View Full Version : 6th ed bringing new army: Hrud.

06-29-2011, 12:06 AM
This will be a thread to compile and discuss the upcoming Hrud army thats going to be released with the new edition next year. This was brought to light in the 6th edition rumor thread by Ghost and backed by BramGaunt.

Firstly big thanks to Ghost as pretty much all so far has came from him but I am hoping the other rumormongers will also pitch in! The idea of a Hrud force has really caught my attention as I have always been a big fan of them. Please don't let this degenerate into trolling and wishlisting and I will update this thread as more info comes to light!

Firstly for reference heres the current Hrud info:


-Will probably be a white dwarf teaser list and then a full codex. Look out for hints in upcoming WD's
-The Umbra WILL be in the army
-There will be at least one vehicle described as a tunneler modified for war (tunneling rules a la trygon perhaps?)
-They have units named/such as Triads, Blades, Shamans, Paths
-They are described as a 'steamroller' type force withe tactic such as 'shoot retreat shoot , ambush'
-Background-wise they are described as an ancient race that are pissed because they lost their homeworld to slaanesh, the umbra are said to be fragments of their God (Q'ah) that was destroyed by Slaanesh. They hate Chaos with a passion.

Thats all, again this is pretty much all from Ghost so far. If anyone including Ghost has anything to add feel free to post/PM me and I will keep this up to date.
Many Thanks

From Warseer. Sounds interesting.

06-29-2011, 12:12 AM
Wait a new alien army that operates exactly like Tau? hm =(.

Glad they're making them...kind of think their tactics sound like a clone of what Tau ended up being.

06-29-2011, 12:36 AM
I am not merely a nay-sayer, but this sounds a step too far even beyond the alleged sweeping changes (rules dumb down at GW, not up people).

Also, this would mean Assymetrical Xeno would become a mainstream player - this would have the same effect as 2 of the same people occupying the same timestream - the universe would instantly turn itself inside out.

06-29-2011, 12:40 AM
I have to admit I'm putting this firmly in the 'believe it when I see it' category, but Ghost21 and BramGaunt are both reliable, and my own sources have been hinting at new armies too.

Mike X
06-29-2011, 02:10 AM
I thought the Hrud were supposed to be rat-like? And haven't people been claiming for years now that the Squats were being re-released as the Hrud?

This does NOT look like a rat, nor a squat (thankfully):

06-29-2011, 02:18 AM
I´m with Eldargal, I´ll believe it when seeing...

06-29-2011, 02:24 AM
Demiurge are the race rumoured to be Squat-replacements.

Some people thought Hrud were rat-like because the 3rd ed rulebook had a picture of one that was hunched up and covered by a robe. It looked rather Jawa-eqsue. But the Xenology book fleshed them out quite a bit more.

I'd love to see new alien armies, so I'm all for the Hrud & Umbra. They strike me as a real challenge to design rules and models for, but full of exciting possibilities.

06-29-2011, 02:35 AM
believing when I see it...

possibilities for many awesome models.
question arises: why not bless other, older armies with good models/fresh rules?

anyways: more slaves for my DE!

Unzuul the Lascivious
06-29-2011, 02:57 AM
All sounds interesting, apart from Squats. I hate Squats. They are truly for the real ale drinking crowd. I think I will start putting small amounts of money aside for the Mechanicum army that is at the top of my GW Wishlist and pray that GW make eventually (I'd make my own but I am both lazy and busy, which is an interesting contradiction to exist in, let me tell you). Hrud? Nyeeeeooooorrrrrmmmmm......be interesting to see, not sure I'm interested at this stage.

Lord Azaghul
06-29-2011, 06:11 AM
Hmmm, we'll I'd believe it when I see it. I just don't expect gw to throw out such a fringe army, which would be considered out of the blue to 90% of gw players, and then expect people to buy it.

Now demiurg - THAT would have been cool!:D

Mike X
06-29-2011, 07:01 AM
Demiurge are the race rumoured to be Squat-replacements.

Some people thought Hrud were rat-like because the 3rd ed rulebook had a picture of one that was hunched up and covered by a robe. It looked rather Jawa-eqsue. But the Xenology book fleshed them out quite a bit more.

Ohhh yeah. That's right. Demiurg, that's who I was thinking of.

Black Dragon
06-29-2011, 07:21 AM
I do not belive this. If it true, great one more xeno race to be purged. But I do not belive it.

06-29-2011, 07:41 AM
Personally I think this would be awesome. I know people complain that there are too many codices as it is, but I say the more variety the better! Especially xenos races...diversity is the ray of sunshine in the grimdark. Also these guys look totally cool and unique, if done well I could see them being a great addition to the game

06-29-2011, 07:48 AM
If it is true, I hope they retire an army. Still got plenty of armies that need updating; nothing like picking an army and not having it updated for a decade.

