View Full Version : Painting Razorwings

06-28-2011, 09:52 AM
Can anyone who has assembled and painted a Razorwing tell me if it is easier to paint it unassembled, like a Raider, or is it fine to assemble first? I have nine of them sitting unopened and I can't be bothered experimenting myself.:rolleyes:

06-28-2011, 09:59 AM
Ive finished assembly but not yet painting.

I think that you can assemble most of it no problem before painting. The only parts I would consider painting separately (asuming that you are not going to magnetise them anyway) are the main guns, the missiles and possibly the pilot's body if you are leaving the cockpit transparent.

Otherwise, there are relatively few bits that are hard to get the brush to.

06-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Ooh, I mean't to say excluding the pilot because I always assemble and paint them first. I won't be magnetising it, will pick whichever missiles look prettiest and leave it at that, no one in my group is silly enough about WYSIWYG to complain the missiles don't match what I've paid for. Thanks!

06-28-2011, 11:03 AM
The only part that is remotely "hard to paint" is the back near where the engines and fins meet. Just some tight spaces but they were not actually that hard to paint really. The rest is easy.

So 9 Razorwings!? lol

06-28-2011, 11:56 AM
somebody wants a fighter wing for Apoc... :)

06-28-2011, 03:45 PM
I airbrush, so it was easier to paint assembled versus in pieces. Though when I airbrush my raiders/ravagers, they are mostly assembled as well(sans ethersail, crew, guns).

If I were going to paint the pilot, I would do it separately, glue it in without the clear plastic hood, and mask over the hole. Airbrush as normal and add the plastic hood later. Me, I just paint my plastic hoods and leave the pilot out.

Correction: I left the missiles off during painting.

06-29-2011, 12:15 AM
Yep, play a lot of Apocalype and in the absence of any FW DE superheavies, need lots of flyers.:)

somebody wants a fighter wing for Apoc... :)

06-29-2011, 12:23 AM
Holy crap nine?!

I think your group and my group are made of some very similar people. Apocalypse games all over the place.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-29-2011, 06:36 AM
Lol, my tyranid force is SO far from being able to play Apoc, but it would be fun to.

06-29-2011, 07:41 AM
I just spent the last two hours adding green stuff breasts to all the Razorwing pilots then priming and basecoating.:rolleyes: Looking at the sprues I think I once I paint the pilots the two halves of the body can be assembled, primed then glued together. I'll leave the extra bits off. It seems really well designed, I'm not even sure you would need to magnetise weapons, they seem to just slot in firmly.

Also, negligible mould lines. This is definitely one of my favourite kits.

Speaking of your Tyranids, you need to post more pictures.:p

06-29-2011, 07:59 AM
I love how the entire hull is in basically 3 pieces and so easy to build

I'm holding off painting mineuntil I finish everything I need for my next tournement...nice reward to myself!

Also 9? Jeez....I thought I had a big airforce. How many AA guns your lot got? Cos i doubt its enough...

Emerald Rose Widow
06-29-2011, 08:01 AM
I just spent the last two hours adding green stuff breasts to all the Razorwing pilots then priming and basecoating.:rolleyes: Looking at the sprues I think I once I paint the pilots the two halves of the body can be assembled, primed then glued together. I'll leave the extra bits off. It seems really well designed, I'm not even sure you would need to magnetise weapons, they seem to just slot in firmly.

Also, negligible mould lines. This is definitely one of my favourite kits.

Speaking of your Tyranids, you need to post more pictures.:p

I havent made much progress due to the move and the stresses involved there, but I did play a few in person 500 point games with them and had fun. Lemme post my blog up here and you can read up on it if you so desire. I am working on my tervigon base next which will be a true project, magnetized crystals on the base as wound counters, large crystals that the tervigon is crawling between which will be amazing. The whole base will have a piece of slate just put right on top of it, its going to look just stunning, i cant wait to finish it.


As for magnetzing, well those slots will wear out eventually, so I just magnetize out of habit. What colour scheme do you do with your dark elves. Btw, so agree with you on the boobs on the dark eldar, when/if i do my dark eldar I am SO making it an all female army.

06-29-2011, 08:44 AM
I'm being very sneaky with the DE airforce, my brothers have quite a bit of AA but they aren't expecting nine Razorwings (I said I ordered two and bought the rest through a friend:cool:). I want them done by Saturday for a big Apocalypse game. Should be a nice surprise. Nice for me, that is.

/evil giggle

Wear and tear on slots is why god invented blutac.;) Look forward to seeing the Tervigon, it sounds very impressive.:)

Emerald Rose Widow
06-29-2011, 09:03 AM
I'm being very sneaky with the DE airforce, my brothers have quite a bit of AA but they aren't expecting nine Razorwings (I said I ordered two and bought the rest through a friend:cool:). I want them done by Saturday for a big Apocalypse game. Should be a nice surprise. Nice for me, that is.

/evil giggle

Wear and tear on slots is why god invented blutac.;) Look forward to seeing the Tervigon, it sounds very impressive.:)

well follow my blog if you wanna keep seeing my tyranid, i know im going to post all my updates there

Also when I finally get a chance to visit the UK like I want to ill make sure to pop in and show em to you in person

06-29-2011, 09:27 AM
I'll keep an eye out for it.

Oh I forgot, I was going to have an all female army myself, but I couldn't be bothered waiting for female torsos from bits services nor making hundreds of green stuff breasts myself. As fun as it is it gets dull after a while.:rolleyes:

Emerald Rose Widow
06-29-2011, 09:28 AM
I'll keep an eye out for it.

Oh I forgot, I was going to have an all female army myself, but I couldn't be bothered waiting for female torsos from bits services nor making hundreds of green stuff breasts myself. As fun as it is it gets dull after a while.:rolleyes:

you make me sad -pouts-

06-29-2011, 12:14 PM
Wehey, a flock of Razorwings. That's be a nice thing to see. Get cracking I'd say! :D