor Debt force. They are here to fulfill a debt that is considered minor, sending the minimum amount of forces to not detract from major engagements.

Often Captains in the Blood Angels, and their successors, will nominate a Sergeant to lead an action, leaving the Captain to organize the overall strategy and freeing their own combat prowess for the most important of engagements.

Strike Force Luna
Codename: Blood Honor


HQ 135
135 Sgt. Luna Artemis, 5th Company
–Captain, Lightning Claw, Storm Shield

410 Death Company Fury
–5 Marines, Sgt Fury Alecto w/Powerfist and Bolter, 2 Power Weapons and Bolt Pistols, 2 Power Weapons and Bolters, Jump Packs, Chaplain Druidia (Lemartes)
135 Callistar, The Determined
–Death Co. Furioso, Hv Flamer, Meltagun, 2 Bloodfists
35 Drop Pod 'Callistar'
–Storm Bolter

80 Sanguinary Priesthood
–Priest Dorian Pylos, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
170 Sternguard Veteran Squad Omega, 1st Squad, 5th Company
–5 Sternguard, Sgt Omega Terminus w/Combi-Plasma and Powerfist, 2 Bolters, Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon
35 Drop Pod 'Omega'
–Storm Bolter

Lord Inquisitor
06-30-2011, 04:28 PM
So you want advice on the list? Competitively this list is a flop, at least it would seem to be that way. You have no scoring units is the first major thing. The next thing is that you only have 13 models, not including vehicles. I'm assuming you will deep strike everything, as everything but the DC have to. So first turn you will send in one pod and contents and maybe kill something then they will be destroyed, I can pretty well surmise that. Next turn you will have a good chance of everything coming in and consequently getting blown in the next turn. The thing is that you will make target priority easy as you will most likely not have more than 2 units, not including drop pods on the board at a time. So if their shooty they will wipe you out. If they are assaulty they will assault you depending on how close you drop next to them. You would have to make a surprisingly good argument to prove that it wouldn't get wiped off the board. One Leman Russ will eat your deep striking units alive, especially the DC in their circle after they come in.
Also, for the amount of things you have you give up a surprisingly large number of kill points, 7.

07-01-2011, 09:18 AM
I think you underestimate the capabilities of the list. Yes, a leman russ, IF it gets a hit that covers every model AND wounds everything AND they are not in cover, they will be all dead. But, that sounds like just about ANY unit in the game getting a direct hit from a Leman Russ.

Well, you are forgetting that there's another 1000 points from my ally.

Basically, I will be relying on my opponent's Troops for claiming.
Hopefully, their list isn't like mine (or maybe that'll be awesome), and they'll have a horde of infantry to claim stuff.

This list is a 'what I have to play' list. So, I either take this or I don't play. Much rather play. All of my stuff is in storage.

IF my stuff wasn't in storage, this is what I would take:

HQ 100
100 Librarian
–Unleashed Rage, Blood Lance

50 Sanguinary Priest
135 Furioso
–Hv Flamer

125 Assault Squad
–5 Marines, Powerfist
15 Dedicated Transport: Rhino
120 Assault Squad
–5 Marines, Power Weapon, Flamer
20 Dedicated Transport: Razorback

145 Baal Predator
–Hv Bolter Sponsons

135 Predator Destructor
–Lascannon Sponsons
155 Vindicator
–Siege Shield

Lord Inquisitor
07-01-2011, 12:12 PM
That list looks a lot better, but if it is a matter of have and have not then there isn't much you can do.

07-02-2011, 06:53 AM
That list looks a lot better, but if it is a matter of have and have not then there isn't much you can do.

6 armored vehicles, 4 with front armor 13, your d@mm right it is a good list!
I like that one because every one of your marines is a hero. You loose one and you feel anguish, and then hatred for your enemy!

07-03-2011, 04:03 AM

You'll love this:

I died to 20 Bolter wounds. Yes, 20 Bolter wounds. I couldn't make a 3+ save and a 4+ Feel No Pain to save my life. There was no rending, or AP1. no plasma. Just the first 20 wounds. that should have killed ~3 marines.

MVP was my drop pod. When it blew up, it put a wound on Draigo. Yeah.