06-29-2011, 07:56 AM
As bad as it sounds if they retire an army it'll probably be Sisters. Hoopefullynot though. If they do...please be DA or BT

I'll colour myself into the suspicious camp. Until I see it I won't believe it. When I see it, I won't buy any of them....probably...

06-29-2011, 08:03 AM
As bad as it sounds if they retire an army it'll probably be Sisters. Hoopefullynot though. If they do...please be DA or BT

I'll colour myself into the suspicious camp. Until I see it I won't believe it. When I see it, I won't buy any of them....probably...

Damn you AX;)

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-29-2011, 08:27 AM
this is not good news in my opinion,

why is GW starting a new army when they have plenty of work fixing almost half of their current armies codexes.-BT, DA, Tau, Sisters, Chaos, Demons, Necrons.

not to mention the fact that some armies dont have a full range of models*cough* tyranids*cough*thunderwolves*hack*

or armies that should have new models redesigned cause most are from 3rd edtition or later and just look silly.plaguebearers,ragnar, some eldar units, just to mention a few of the top of my head. this could easily be implemented with random model updates monthly and it could keep the fires turning in other armies besides whats new on the block

lets fix whats broken then move on to new projects

I dont see 6th coming out for a year or more so i hope they do whats right first

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-29-2011, 08:29 AM
Lol, 2 shout-outs in this thread to me...good to know I have a reputation of being the BOL's own resident squiggly alien of squigglyness.

Yeah, Ghost21 has said in response to be my question on Umbra -
there will be some kind of avatar of Qah and units ala a homonculi force..

If that's true, ill be getting my own perfect 40k army. I've only waited 17 years for it. Be happy for me ;)

he also said about Hrud -
they have a distinct tribe system... think of how rottern plague monks look next to standard skaven

So this army could very well be pretty diverse!

Me happy. Me very happy.

Now back to painting shoggoths...

06-29-2011, 08:35 AM
Actually GW seems to be trying to increase the rate it updates armies, I think it was Harry on Warseer who said the one at a time policy was being abandoned. So introducing new races might not slow down the rate of updating.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-29-2011, 08:43 AM
Actually GW seems to be trying to increase the rate it updates armies, I think it was Harry on Warseer who said the one at a time policy was being abandoned. So introducing new races might not slow down the rate of updating.

Wasnt there also a rumour of the next edition lasting longer than the last and current one also?

06-29-2011, 08:45 AM
Possibly, I must have missed it though.

06-29-2011, 09:02 AM
Retire is such a strong word. What would this "retirement" entail exactly? If they were removed from play this would probably do little than piss off some players that their favorite army is no longer playable. There's not much reason for it anyway, maintaining a line with no updates is probably relatively cheap, and rules can be updated by errata or White Dwarf now if necessary. Most of us would rather see the army still be playable and not get an update ever, than have the army they already own get suddenly removed from play. This attitude would just kill niche armies, as no one will buy them because they fear it will just get retired soon creating a self-fulfilling prophecy while everyone tells people to buy a more popular army for their main army, and only go after unpopular armies if you really, really like them.

I really expect the lack of updates for some armies IS the GW form of retirement. Two camps of armies, one that gets regular updates, and one that doesn't.

06-29-2011, 09:55 AM
Notice how in the Lexicanum article it says "Every Warhammer army has a counterpart in the Warhammer 40,000 universe..." and "Skaven have not got a parralel race...", well I always though it was Skaven=Tyranids...

06-29-2011, 10:03 AM
Alright, story time.

My "source" (let's call him Mr. Black because it sounds cool) has been leaking small tidbits to his friends for years, with the understanding that we keep things under wraps and not say anything until it becomes public knowledge on the internet. He's a cool guy and we want him to keep his job. One of the guys in my group is a poster on Warseer and he leaks like a soggy teabag, though. Mr. Black suspected this, but it wasn't that big of a deal because most of the information he shares with us is either confirmations of rumors that are already out there, it's small stuff that most people wouldn't care that much about (fluff, internal workings, etc). Well, Mr. Black has a laptop, and on that laptop are the next 2-3 unreleased codices plus plenty of other work-related stuff. When Mr. Black went to the restroom one day without locking his laptop, our leaky friend snuck a peak at the unreleased GK codex and leaked a ton of rumors onto Warseer. He didn't get caught at first, but suspicions were running high. Later as a test, Mr. Black told Leaky about some new information he'd heard from on high (all of it completely BS), and sure enough the next day it's all over Warseer under the same account name as the guy who leaked the GK rumors.

