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View Full Version : Kharn - liability or throthing psycho?

09-03-2009, 05:21 PM
My CSM army is Khorn themed. Don't want no poxy lash because they are slaanesh. I wa running a DP with berzerkers but as this site kindly pointed out, they cannot share a transport (monstrous creature). The HQ + Berzerkers are to boil out of the landraider and destroy everything they can charge.

So tried a lord, Terminator armour, Bloodfeeder. In the last 2 games, even rolling a maximum of 14 on the charge, at strength 4 poor dice meant only 2 kills. He comes in at 155pts.

This, to me, is quite simply not enough blood for the blood god.

What do the assorted messrs think of scavenging the extra 10 points somewhere to find Kharn the mad tight-wearing betrayer?

Please, if we can use words other than 'meh'?


Cheery Bye

09-03-2009, 05:36 PM
My friend runs Kharn. He used to be placed in with Bezerkers, but would kill two or three of his allies over the course of a battle. Now my friend allows Kharn to travel with the Bezerkers, but seperates them before assault. Since I usually play Guard against him, Kharn can handle an enemy squad on his own without any trouble whatsoever.

09-03-2009, 06:48 PM
If your HQ isn't a DP or Lash Sorc, it should be Kharn.

No other Chaos HQ really stacks up.

Exitus Acta Probat
09-03-2009, 06:54 PM
Chumb's got it in one...
especially since your army is Khorne themed.

He will bite you every once in a while, but if you're rolling that badly you probably would have wounded yourself to death with the 'bloodfeeder' anyway.
He's the cost efficient named character, that's for sure, plus he's fluffy for Khorne. WIN WIN! :)

(but, I regularly shoot myself when playing nurgle and use Waste-o-Typhus and regret it..but the model rocks!)

In tourney, definitely a must. In regular play, still cool!

09-03-2009, 08:59 PM
Ive seen Kharn do some totally disgusting things in close combat, from taking out squads of killa kans to killing his own squad of beserkers only to turn around and kill of the rest of the 18 gaunts that were in cc with him. Hes got to be in a squad when you run him otherwise people will try to blow him up with guns before he crashes into there troops.

09-03-2009, 11:39 PM
Ive seen Kharn do some totally disgusting things in close combat, from taking out squads of killa kans to killing his own squad of beserkers only to turn around and kill of the rest of the 18 gaunts that were in cc with him. Hes got to be in a squad when you run him otherwise people will try to blow him up with guns before he crashes into there troops.

unless you roll insanely lucky and he survives an entire army shooting at him... <innocent look> ... but don't try that more than once.
Kharn is a beast. period. he may bite you, but it's fluffy. so without further ado... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!

09-04-2009, 12:44 AM
Kharn is all sorts of fun. His 7 attacks on the charge usually assure you of two things. First, you will get 5-6 hits at s6, which can ruin just about anything's day, including a squad of marines. Secondly, you will get a chance to try and kill your own men! As a former Fantasy player, I can always appreciate self-slaughter. He's good for laughs...especially when you roll 4 1's and realize the Betrayer's lived up to his name.

09-04-2009, 02:17 AM
What's not to love about kharn? He is a lot of fun, a pretty good bargin for the amount of carnage that he brings and he's always guaranteed to be the life of any party!

09-04-2009, 05:18 AM
Deamon Weapon of Khorne is a total waste of points. +2d6 Attacks rocks, but the risk of your lord doing nothing at all cos he rolled a 1 is pretty big, not to mention the selfinflicted damage.

Kharn on the other hand is nice. He still fights when he rolls a 1, and the damage is inflicted to other (cheaper) models, not to himself. That being said, Kharn is not worth his points attacking Guardsmen or the like - Khorne Berzerkers can deal with those pretty good without the "help" of Kharn, you don't need to speed things up at the cost of Zerkers.

Kharn is excellent against vehicles, as his special to hit rule does not explicitly exclude vehicles, and depending on the situation, you won't have to send his squad with him to attacking the vehicle all the time, saving some trouble with bad rolls. :)

09-04-2009, 06:00 AM
I know its not the question directly but since you are haveing trouble with HQs i thought I'd share some ideas:

while the best overal-killy infantry HQ is shurely the sorcerer with warptime you are playing khorne so no psyke-head for you.

