View Full Version : 40K e-books on Amazon - a warning...

06-28-2011, 01:18 PM
Hey all.

Got a Kindle for my birthday the other day. This christmas will mostly be spent in Afghanistan so wanted to get one now and buy a book a week to spread the cost.

Anyhoo, looking on Amazon for 40K books. 2 turned up, by authors I never heard of. Awesome quality artwork - easily on a par with dodgy black library such as Gaunt with the Rogue Trader Mutation 'moronic pinhead'.

As the blurb on amazon was crap I went to Black Library to find out what these books were. Couldn't find them, a bit of google later and it turned out they were FANFIC! Charging for FANFIC!

On b&stard Amazon! The cheek of it, as Jules says, 'Sewer Rat might taste like pumpkin pie but I still won't eat the filthy M&*%$£ FU*&@!'

Most Fanfic is self indulgent shoit and I can't believe Amazon is trying to make me pay hard-earned money for it. I would rather have Battle for the Abyss tattooed behind my eyelids so all I can see when I'm asleep is that balls.

Thought i would let you all know in case you click faster and find yourself paying for stuff that is not official...

Drew da Destroya
06-28-2011, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the heads up, Denzark!

I'm pretty sure the only fanfic I've actually enjoyed was the Dornian Heresy, and that's free.