Now that we have confirmation that Leaky is a ****, he is being fed a lot of utter BS to see how gullible he is and/or how long it takes him to realize that he's been caught red-handed. I don't know Leaky's screenname but people who frequent Warseer might be able to take a stab at it.

That said, I haven't talked to Mr. Black in a few weeks and have no idea if this Hrud information is legitimate or not. Basically I'm just giving the rumor mill a bit of a warning.

TL;DR: Be wary of what you read on Warseer.

06-29-2011, 10:11 AM
Or you lie... why do you tell these lies!

06-29-2011, 11:27 AM
Actually GW seems to be trying to increase the rate it updates armies, I think it was Harry on Warseer who said the one at a time policy was being abandoned. So introducing new races might not slow down the rate of updating.

Doubt that. Not going to happen.

GW will continue to release at most three 40k codices a year, and if you are a marine player, you get a new codex every 6 months basically.

Having a new race is just going to push everything further back.

You all will be happy to get a Hrud army, sure, but after 6 years with no update, you'll be pissing and moaning as usual.

Alright, story time.

My "source" (let's call him Mr. Black because it sounds cool) has been leaking small tidbits to his friends for years, with the understanding that we keep things under wraps and not say anything until it becomes public knowledge on the internet. He's a cool guy and we want him to keep his job. One of the guys in my group is a poster on Warseer and he leaks like a soggy teabag, though. Mr. Black suspected this, but it wasn't that big of a deal because most of the information he shares with us is either confirmations of rumors that are already out there, it's small stuff that most people wouldn't care that much about (fluff, internal workings, etc). Well, Mr. Black has a laptop, and on that laptop are the next 2-3 unreleased codices plus plenty of other work-related stuff. When Mr. Black went to the restroom one day without locking his laptop, our leaky friend snuck a peak at the unreleased GK codex and leaked a ton of rumors onto Warseer. He didn't get caught at first, but suspicions were running high. Later as a test, Mr. Black told Leaky about some new information he'd heard from on high (all of it completely BS), and sure enough the next day it's all over Warseer under the same account name as the guy who leaked the GK rumors.

Now that we have confirmation that Leaky is a ****, he is being fed a lot of utter BS to see how gullible he is and/or how long it takes him to realize that he's been caught red-handed. I don't know Leaky's screenname but people who frequent Warseer might be able to take a stab at it.

That said, I haven't talked to Mr. Black in a few weeks and have no idea if this Hrud information is legitimate or not. Basically I'm just giving the rumor mill a bit of a warning.

TL;DR: Be wary of what you read on Warseer.

So what you are saying is that rumors are ..... RUMORS!!?!?!?!?

06-29-2011, 11:41 AM
Actually GW seems to be trying to increase the rate it updates armies, I think it was Harry on Warseer who said the one at a time policy was being abandoned. So introducing new races might not slow down the rate of updating.

If upping the release rate means more 2 part WD codexes then I'd rather they release 2-3 a year and do it properly.

As for the new race rumours. Jervis said in a Standard Bearer a year or so ago that there were no plans to release a new army for any system as they have so much to do keeping the current ones going. I can't see the logic in releasing a new army when there are still some in desperate need of attention. DE proved that with some care and attention they can bring a load of new players to existing armies so there is no commercial need to release a new one.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-29-2011, 11:53 AM
You all will be happy to get a Hrud army, sure, but after 6 years with no update, you'll be pissing and moaning as usual.

Always been more about the models for me, so I've never personally cared if my army has been out of date or weak. Then again half my armies are counts-as, my enslavers have swooping hawks and my necrons have pariahs so yeah I don't really care about that. For the gaming side, I prefer Dystopian Wars and starting to get interested in some of the Infintiy stuff - and I think they are better gaming systems IMO. For 40k, it's more about the backround and minis for me.

06-29-2011, 01:28 PM
As bad as it sounds if they retire an army it'll probably be Sisters. Hoopefullynot though. If they do...please be DA or BT

I'll colour myself into the suspicious camp. Until I see it I won't believe it. When I see it, I won't buy any of them....probably...

DA could be folded into the next edition of C:SM. Ravenwing and Deathwing could easily be "unlocks" by special DA characters. I only think Space Wolves and Black Templars really need special codexes, as they are different enough to warrant it.

06-29-2011, 01:30 PM
IF they will make the WD more interesting, than it is a very interesting thing to see a new xenos race on the pages of the WD, probably with a small miniature range (fincast of curse) - not very usually GW but it will be intersting:cool:

06-29-2011, 01:49 PM
Lol, 2 shout-outs in this thread to me...good to know I have a reputation of being the BOL's own resident squiggly alien of squigglyness.

Yeah, Ghost21 has said in response to be my question on Umbra -
there will be some kind of avatar of Qah and units ala a homonculi force..