I've had good sucess with the following two builds:
general, mark of khorne, daemonic steed, deamonweapon.
stick him in a footslogger unit (hilarious with 20 havocs with icon of khoren and 4 meltaguns) and crash some party. the additional point of strenght really means the difference between a crap result and a good one. if you dont like the gamble of 2d6 this one isnt for you though :)

the more secure one is mark of khorne, lightning claw-pair, meltabombs, and if you feel daring a plasmapistol.
5(6)A ws6 s4 (reroll) are nice enoguh in my book!

09-04-2009, 06:54 AM
Kharn is excellent against vehicles, as his special to hit rule does not explicitly exclude vehicles, and depending on the situation, you won't have to send his squad with him to attacking the vehicle all the time, saving some trouble with bad rolls.

Unfortunately Kharn's 'hit everything on 2's' ability only works against things with a WS as per the Chaos Space Marine FAQ.

09-04-2009, 11:24 AM
Another reason to take him and its probably the most important reason... What screams bad *** more than sleeveless power armor?;)

01-04-2013, 08:16 PM
kharn is awesome in 6th! highly recommend

Lord Krungharr
01-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Now Kharn ALWAYS hits on a 2+ for his close combat attacks, even vs. a tank, even if the tank has not moved (which is when tanks are typically auto-hit). So if he's with a unit and the unit assaults the tank, Kharn still has a sporting chance of killing one of his own. A worthy sacrifice to Khorne considering he has Armorbane and S7 on the charge!

01-05-2013, 01:07 AM
Well, in that sense he is better than others if the vehicle moves, hitting on 2s rather than 3s. Plus, if you don't think it is too risky, you could always separate him off to charge whatever it is and blow it up. Take a Land Raider for example - 7 attacks, re-rolling to hit - all hit. Then all of those hits rolls 2D6 plus 7 - the average roll of 2D6 is 7, meaning your average roll is a glance. Thinking about it, I am pretty sure you average four hull points dealt against AV14, meaning bye-bye 230+ point vehicle from a cheap HQ.

02-14-2013, 04:09 PM
Am I missing something or are we forgetting that if Kharn is the Warlord he gives himself and his squad Hatred. Thus he rerolls his 1s the first round of close combat and therefore really minimizes the chance that he's going to kill one of his own.

02-14-2013, 07:05 PM
Before they FAQ'd it, I was of the opinion Kharn couldn't re-roll his 1s due to Hatred, as his rolls to hit of a 1 in close combat weren't treated as misses - they were treated as hits against his own side. However, the FAQ ruled in Kharn's favour, saying that he does indeed get the re-rolls.

02-16-2013, 04:58 AM
Deamon Weapon of Khorne is a total waste of points. +2d6 Attacks rocks, but the risk of your lord doing nothing at all cos he rolled a 1 is pretty big, not to mention the selfinflicted damage.

Kharn on the other hand is nice. He still fights when he rolls a 1, and the damage is inflicted to other (cheaper) models, not to himself. That being said, Kharn is not worth his points attacking Guardsmen or the like - Khorne Berzerkers can deal with those pretty good without the "help" of Kharn, you don't need to speed things up at the cost of Zerkers.

Kharn is excellent against vehicles, as his special to hit rule does not explicitly exclude vehicles, and depending on the situation, you won't have to send his squad with him to attacking the vehicle all the time, saving some trouble with bad rolls. :)

Seeing as kharn comes with the hatred incarnate warlord rule, doesn't he reroll any misses to hit in the first round? So you'd need to roll a 1 twice in order for him to take out your own guys?

02-18-2013, 02:32 AM
Kharn is of course very strong. He suffers greatly though from Rhino changes in 6th. He always had very weak durability meaning one S8 rocket can kill him. And now that Rhino aren't an option anymore he has too walk unless you use a costly Land Raider.

But my biggest problem with Kharn is that CSM already got so many good HQ options. Flying Prince with Mace, Moloch Lord with Axe, Nurgle Biker...