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01-06-2013, 05:18 PM
There's too much female arse in the game anyway what with Miranda and the like, why not balance it out with Brosheps buns of steel?

That's upto you, I don't belive such a thing exists...

Well the whole romance thing really decided the sex of Shepard for me, I just couldn't bring myself to chat up one of the fellas on the Normandy.

If I had the choice of race, Well Krogan it would have to be. I love those bad *** turtle dudes.

Having another crack at the game. Going to get a better ending and I have downloaded the extended ending.
Neither could I but I still played fem shep, and you can still chase the ladies :D
It is a shame you have to play as a human...but it makes it easier to have just the one campaign...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-06-2013, 06:07 PM
I don't care, Mark Meer is an awesome guy!

He's the kind of guy that I could share a pint with. :p

01-07-2013, 12:05 AM
I like Mark Meer, but I prefer Hales ME voice work.

I'll see your Mark Meer offering to bang and raise with Ali Hillis and Jennifer Hale flirting:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-07-2013, 12:20 AM

01-07-2013, 01:02 AM
Have you downloaded any of the DLC? The Extended Cut Ending makes it a lot easier to get a "good" ending, though there is no way to avoid Shepard dieing - unless you get the "good" ending and pick the red option.
I just spent three games playing a Paragon, I'm not about to sacrifice the geth to save myself.
Besides, it's time Harbinger learned the true meaning of ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL.

Well the whole romance thing really decided the sex of Shepard for me, I just couldn't bring myself to chat up one of the fellas on the Normandy.
What, not even Garrus?
And I thought I was heavily repressed.

01-07-2013, 01:15 AM
Well you're not just sacrificing the Geth to save yourself, you're sacrificing them to save that cycle and all future cycles. I never found the other two options compelling (as choices, I mean, the writing itself is good), to be honest. Synthesis was grossly immoral, forcibly hybridising all life in the galaxy without permission to satisfy an ancient, lunatic AI or strip Shepard of all her humanity and put her in charge of a race of giant killer AIs, no human should have that kind of power even with their humanity intact.

As FemShep you can romance Liara, Kelly Chambers and Samantha Traynor so that isn't a bad choice really. I always romance Liara...

01-07-2013, 02:46 AM
What, not even Garrus?
And I thought I was heavily repressed.

Lol, I'm not repressed. What ever floats your boat. I like to play RP games and make the same decisions I would if I were in the position Shepard is in this example. Garrus is a fantastic friend in the game but I'm it about to shag him.

I personally found Liara lacking personality in the games, plus Tali's mystique was too alluring not to romance her. To be honest I just wanted the achievement really.

The more I think about the extended ending, which I have now seen. I think Bioware should have left it alone. However if anyone has thoughts on the "Stargazer" please share them.

I disagree with you on the ending though EG, basically my thoughts are if you go red or blue endings the Reapers kind of get what they wanted. The galaxy taking a big step backwards with all the spacefaring civilisations having to cope without the relays. The Symbiotic ending at least allowed the galaxy to continue to evolve in a positive direction. I dont mind the idea of all biological and symbiotic life merging. But then I do play Necrons ;)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-07-2013, 02:53 AM
Deadlift! Does this mean that we can kill noobs together now? :p

I liked Liara's shyness, same goes for Tali.

Garrus is my bro! Never shag a bro!

01-07-2013, 03:10 AM
Pfft, Liara has all the personality.:p

Well the issue I have with Synthesis is that Shepard has spent years (and died) to give synthetics and organics both the ability to choose their own path, yet then she can choose to just forcibly hybridise every lifeform in the galaxy with no choice offered. I understand the circumstances didn't exactly lend themselves to a galactic referendum, I thought it was a good option just not one I could take personally. I doget quite annoyed about people who talk about how the endings don't reflect the themes of Mass Effect, particularly synthesis. Saren talked about a harmonious joininf of synthetics and organics in Mass Effect 1 (on Virmire) for gods sake... But I do see this one as the Reapers winning, succeeding in rewriting all life to match their conception of the univers.
Control I just see as being a temporary solution. Shepard gets turned into an AI and plugged into the Reapers and completely divorced from her friends, Liara (:P) galactic society in general and we expect her to maintain her sanity for how long in those circumstances? Nope, don't trust that either.
Destroy, on the other hand, rids the galaxy of the threat of the Reapers forever, not just (potentially) temporarily. It isn't perfect, though, as you have to sacrifice the Geth (and EDI) to do it. But given that the Geth have possibly alreayd been killed by the Quarians OR signed on to an all or nothing attack on the Reapers I figure it is like sending soldiers to their deaths and somewhat more morally acceptable.