If that's true, ill be getting my own perfect 40k army. I've only waited 17 years for it. Be happy for me ;)

he also said about Hrud -
they have a distinct tribe system... think of how rottern plague monks look next to standard skaven

So this army could very well be pretty diverse!

Me happy. Me very happy.

Now back to painting shoggoths...

AX mate - I really hope this comes off but all I would say is don't hold your breath...

Alright, story time.

My "source" (let's call him Mr. Black because it sounds cool) has been leaking small tidbits to his friends for years, with the understanding that we keep things under wraps and not say anything until it becomes public knowledge on the internet. He's a cool guy and we want him to keep his job. One of the guys in my group is a poster on Warseer and he leaks like a soggy teabag, though. Mr. Black suspected this, but it wasn't that big of a deal because most of the information he shares with us is either confirmations of rumors that are already out there, it's small stuff that most people wouldn't care that much about (fluff, internal workings, etc). Well, Mr. Black has a laptop, and on that laptop are the next 2-3 unreleased codices plus plenty of other work-related stuff. When Mr. Black went to the restroom one day without locking his laptop, our leaky friend snuck a peak at the unreleased GK codex and leaked a ton of rumors onto Warseer. He didn't get caught at first, but suspicions were running high. Later as a test, Mr. Black told Leaky about some new information he'd heard from on high (all of it completely BS), and sure enough the next day it's all over Warseer under the same account name as the guy who leaked the GK rumors.

Now that we have confirmation that Leaky is a ****, he is being fed a lot of utter BS to see how gullible he is and/or how long it takes him to realize that he's been caught red-handed. I don't know Leaky's screenname but people who frequent Warseer might be able to take a stab at it.

That said, I haven't talked to Mr. Black in a few weeks and have no idea if this Hrud information is legitimate or not. Basically I'm just giving the rumor mill a bit of a warning.

TL;DR: Be wary of what you read on Warseer.

This is a good story. If your idea of a story is a half-baked conspiracy theorists nerdgasm. Wow you even got in the 'false feed' of info to confirm who the leak is. You are Tom Clancy and I claim my £5. You don't even use the word Hrud once - I take it what Leaky leaked was about Hrud. Seeing as you have conducted your supposed duty - not sourced Mr Black until after first leak, you can give us Leaky's profile on Warseer so we can judge for ourselves.

And I note Little Birds are what the Eunuch in game of Thrones calls his informants...

06-29-2011, 03:40 PM
What I find hilarious is that no one, Eldargal especially, noticed how suspiciously similar the alleged background of the" Hrud Codex" is to the Eldar. Mysteriousl alien race whose homeworld was destroyed by Slannesh, and who utilize pieces of their God in their battles...

Please. Either GW really HAS run the well completely dry, or someone needs to try a bit harder the next time they want to make up fanciful rumors...

P.S. - Just picking on you a bit, Eldargal! : )

06-29-2011, 04:05 PM
I thought the Hrud were supposed to be rat-like? And haven't people been claiming for years now that the Squats were being re-released as the Hrud?

This does NOT look like a rat, nor a squat (thankfully):

That's a rare scaled Doriean clawed fiend, they're usually furry...

Mike X
06-29-2011, 10:58 PM
That's a rare scaled Doriean clawed fiend, they're usually furry...

According to Lexicanum, it's a Hrud.

06-29-2011, 11:35 PM
I did notice, why comment on something that is evident? But these rumours are so vague who knows what the actual fluff may be like.

What I find hilarious is that no one, Eldargal especially, noticed how suspiciously similar the alleged background of the" Hrud Codex" is to the Eldar. Mysteriousl alien race whose homeworld was destroyed by Slannesh, and who utilize pieces of their God in their battles...

Please. Either GW really HAS run the well completely dry, or someone needs to try a bit harder the next time they want to make up fanciful rumors...

P.S. - Just picking on you a bit, Eldargal! : )

06-30-2011, 12:47 AM
Notice how in the Lexicanum article it says "Every Warhammer army has a counterpart in the Warhammer 40,000 universe..." and "Skaven have not got a parralel race...", well I always though it was Skaven=Tyranids...

Skaven are, if anything, the Dark Eldar.

They infest a labyrinth and are always up for a good back-stab if it will put them into a higher position. They also frequently kill and don't give two about each other, with hordes of slaves into the mix. They have 'warlocks' who use fancy technology combined with supernatural power to create techno-magic wonders of war and also create twisted abominations and rat ogres etc. Sound much like the Haemonculi to you?

Oh, and that picture just up there is GW's newer look for the Hrud, because they didn't want spaaaaaaace-raaaaaaats.

06-30-2011, 02:25 AM
GW sai ages ago that 40k and fantasy are no longer connected that yes the origonal races made where based off fantasy counterparts but now they are treated as seperate systems and background hence no chaos marines in fantasy games no squats any more and the existance of the tau

06-30-2011, 03:10 AM
GW sai ages ago that 40k and fantasy are no longer connected that yes the origonal races made where based off fantasy counterparts but now they are treated as seperate systems and background hence no chaos marines in fantasy games no squats any more and the existance of the tau

Warriors of chaos, demiurg ?

06-30-2011, 04:04 AM
Skaven are, if anything, the Dark Eldar.

They infest a labyrinth and are always up for a good back-stab if it will put them into a higher position. They also frequently kill and don't give two about each other, with hordes of slaves into the mix. They have 'warlocks' who use fancy technology combined with supernatural power to create techno-magic wonders of war and also create twisted abominations and rat ogres etc. Sound much like the Haemonculi to you?

Oh, and that picture just up there is GW's newer look for the Hrud, because they didn't want spaaaaaaace-raaaaaaats.

I'm pretty sure that Dark Eldar are based on Dark Elves, rather than Skaven. GW are, on occasion, rather limitied in terms of their imagination.

Mr. Black
06-30-2011, 05:40 AM
alright, story time.

My "source" (let's call him mr. Black because it sounds cool) has been leaking small tidbits to his friends for years, with the understanding that we keep things under wraps and not say anything until it becomes public knowledge on the internet. He's a cool guy and we want him to keep his job. One of the guys in my group is a poster on warseer and he leaks like a soggy teabag, though. Mr. Black suspected this, but it wasn't that big of a deal because most of the information he shares with us is either confirmations of rumors that are already out there, it's small stuff that most people wouldn't care that much about (fluff, internal workings, etc). Well, mr. Black has a laptop, and on that laptop are the next 2-3 unreleased codices plus plenty of other work-related stuff. When mr. Black went to the restroom one day without locking his laptop, our leaky friend snuck a peak at the unreleased gk codex and leaked a ton of rumors onto warseer. He didn't get caught at first, but suspicions were running high. Later as a test, mr. Black told leaky about some new information he'd heard from on high (all of it completely bs), and sure enough the next day it's all over warseer under the same account name as the guy who leaked the gk rumors.

Now that we have confirmation that leaky is a ****, he is being fed a lot of utter bs to see how gullible he is and/or how long it takes him to realize that he's been caught red-handed. I don't know leaky's screenname but people who frequent warseer might be able to take a stab at it.

That said, i haven't talked to mr. Black in a few weeks and have no idea if this hrud information is legitimate or not. Basically i'm just giving the rumor mill a bit of a warning.

Tl;dr: Be wary of what you read on warseer.

.... .... ... ... ...who said you people could look at my laptop???!!??!

Brass Scorpion
06-30-2011, 08:33 AM
Unlike the real thing, at least dung on the Internet has no actual smell. But I suppose after the announcements from GW of the past couple months, anything is possible.

In order to pass the smell test this like any product rumor has to ultimately be about sales. If this is something that GW could sell long-term for years to come, then it's as possible as anything else, especially if it would sell better than just another update to an existing army. In order to sell well, it would have to fill a niche not already covered. Necrons filled the "killer robot" niche that works well in any SF universe and Tau added a Robotech-esque look to 40K to attract customers from that niche of SF. Additional Space Marine armies added over the years sell well because they are the most popular range and idea in 40K. So the question is, what marketing niche do Hrud fill if they were to become a full model range with a Codex for gaming and is that a viable large-scale marketable idea?

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-30-2011, 08:41 AM
from Ghost21 :

cough shoggies cough

anyway the steamroler thing meaning slow to get started ie the ambush techniques, enemies fall prey to there entropic tech

btw im not mr black or know who it is and secondly i know what ive seen and im only asked not to post direct rules and stats so there ye go

Well theres his reply to this thread, and also mentions Shoggoths (if theres shoggoth type units made by umbra id be the happiest guy alive, and my GF will love painting them)

So the question is, what marketing niche to Hrud fill if they were to become a full model range with a Codex for gaming and is that a viable large-scale marketable idea?

Well by the sounds of it, it's likely to appeal to lovecraft fanatics like me. We are growing in number all the time, and we tend to be pretty hardcore about our interest.

Lord Azaghul
06-30-2011, 08:46 AM
GW sai ages ago that 40k and fantasy are no longer connected that yes the origonal races made where based off fantasy counterparts but now they are treated as seperate systems and background hence no chaos marines in fantasy games no squats any more and the existance of the tau

They have gone back and forth on that several times now. Read the clunking 8th ed book, they've reinserted it. The actually do mention 'spaceships' in the 8th ed fantasy fluff, and old ones who crashed on whfb planet and carried on the fight against chaos...