But this all highlights one reason why I love the ME3 endings, none of them are perfect, happy endings and each is radically different with considerable ramifications if people would just bother to think about it and pay attention while playing the series. Sadly most people don't think or pay attention, hence the ending nerdrage.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-07-2013, 04:40 AM

Godless Zealot
01-07-2013, 09:30 AM

Well I did! :p It was interesting too! Well I finally caved in and just watched all the various endings online as all this discussion has got me curious. I'm not too fussed about the spoilers anymore. After all the nerdrage about the endings I was expecting them to be pretty bad but actually they were okay. Personally there was a few things I would of changed but despite that I felt satisfied with the conclusion. I like the fact you have to sacrifice the mass relays to stop them, if the Reapers are to go their tech should go too! Also I agree with Deadlift that the extended cut seemed unnecessary. To me it just felt like a very contrived add-on to say "See look! Not everybody died!". I like how the original was quite vague as it felt you could make up your own mind to what happened but I guess some people just wanted to be spoon fed all the details. It also renders the 'Stargazer' scene at the end defunct. The one thing I didn't like, and judging from the youtube comments many other fans too, was the final AI 'Starkid' thing. It wasn't just the flawed logic that irked me but it's existence seemed to undermine the menace of the Reapers.

"We are each a nation - independent, free of all weakness. You cannot grasp the nature of our existence" -Sovereign

Well actually turns out we can....

I'd have to agree that the destroy option seemed the best one to go for. The synthesis ending did seem to be offered as the best compromise but yes that is essentially what Saren was driving for in the first game. The merging of synthetic and organic makes my skin crawl. Not too sure what to make of the breath scene, an indication that s/he is still alive or the last gasp before death? The only issue with the destroy ending is that it's hinted that we will create super AIs all over again and the destruction will reoccur, though as mentioned earlier I wasn't keen on this notion of the Reapers existence. Sorry for the longish post but felt the urge to type this down and this seemed the best place to share it! Thanks!

01-07-2013, 10:18 AM
I'm actually starting to believe the indoctrination theory, some of the reasons might be able to be explained away but some are pretty compelling, esp. the eyes. I like this analysis:

01-07-2013, 11:22 AM
I'm actually starting to believe the indoctrination theory, some of the reasons might be able to be explained away but some are pretty compelling, esp. the eyes. I like this analysis:

I think that's what I like about the original endings, as Godless said because the endings were open to player interpretation were each able to add our own missing pieces of the puzzle and find our own conclusions. I do though understand why so many players were hacked off with the conclusion of the trilogy, the game managed (for me at least) for you to become attached and invested in your crew, squad, hell the whole galaxy. I really felt I was fighting for something good. So by the end when Shep depending on your chosen ending dies you really feel a sense of loss. A stroke of genius I think and really adds to reply value too.

I look forward to Mass Effect 4, I have read its not likely going to be a prequel which suits me. I want to know what happens after the events of the Reaper invasion. Obviously Shepherds out of the picture now and I am interested in which direction they will take the galaxy and its lore.
Going to have to wait awhile I hear, 2014 / 2015 I am reading and on the next gen 720 too.

01-07-2013, 11:28 AM
I look forward to Mass Effect 4, I have read its not likely going to be a prequel which suits me. I want to know what happens after the events of the Reaper invasion. Obviously Shepherds out of the picture now and I am interested in which direction they will take the galaxy and its lore.
Going to have to wait awhile I hear, 2014 / 2015 I am reading and on the next gen 720 too.

Yeah, lots to look forward to!

The biggest thing about the ending of ME3 I had a problem with is 3 games of big decisions that all had very little effect on the end of the trilogy (if it is, in fact, staying as a trilogy). I understand how hard it would be to add even more endings but it was pretty disappointing.

Godless Zealot
01-07-2013, 11:44 AM
I'm actually starting to believe the indoctrination theory, some of the reasons might be able to be explained away but some are pretty compelling, esp. the eyes. I like this analysis:

It's an impressive theory, very well thought out and some people have done some thorough research but surely the release of the extended cut dlc put that to rest? However there is one more piece of dlc coming so you never know.....

The biggest thing about the ending of ME3 I had a problem with is 3 games of big decisions that all had very little effect on the end of the trilogy (if it is, in fact, staying as a trilogy). I understand how hard it would be to add even more endings but it was pretty disappointing.

I was just speaking to my friend about this. I haven't actually played through the third game yet but since I'm on a spoiler crusade I thought what the hell and he gave me the rundown and he was of the opinion that your choices do have meaning it's just played across the entire third game not just in the final cutscene. He didn't give too many specifics but he said all the conflicts and issues brought up across the first two games get resolved at some point during the final game so it could be that you view the entire game as an 'ending' rather than just the final episode.

01-07-2013, 11:48 AM
I liked the endings conceptually, but they were originally executed horribly. You can argue about open endings and all that, but things like disappearing squadmates, no apparent escape for your crew (who were fleeing because..?) and all that, it was a mess.
Love the extended cut personally as it gave a sense of closure I felt was severly lacking.