'Along Along time in the future, in a planet very similair to our own :ROCKET HAMMER!"

@ Brass scorpion

I agree with you. The only nitch I'm seeing is a whfb paralel. And that's the dedicated anti-chaos xeno, ie Lizardman.

I think something like a squat reboot would be greated by more customer enthusaism, especially over: 'good 'nid 2.0'

06-30-2011, 09:25 AM
well i agree with most what everyone is saying, that GW isnt going to release a new army any time soon, theres no finacial reason to do so. Tau were done to bring the Manga/ Transformer kids, DE because the current veteran community kept a constant noise about bringing back and they fulfill a niche. But space rats, what fad or niche do they settle into. Plus as has been said there are at least 3 codex that are in dire need of revamping. So its just a wishfull rumour in my book.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-30-2011, 09:32 AM
Ghost21 said :
well i have this deal with thease brain removing aliens... you didnt notice you were in a jar for a few hours?

id say neither to the discription

And if he's refering to the Hrud themselves - THEY WON'T BE SPACE-RATS.

But more along the lines of MI-GO.

Mi-Go rock.

06-30-2011, 09:55 AM
I would hope for something of a Lovecraftian army full of eldritch horrors rather than Space Skaven. I could see that working, though they could inadvertently tread on Chaos Daemons, that's the only concern I'd have.

06-30-2011, 11:33 AM
Well by the sounds of it, it's likely to appeal to lovecraft fanatics like me. We are growing in number all the time, and we tend to be pretty hardcore about our interest.

I'm a huge Lovecraft fan, but dosen't Chaos and the Warp All ready fill that role?

Uncareing gods and deities of the warp, people going insaine just from looking on to them, mutation, the rot from with-in, self destructive cults, ect. I always felt alot of the ideas behind the Warp and Chaos were inspired by the Lovecraft mythos. I would think the Lovecraft mythos is already VERY well represented in the 40k universe.


Asymmetrical Xeno
06-30-2011, 01:41 PM
I'm a huge Lovecraft fan, but dosen't Chaos and the Warp All ready fill that role?

Uncareing gods and deities of the warp, people going insaine just from looking on to them, mutation, the rot from with-in, self destructive cults, ect. I always felt alot of the ideas behind the Warp and Chaos were inspired by the Lovecraft mythos. I would think the Lovecraft mythos is already VERY well represented in the 40k universe.


Really ? I'm genuinely shocked...

The core concepts of Chaos might be lovecraftian, but the execution is about as utterly boring and anti-lovecraftian as you can get, and it IS a hobby that is about the MINIATURES : And chaos is generic and unimaginative,they'd have to do a lot to make them properly lovecraftian - you got cheesey cliche bird-daemons (tzeentch), stereotypical horned red devils (khorne), "sexy daemons" (slaanesh) and nurgle where every single model has entrails coming out of their stomach. And then you have spikey chaos marines. None of it even lives up to it's name.

The only models even remotely lovecraftian are Tzeentch Flamers, and as far as I know, theres 3 models taking up 1 single unit slot, so you cant even do a proper army of them.

Give me shoggoths, flying polyps, formless spawn, mi-go, colours out of space, pipers of azathoth, spawns of yog-sothoth and yeah maybe Chaos might actually be lovecraftian. If the Hrud/Umbra rumours turn out true and we actually GET models like that, then ill be happy. If not, ill just stick to my own wargame instead knowing ill actually get minis that appeal to me.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-30-2011, 02:04 PM
yeah, the tyranid are so not the skaven made 40k, not even close. The skaven are all technology and poison based, the tyranid are so not, lol. In fact I cannot think of a proper paralell of the tyranid other than the vampire counts, since they run simlarly. You have a couple of commanders (monstrous creatures for tyranid) controlling a swarm, thats so VC

06-30-2011, 06:01 PM
yeah, the tyranid are so not the skaven made 40k, not even close. The skaven are all technology and poison based, the tyranid are so not, lol. In fact I cannot think of a proper paralell of the tyranid other than the vampire counts, since they run simlarly. You have a couple of commanders (monstrous creatures for tyranid) controlling a swarm, thats so VC

TBH, change "The skaven are all technology and poison based" to "The tyranids are all biotechnology and poison based" and its spot on;)
In the end those "commanders" are controled by somthing bigger from out of galaxy and vampires arent??...Nagash as I recall is still in pieces.

06-30-2011, 06:15 PM
Really ? I'm genuinely shocked...

The core concepts of Chaos might be lovecraftian, but the execution is about as utterly boring and anti-lovecraftian as you can get, and it IS a hobby that is about the MINIATURES : And chaos is generic and unimaginative,they'd have to do a lot to make them properly lovecraftian - you got cheesey cliche bird-daemons (tzeentch), stereotypical horned red devils (khorne), "sexy daemons" (slaanesh) and nurgle where every single model has entrails coming out of their stomach. And then you have spikey chaos marines. None of it even lives up to it's name.