Also my N7 snowboard (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdz8n9vJAr1qhm2duo1_500.jpg) arrived the other day, just in time for the 42 degree heatwave, lol :p

Edit: always bet on red. Blue has no assurances you'll be able to keep control, and green is horrifying. I mean the husks are shown to be still alive after the energy hits them. Do they remember who they were? How intelligent are they? How would people react to these techno-organic beings animated from the brutally butchered corpses of thier friends (a brute is a krogan body with a turian head jammed on it! That's not even going near banshees) being chill and just wanting to party? One of those things where the more I think about it the creepier it gets.

And as Hacket said "Dead Reapers is how we win this war". And the Geth can suck it. Dudes side with the Reapers at the drop of a hat. EDI I headcanon that she must have made it out as the Normandy can't fly without her and it's clearly shown flying again so... ;)

01-07-2013, 12:12 PM
I want to know what happens after the events of the Reaper invasion.

Krogan expansion!

01-07-2013, 12:19 PM
Krogan expansion!

Yay ;)
I love em.

01-07-2013, 12:24 PM
It's an impressive theory, very well thought out and some people have done some thorough research but surely the release of the extended cut dlc put that to rest? However there is one more piece of dlc coming so you never know.....

I was just speaking to my friend about this. I haven't actually played through the third game yet but since I'm on a spoiler crusade I thought what the hell and he gave me the rundown and he was of the opinion that your choices do have meaning it's just played across the entire third game not just in the final cutscene. He didn't give too many specifics but he said all the conflicts and issues brought up across the first two games get resolved at some point during the final game so it could be that you view the entire game as an 'ending' rather than just the final episode.

I thought the extended cut just added some of the reaper history, or did I miss something? It does tie up a lot of the decisions throughout the game but the end just didn't seem to do them justice, it just came down to 3 colors with very slight and nearly meaningless differences based on your readiness level, though apparently your choice is restricted if you were really unprepared.

Godless Zealot
01-07-2013, 12:32 PM
I thought the extended cut just added some of the reaper history, or did I miss something? It does tie up a lot of the decisions throughout the game but the end just didn't seem to do them justice, it just came down to 3 colors with very slight and nearly meaningless differences based on your readiness level, though apparently your choice is restricted if you were really unprepared.

On the clips I watched online the extended cut added in some epilogue scenes after the coloured explosion scene. It essentially gives a brief overview of what happened like how life goes on, rebuilding etc depending on whether you chose to destroy, synthesise or control it varies slightly. The indoctrination theory video claims everything after getting nailed by Harbinger is a dream and the only way to break free is to choose Destroy so Shepard wakes up. The epilogue scenes to me invalidate the indoctrination theory in that they show life after Shepard and the end of the Reaper War.

EDIT: Just thought I'd mention too Krogan are badass!

01-07-2013, 11:05 PM
I liked the endings conceptually, but they were originally executed horribly. You can argue about open endings and all that, but things like disappearing squadmates, no apparent escape for your crew (who were fleeing because..?) and all that, it was a mess.
Love the extended cut personally as it gave a sense of closure I felt was severly lacking.

Edit: always bet on red. Blue has no assurances you'll be able to keep control, and green is horrifying. I mean the husks are shown to be still alive after the energy hits them. Do they remember who they were? How intelligent are they? How would people react to these techno-organic beings animated from the brutally butchered corpses of thier friends (a brute is a krogan body with a turian head jammed on it! That's not even going near banshees) being chill and just wanting to party? One of those things where the more I think about it the creepier it gets.

And as Hacket said "Dead Reapers is how we win this war". And the Geth can suck it. Dudes side with the Reapers at the drop of a hat. EDI I headcanon that she must have made it out as the Normandy can't fly without her and it's clearly shown flying again so... ;)
This. The original endings were fine they just weren't executed well and the EC remedied that by and large.

I see the endings thus:
Green: Reaper Ending, the Reapers basically get everything huskified to some extent and they win. As Gott says the more you think about it the creepier it gets.
Blue: Cerberus ending, the Reapers are brought under the dubious control of a human who is stripped of humanity and isolated from her species. This is what Cerberus wanted.
Red: The Human Ending. The Reapers are gone for good, the cycle of extermination is ended permanent and unambiguously

I also headcanon that EDI survives due to the computer core being shielded by the Normandy and the Normandy largely avoiding much of the blast, they just haven't realised they can reboot her when they put her name on the casualty plaque.:p Hey, Bioware said Shepard had no canon gender so people could choose their own, I don't think they would object to this...

I thought the extended cut just added some of the reaper history, or did I miss something? It does tie up a lot of the decisions throughout the game but the end just didn't seem to do them justice, it just came down to 3 colors with very slight and nearly meaningless differences based on your readiness level, though apparently your choice is restricted if you were really unprepared.
If your readiness is high enough in the EC the relay network survives, though in need of repair, I wouldn't call that meaningless.

01-08-2013, 10:07 AM
If your readiness is high enough in the EC the relay network survives, though in need of repair, I wouldn't call that meaningless.

I hadn't seen the EC stuff, just took a look at it last night, though I did say "nearly meaningless" :p. To me the ending just seemed like a hiccup in a game that had such good writing everywhere else. It seemed to stop making as much sense when shepard got hit with a reaper beam, the kid didn't make a whole lot of sense earlier in the game either but at least it seemed like they were going somewhere with that.

Does anyone know if they have plans for further modification of the ending or anymore dlc at all?

Godless Zealot
01-08-2013, 10:29 AM
Does anyone know if they have plans for further modification of the ending or anymore dlc at all?

It has been confirmed that at least one more piece of story dlc is on its way supposedly it will be an emotional adventure but whether it will affect/change the ending is unclear.

01-08-2013, 10:39 AM
Video games as a whole are a strange entertainment medium, I can't think of any other instance in film or a novel where the fans have voiced so much upset with the ending that the conclusion of a story has been changed / extended after release.

I am sure you guys and gals can, but it's still quite unique.

Godless Zealot
01-29-2013, 08:55 AM
New DLC teaser pics...



01-29-2013, 11:37 PM
GW aren't the only ones who go in for vague teasers.:rolleyes:

01-30-2013, 04:01 AM
Krogan with a Thunderhammer.

01-30-2013, 06:09 AM
Krogan with a Thunderhammer.

I would love to have a Krogan back in my team, better still I would love to be one. That biggish fella you have on your squad was ok as a tank, but those turtle looking aliens are far and away my favorite ME race.

01-30-2013, 06:11 AM
When I played Multiplayer as a Krogan i just ran around headbutting things.

Not that great tactically, but great fun to just hulk smash everything. I even had him in green armour

Godless Zealot
01-30-2013, 06:18 AM
Internet talkings seem to suggest the first pic is part of the new 'Citadel' dlc and the second Krogan pic is a new multiplayer class as if you look that's Firebase Goddess in the background.

02-01-2013, 09:07 AM

02-01-2013, 09:13 AM
Gah, adorable...

So, it looks like the next ME3 DLC is going to take into account a lot of past actions (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-01-mass-effect-3-reckoning-dlc-leaked-in-new-patch-data), which is promising.

02-01-2013, 09:14 AM
I love the Mass Effect/Beauty and the Beast pic on that article

I need to go back to ME3, finish my INsanity playthrough and the 2 single player DLC's.

I'll add it to the list....

02-01-2013, 09:18 AM
I know right? Also adorable:

02-01-2013, 09:27 AM
Annoyed its co-op story stuff though.

I'm an unsocial gamer damn it

Godless Zealot
02-01-2013, 10:44 AM
Choices in the single player campaign affecting multiplayer? I is excite. I am a big fan of co-op game modes sounds interesting but not sure how it will work exactly. Maybe Broshep and Femshep will finally get to hang out together. :D

02-01-2013, 05:20 PM
The choices bit affects the single player Citgadel DLC,the multiplayer information was just where he found some of the suff relating to the story DLC. I think.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Shepard meets Shepard? It can only end in tears.

Godless Zealot
02-02-2013, 09:16 AM
The choices bit affects the single player Citgadel DLC,the multiplayer information was just where he found some of the suff relating to the story DLC. I think.

Apparently the single player user choices will affect the new multiplayer co-op story missions.:confused:

02-03-2013, 01:06 AM
That's odd... But kind of awesome.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-03-2013, 08:54 AM
Come at me bros.

02-03-2013, 09:52 AM
So that is why you haven't accepted my friend request.:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-03-2013, 10:02 AM

02-03-2013, 12:55 PM
I was meant to quote DrLove42. ;)

02-03-2013, 02:04 PM
I have a request?

02-04-2013, 06:49 AM
So it does seem that there are plans for co-op missions to be impacted by the single player decisions, unless the dataminers have misinterpeted it. Very, very nifty if true.

I've managed to get my mother hooked on Mass Effect (her first video game since 1994 or so) after she expressed a desire to reacquaint herself with video games. It's part of a cunning plan to get her on side for my merchandise and cosplay acquisitions so I don't have to go to such lengths to hide it from her.:rolleyes:

Godless Zealot
02-04-2013, 10:12 AM
Unfortunately just stumbled across this http://www.puresophistry.com/2013/02/04/data-miner-who-discovered-mass-effect-dlc-leak-reckoning-was-misquoted/. May not be co-op missions after all but here's hoping.