The only models even remotely lovecraftian are Tzeentch Flamers, and as far as I know, theres 3 models taking up 1 single unit slot, so you cant even do a proper army of them.

Give me shoggoths, flying polyps, formless spawn, mi-go, colours out of space, pipers of azathoth, spawns of yog-sothoth and yeah maybe Chaos might actually be lovecraftian. If the Hrud/Umbra rumours turn out true and we actually GET models like that, then ill be happy. If not, ill just stick to my own wargame instead knowing ill actually get minis that appeal to me.

I think instead of having a direct Lovecraft analogy in the game they take a little bit of inspiration from the mythos and insert it into a couple different armies. I think that the Tyranids have a small aspect of it with the whole "unknown terror from beyond the galaxy" theme, as does Chaos, which already has been mentioned, also has some aspects of it. I don't think that GW as a company is particularly interested in having a "Lovecraft" army. Although, I will be honest, I have been thinking of making a (GASP) Counts as army of some kind with models inspired by his stories. Definitely going to use space wolves because I think that the rules totally reflect what they are capable of right?????:rolleyes:

06-30-2011, 11:59 PM
Give me shoggoths, flying polyps, formless spawn, mi-go, colours out of space, pipers of azathoth, spawns of yog-sothoth and yeah maybe Chaos might actually be lovecraftian. If the Hrud/Umbra rumours turn out true and we actually GET models like that, then ill be happy. If not, ill just stick to my own wargame instead knowing ill actually get minis that appeal to me.

The hurd are space rats/jawas lead by black spheres. Elder Things they are not.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-01-2011, 05:14 AM
The hurd are space rats/jawas lead by black spheres. Elder Things they are not.

Re-read that post again. I was talking about how I think Chaos should look.

Also educate yourself on Hrud. You are wrong. Xenology retconned them into swamp-aliens, and they will likely change AGAIN. Ghost21 hinted that Mi-Go is the look they might take.

Also, Xenology's been out for years - and the pictures from it have been available on sites like lexicanum for years - why do folk still insist on the incorrect space-rat archetype. Hrud originate from one single picture from 3rd edition which showed a jawa-type thing with a tail, then changed into swamp-aliens in xenology - but even that was an "artists impression" and not "correct".

07-01-2011, 07:29 AM
Kanluwen is laughing SO hard right now.

07-01-2011, 03:45 PM
Wasnt there also a rumour of the next edition lasting longer than the last and current one also?

yup expect it to last as long as 2nd ed

07-01-2011, 07:21 PM
Re-read that post again. I was talking about how I think Chaos should look.

Yah, and I was pointing out the Hurd dose not realy capture that either.

Also educate yourself on Hrud. You are wrong. Xenology retconned them into swamp-aliens, and they will likely change AGAIN. Ghost21 hinted that Mi-Go is the look they might take.

Ok. Educate your self about something here.

Just because Ghost21 hints that they will look like Mi-Go, doesn't mean they WILL be changed to look like Mi-Go. Ghost21 can be wrong and miss-feed information like any other more reliable rumor monger. Also people can misunderstand his hints.

Also, Xenology's been out for years - and the pictures from it have been available on sites like lexicanum for years - why do folk still insist on the incorrect space-rat archetype. Hrud originate from one single picture from 3rd edition which showed a jawa-type thing with a tail, then changed into swamp-aliens in xenology - but even that was an "artists impression" and not "correct".

I called them Space-rat/Jawa things because that is the best way to describe them. Fluff wise they do exactly what the skavan do (Live underground and spread deisease), and they look like Jawas.

Even after moving away from them being "rat-like", they are still described as being hunched over, shadowy, and hooded most of the time. Like Jawas.

I have read lexicanum like anyone eals, and this is something clear on their page.


I don't see why you are going on a rant over this and insulting my intelligence. All I did was point out that as someone familiar and have read many Lovecraft stories, The the Chaos Fluff and back story and heavily influenced by Lovecraft.

Also I will point out that the Screamers of tzeetch and Pink/Blue Horrors are both very lovecraftian in their fluff and "look". (3rded metal Horrors especially.)

Chaos Spawn models are also arguably have the classic "lovecraftian" look.

If the rest of the modle range dose not appeal to you, you are feel to model your army how ever you like.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-02-2011, 03:42 AM
Well, sorry if I came across as douchey - I simply shouldnt of been online that day and avoided people instead. My bad.

Just because Ghost21 hints that they will look like Mi-Go, doesn't mean they WILL be changed to look like Mi-Go.

Yah, and I was pointing out the Hurd dose not realy capture that either.