02-04-2013, 11:36 PM
Can't say I'm surprised.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-05-2013, 12:30 AM
I'm Garrus Vakarian, and THIS is my rectum!

02-05-2013, 01:35 AM
I have a request?
I believe I sent you one a while ago. ;) I'll check this evening.

Godless Zealot
02-05-2013, 09:59 AM
I'm Garrus Vakarian, and THIS is my rectum!

Liara, bend over, I have to thrust or this doesn't work.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-06-2013, 01:36 AM
Liara, bend over, I have to thrust or this doesn't work.

A fellow Manslayer fan I see.

Shepard.... I'm a Reaper Doomsday device.
Oh f*ck!

In other news, the guy who voiced Zaeed (Robin Sachs) has died! :(
RIP, you badass.

02-06-2013, 01:49 AM
Aw, I liked him, he was very good in Buffy too.

White Tiger88
02-06-2013, 02:00 AM
Liara, bend over, I have to thrust or this doesn't work.

....wow....just wow.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-06-2013, 02:28 AM
Aw, I liked him, he was very good in Buffy too.

A shame...

....wow....just wow.

Report back to the ship as soon as possible... We'll bang, okay?

White Tiger88
02-06-2013, 02:47 AM
A shame...

Report back to the ship as soon as possible... We'll bang, okay?

Wheres an American Drone when i need one........ >_@

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-06-2013, 03:07 AM
I saw children... Children f'ing Reapers. Dead Reapers.

What has happened to the world?

Godless Zealot
02-06-2013, 05:53 AM
In other news, the guy who voiced Zaeed (Robin Sachs) has died! :(
RIP, you badass.

That's a real shame... I loved Zaeed, like the Chuck Norris of the Mass Effect world.

02-07-2013, 07:59 AM

I am so freaking bored

02-07-2013, 08:17 AM
Rosie 'the Riveter' Shepard, so nicknamed because she once riveted a mans genitals to his Mako after he made suggestive remarks.

02-07-2013, 08:19 AM
I am so freaking bored

Yeah I'm bored of mass effect too...

02-21-2013, 12:24 PM


Mass Effect 3:Citadel - (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/122289-BioWare-Says-Farewell-With-Mass-Effect-3-Citadel-and-Reckoning)

a single-player add-on that has Commander Shepard targeted by a "sinister conspiracy," leading her into new Citadel locations ranging from the Wards to the top-secret Council Archives. The final Mass Effect 3 single-player DLC will bring about the return of squadmates from the original Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 and while EA hasn't revealed the full lineup yet, Urdnot Wrex is definitely on the list.

Furthermore: (http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/323/index/15954108)

All good things must come to an end, and that includes the Commander Shepard trilogy. However, just because it is coming to an end, that doesn't mean we can't go out with a bang. Introducing the final Mass Effect 3 single-player DLC: Citadel!

When a sinister conspiracy targets Commander Shepard, you and your team must uncover the truth, through battles and intrigue that range from the glamour of the Citadel’s Wards to the top-secret Council Archives. Uncover the truth and fight alongside your squad – as well as the cast from the original Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.

When the adventure is over, reconnect with your favorite characters from the Mass Effect Trilogy, try your luck at the Citadel’s Silver Coast Casino, blow off steam in the Armax Combat Arena, or explore and furnish Shepard’s own living quarters on the Citadel. With unique content and cinematics featuring your friends and romance interests in the Mass Effect trilogy, Mass Effect 3: Citadel offers one final chance to see the characters you have known for years and rekindle romances.

Mass Effect 3: Citadel will release worldwide on March 5th on Xbox 360, PC and PS3 (on March 6th on PS3 in Europe).


One important note.

For Xbox 360 users, the Citadel DLC pack will come as 2 downloads on Xbox Live. ME3 Citadel is larger than our previous DLC packs, so it had to be split into 2 downloads. The first pack is priced at $14.99 and the second pack is tagged as free. Players need to purchase and download pack 1, then download pack 2 at no additional cost.

You can download pack 2 without purchasing pack one, but the DLC will not work. You will get an error message in game asking you to download pack 1. It will say "This DLC will only work in conjunction with Part 1 of Mass Effect™ 3: Citadel, which is split across 2 downloadable packages. Please purchase Part 1 prior to downloading Part 2 at no additional cost.]"This will not hurt your saved game but you will not be able to launch Citadel until you have both packs.

This only effects Xbox 360 users. Citadel for the PC and PS3 is in one pack.


02-21-2013, 03:23 PM

02-21-2013, 07:58 PM
Woohoo! Very excited.....

02-21-2013, 11:19 PM
*flails excitedly*

No word of it being post-ending, no surprise there.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-22-2013, 04:49 AM
I doubt Shepard is really in the mood for pimp cribs after what he has just been through.

If I was Shepard, I'd be having like 50 Jagerbombs, 7 Koppabergs, 10 Shots, and whatever else... All on the Alliance's tab.
"I just survived three hard-*** video games, time to get wasted!"

Godless Zealot
03-04-2013, 02:22 PM
Citadel Trailer now up, looks interesting....


03-04-2013, 06:03 PM
New DLC announced


03-05-2013, 01:31 AM
Citadel Trailer now up, looks interesting....


*flails excitedly*

Also, best quote ever:

The last guy that trash talked me was a few kilometres taller than you

New DLC announced


I'd hit it.

So if Garrus and Tali are watching Fleet & Flotilla (maybe) will Liara and FemShep be able to watch Vaenia or Asari Confessions?:rolleyes:

White Tiger88
03-05-2013, 01:38 AM
Burn the Pony....Burn it now!

03-05-2013, 07:16 AM
The trailer actually brought a tear to my eye. It might seem cheesy/non-sensical to others that the entire squad teams up and they have cheesy dialogue like that entire squad/cast picture at the end of the trailer, but I think Bioware understands how deeply attached to this cast of characters we have all become. It looks like it is the send-off they deserve (even if the main ending might not be for Shepard) and I am very excited to see if it is as heart-warming with all of the characters as the trailer intimated. Also loled at that Fleet and Flotilla part, amongst others. And seriously, what was with Miranda's dress?

03-05-2013, 08:37 AM
I actually had a little cry a few days ago when it dawned on me this DLC was the real, true end of my FemSheps story. Well stories. Eighteen of them or so...

I like that dress.:p It's fairly standard actually, you see it a few times across the trilogy in different colours.

03-05-2013, 09:14 AM
Haha, fond memories :)

Was actually more the fact she was wearing that dress that surprised me lol.

03-05-2013, 05:26 PM
Downloading it now, yay.

03-05-2013, 07:07 PM
Ah please tell us all what you think when you are done :D Us Aussies can't get it 'till tomorrow, and probably for $22 too :(

03-06-2013, 02:20 AM
I left it to download overnight and it still hasn't finished, EA servers must be overloaded or something because there is no way it should take 8 hours for me to download 3.5gig.:(

03-06-2013, 02:25 AM
3.5 gigabytes :eek: From what I remember Leviathan/Omega are nowhere near that big....
Also sad to hear you haven't gotten a chance to play it yet :(

03-06-2013, 02:33 AM
Well the servers are busy not letting you play simcity...

03-06-2013, 02:53 AM
Well the servers are busy not letting you play simcity...

The SimCity server thing is really pissing me off. I really wanted to play it, but all these problems are making me wait a long while before picking it up

As for ME3....i'm bad and haven't played any of the DLC's yet. Must get around to them at some point

03-06-2013, 02:58 AM
It's typical ridiculous EA OTT DRM, so scared of pirates they put of genuine customers.

03-06-2013, 04:08 AM
Saying 14 hour download for me at the moment...

03-06-2013, 04:18 AM
14 hours.:( That's horrid. Mine just finished so I'm off...

03-06-2013, 04:24 AM
Have fun!
Provided PSN updates at midnight, I'll start the download and it should be done when I get up tomorrow, though I won't be able to play it until tomorrow night as I have Daemons to buy/build/play with :D

03-06-2013, 04:34 AM

*sigh* pretty much sums up life at the moment. Thought it was going to be a good day for a change as I had the day off of all things so I could spend all night playing through.

Guess not :/

03-06-2013, 04:38 AM
Is that days:hours:minutes?

03-06-2013, 04:46 AM

Sitting on 36 hours at the moment.

03-06-2013, 04:56 AM
So it's getting faster...

03-06-2013, 05:04 AM
If by faster, you in fact mean slower... then yes.

Shut it off, try it later in the week I guess. Might get to play on the weekend or something.

03-06-2013, 05:54 AM
So far: player housing, evening wear, awesome action sequences, cute female intelligence officer high on medi-gel with a pet cat called MR Biscuits and sushi (and one assumes sashimi). Best expansion EVER. Also some really adorable dialogue between squad mates, Liara in particular.

03-06-2013, 05:56 AM

03-06-2013, 06:46 AM
Ok, seems to be going better now - saying half an hour now - just hope it stays that way!

Watched Paragon Lost while waiting. It wasn't bad. VAs were all good though some of the dialogue was a bit rough (Freddie Prinze Jr really sells the ending). Some of the animation is a bit choppy though, but Studio IG often is (thing Ghost in the Shell SAC, but not quite as unwatchable).

03-06-2013, 07:19 AM
It was all going so well, then a door bugged out and wouldn't open and I had to start a long mission again.:(

03-06-2013, 07:29 AM
Needs a day one patch?