Sure, but my point that I failed to make maturely before was we don't really know until and if a codex and model range actually comes out - they could look like anything, anything we know about them currently could and (likely) be changed and retconned - they could make them litteral space-rats, swamp-monsters, jawas or well...anything at all. Nothing is set in stone with the 40k universe - this goes for the backround and models alike. All we can do is speculate. My speculations are based on IF they ended up going the 'craftian visual route.

IF they look like Mi-Go though, id be very happy - as Mi-Go many depictions of them don't have legs and I hate aliens with legs. I like my aliens to float or fly, lack symmetry or just look weird and not look too earth-like. Here are my fave depictions of them anyway.




http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/temp-2011-06-02/hiDjqhaJBxaAbBxvnGfqblwkuppJDjvvqBBavltsysqyehogFC AAmjjnogdh/06-mi-go.jpg.scaled500.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJFZAE65UYR T34AOQ&Expires=1309599890&Signature=5OG78WHt17oYc2XCK5kvJoybg1w%3D

07-02-2011, 05:39 AM
Heh, first one looks like a giant mosquito blowing its nose.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-02-2011, 06:20 AM
Heh, first one looks like a giant mosquito blowing its nose.

That could be pretty gross, it could throw entropic-snot tissues at the enemy, smothering them ageing bogeys.

I'm not being entirely serious. Allthough, I do want more gross aliens in-game.

I live by the Three S's (Squiggly, Slimey and Squishy) Nid's are a bit Slimey, but arent Squiggly enough for me. I NEED SQUIGGLY.

07-02-2011, 10:28 PM
Well, sorry if I came across as douchey - I simply shouldnt of been online that day and avoided people instead. My bad.

I understand and accept your apology. Thow I had to admit that way you reacted to me, and bassic boasted your self up as the "bigger" lovecraft fan reminded me of this song lol.



Sure, but my point that I failed to make maturely before was we don't really know until and if a codex and model range actually comes out - they could look like anything, anything we know about them currently could and (likely) be changed and retconned - they could make them litteral space-rats, swamp-monsters, jawas or well...anything at all. Nothing is set in stone with the 40k universe - this goes for the backround and models alike. All we can do is speculate. My speculations are based on IF they ended up going the 'craftian visual route.

IF they look like Mi-Go though, id be very happy - as Mi-Go many depictions of them don't have legs and I hate aliens with legs. I like my aliens to float or fly, lack symmetry or just look weird and not look too earth-like. Here are my fave depictions of them anyway.

In every incarnation the Hrud have never been floaty. They have always been hunched over and shadowy figures clothed in rags. I would think this would be a aspect of them that they will always have, to play into the idea of them being a subterranean race that spreads threw a world like a "infestation".

Making them floaty and Mi-Go like would mean a very sharp change in direction for the hurd. In all honesty at that point why even call them hrud any more? I could see Games Workshop maby making a Lovecraftian-esq race based of the Mi-go or the Great Race, ect. But I can't realy see them turning the Hurd into thows races.

07-03-2011, 07:13 AM
Kanluwen is laughing SO hard right now.I dunno how much more stongly I have to hint about this thread :P

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-03-2011, 07:37 AM
In every incarnation the Hrud have never been floaty. They have always been hunched over and shadowy figures clothed in rags. I would think this would be a aspect of them that they will always have, to play into the idea of them being a subterranean race that spreads threw a world like a "infestation".

Making them floaty and Mi-Go like would mean a very sharp change in direction for the hurd. In all honesty at that point why even call them hrud any more? I could see Games Workshop maby making a Lovecraftian-esq race based of the Mi-go or the Great Race, ect. But I can't realy see them turning the Hurd into thows races.

True, maybe give them worm like bodies and get rid of the wings? I might research other subterranean lifeforms for inspiration (many seem blind, so maybe not having eyes could be cool?)

Even if these rumours are all BS, it's given me an insane amount of ideas - and I might just go suclpt/cast up my own personal army of them anyway. :D


I'm sure most of us know these rumours could be BS, but it's fun to debate and for me personally - very inspiring. I always take rumours with a grain of salt, but I find them enjoyable regardless if they end up true or not (i.e. demiurg rumours from some years ago inspired me to sculpt my own demiurg force up from how I visualised them).

07-03-2011, 09:18 AM
I dunno how much more stongly I have to hint about this thread :P

I missed a joke here. Who is Kanluwen?

07-04-2011, 07:53 AM
I missed a joke here. *looks at the various "Hrud rumor" threads across the internet"

... one could say that yes :D

07-06-2011, 06:12 PM
I'll believe this when I see it...

07-13-2011, 02:24 AM
then again nothing wrong with wishful thinking .... genestealer cult anyone lol