03-06-2013, 09:20 AM
Not sure, not seen any other complaints of that particular problem (yet). Not tried again, mother wanted to watch more Clone Wars.

03-06-2013, 11:54 AM
Just finished it, was hard to play because I was laughing so damn much! :D

"I was hoping to go"
"Ah, I never get picked."

Volus pizza guy.

"Why didn't it work?"
"I was on fire, Shepard, try to keep up."

Zaeed vs. arcade machine.

Joker vs the entire Cerberus invasion force.

Glyph's tie.

"Hello panties!"

"Liara, you're so gentle... can I have a go?"


Vega's eggs.

"I should go... I should go... I should go..."

and so on... I feel this will have a lot of replayability with the various levels of party-heartying available (I went "full on get everyone wasted" mode). Going to redo it just before Chronus station as I didn't have a few of the ME2 squaddies.

03-06-2013, 05:13 PM
That seems short...

03-07-2013, 01:27 PM
Well that's just the core missions, which was still around 4 hours, but there is heaps to do after that. You can invite squaddies up to your pad and chat. Vega has a minigame of sorts where you can try and break his record on the pull-up bar. You do a pull up by clicking a paragon/renegade interrupt and get an animation and occasionally a comment from Vega as you go. His record is 182. I did all 183 interrupts to beat his record!
There's things like a memorial for Thane to hold, shopping with EDI, bailing Grunt from C-sec, arcade games to play, combat simulator (sort of single player version of multiplayer), and way more than that to keep you going. Well worth the money IMO.

03-08-2013, 02:57 AM
OMG! This (http://25.media.tumblr.com/8699229670d70ad2c6eef4f3c716b033/tumblr_mjb0rssA0O1rvdairo5_500.gif) is so adawbs! dunno if it's a spoiler though.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-08-2013, 03:07 AM
It's when the Collectors board the Normandy.

03-08-2013, 04:00 AM
It becomes available after the Cerberus coup. Who shows up is dependent on what missions you've done. For instance Miranda doesn't show up until after Horizon, Samara until after the monastery and so on.
You can also do the mission, get the M7 Lancer, and put off the party until later if you want.

03-08-2013, 08:36 AM
Oh my god, Grunts 'escape' from hospital. I laughed so much I cried. The mini-games are addictive too, damn Zaeed I wasted heaps of time on that claw lift. Got a lot of music and some plush toys, never managed to nab one of the orange prizes though.

03-10-2013, 01:19 PM


More craziness:

Filming Blasto 7 with Javik.

Garrus creating exploding wall features, while Zaeed installs a lethal hot tub.

Shepard: "I'm going to mount your head on the CiC, then I'm going to mount your head on the CiC, then I'm going to throw both of them out the airlock."
Javik: "Finally!"

Tali's omni-tattoo.

Implying Miranda and Jack are just fighting due to uncontrollable sexual tension.

Tali's (drunken) impressions of the Normady's drive cores "wub wub wub wub".

03-11-2013, 07:01 AM
Yep, al that stuff was hilarious :D I have to do a replay and have an 'energetic' party the second time around, the first was just a calm one. Dear me, I have never laughed so hard so much in a day at a game. Long DLC when you take it all in - the main story was good, if a bit silly, but the best part was just the characters having fun with each other. The two Krogan doing the 'Shepard' thing left me on the ground, it was that funny. And yeah, Tali getting really badly drunk basically at the start of the party.....loooool. Was touching to see Zaaed was fully voiced by the late and great. All of the characters were really funny. Makes me sad though that it really was the end, though what an end it was - it was the one all of the characters deserved, and in that sense, I couldn't be happier. Fantastic DLC to close off the best video-game trilogy ever made. I'll never forget these characters :( Also had to laugh at Tali singing Fleet and Flotilla with Shepard!

03-12-2013, 04:08 PM

Proof Tali has tumblr...

03-19-2013, 05:32 AM
This is the best thing in the history of ever, the actress (https://www.facebook.com/SamaraME2) whose face is used for Samara/Morinth cosplays Samra/Morinth!

Godless Zealot
03-19-2013, 10:30 AM
Here she is with the man himself (sorry Eldargal no femshep version it seems....)


That's better. Thanks for the tip DrLove!

03-19-2013, 10:39 AM
When you upload an image make sure the box that says "Retreive file and host locally" is NOT selected

03-22-2013, 05:52 AM

03-22-2013, 06:43 AM
Tali could look like that...

03-22-2013, 06:47 AM
Tali could look like that...

lmao, I never thought of that...

03-22-2013, 06:52 AM
This is BOLS right ? Because I keep seeing pictures of incredible attractive women on the forums today, not minding to be sure. It's a great aid to a hangover.

I am sure I have seen a picture of Tali suit less when I romanced her in game and ended up bumping bones with her. Picture on the bedside table I think.

03-22-2013, 06:58 AM
Yep, a lot of fans were underwhelmed. I was cool with it personally, but then I never romances her 'cos BroShep is not how I roll.

03-22-2013, 07:02 AM
If you're playing broshep you're doing it wrong...

03-22-2013, 07:03 AM
She looked kind of how I expected to be honest. Not a fan of 3 digits though ;)

03-22-2013, 07:05 AM
If you're playing broshep you're doing it wrong...

Why does everyone keep telling me this ? I used the same guy from 1 though to 3 and I got rather attached to my mate Shepard to be honest.

03-22-2013, 07:06 AM
BroShep is fine, FemShep is better.:) Jennifer Hale is just magnificient.

03-22-2013, 07:06 AM
The reasons are twofold, 1) the voice acting is better for femshep

2) if you're using third person view wouldn't you rather stare at a female form?

03-22-2013, 01:58 PM
Jennifer Hale is just magnificient.

You'll be picking up Bioshock Infinite then?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-23-2013, 02:21 AM
You'll be picking up Bioshock Infinite then?

I will be, had no idea that she was in it though.

03-23-2013, 02:27 AM
I didn't either, shall buy.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-23-2013, 02:33 AM
I just like hooklines

03-23-2013, 07:13 AM
By all accounts it's looking like it will be the best game released this year. Everyone should buy it.

03-23-2013, 07:41 AM
By all accounts it's looking like it will be the best game released this year. Everyone should buy it.

And you just got me off my butt to order it :)

03-23-2013, 08:26 AM
Mission accomplished.

Godless Zealot
03-23-2013, 12:13 PM
Jennifer Hale is just magnificient.

I don't think there is a videogame I haven't played recently without her voice in it. :D She seems to be in everything from Scribblenauts to Black Ops 2.

03-24-2013, 08:06 AM

64% of people had Wreav but still cured the genophage? :eek:

Also, poor Kaidan :p

03-24-2013, 11:03 AM
Also, poor Kaidan :p

There are worse fates than death. My mate made him murder his own son in KotoR.

03-25-2013, 01:19 AM
Interesting that the % of players that play as FemShep hasn't changed from ME2 to 3 but the poprularity of Soldier has dropped from 65% to 43.7%

88.3 million hours of singleplayer campaign played. Even if they were all nutters like me who have played for 200+ hours that still equates to around 4 million players.

Godless Zealot
03-25-2013, 09:26 AM

Furthermore Bioware panel at PAX apparently mention the upcoming film, Mass Effect 4 and an entirely new IP.

04-02-2013, 03:32 AM

04-02-2013, 03:33 AM
Should be in the Dragon Age II thread...

04-02-2013, 03:35 AM
I found this one first.

04-02-2013, 04:12 AM
ಠಠ_ಠಠ - We too had an EA in my cycle. They were placed in charge of building the crucible. Had that task been finished I would not be surrounded by these primitives!


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-02-2013, 04:45 AM
I'm setting up a Mass Effect roleplay campaign at mine, I've had a lot of interest and the group looks quite varied. So far my group have requested:

Conor - Drell
Jack - Turian
Tim - Krogan
Tom - Human
Ian - Human

I'm establishing them as C Sec operatives, and personally I see no problems with any of those races being in C Sec. Sure, it's largely Turians, but anyone who gets a recommendation can be in C Sec.

I may have Garrus appear. ¬¬

This is taking place like a year or two before the events of Mass Effect 1.

04-02-2013, 05:25 AM
I'm not sure that Krogan would have been recruited into C-Sec given that they weren't even allowed on the Presidium in ME1 without a spectre with them. But:
a) It's your RPG so who give a damn
b) If you really want to keep it lore friendly the character could be a C-Sec informant.

So whatever.

Citadel is fantastic:


04-02-2013, 08:11 AM
ಠಠ_ಠಠ - We too had an EA in my cycle. They were placed in charge of building the crucible. Had that task been finished I would not be surrounded by these primitives!

That's really great lol. Almost makes me want to see the film.:p

04-02-2013, 09:54 AM
It's a good film, Wrex has surprising range :p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-02-2013, 02:07 PM
I'm not sure that Krogan would have been recruited into C-Sec given that they weren't even allowed on the Presidium in ME1 without a spectre with them. But:
a) It's your RPG so who give a damn
b) If you really want to keep it lore friendly the character could be a C-Sec informant.

So whatever.

Tim did also want to be a Turian, but I feel that the lone Drell may feel left out, especially as it's his first time roleplaying.

I shall wave the GM wand and say "this is allowed because I allows it" methinks. Nothing against canon, I'll just say that he is an exception, maybe a Krogan that has proved himself worthy, or didn't stop asking. :p

The other way I could play it is: Jack didn't mind being an Asari, so he could be an Asari, Tim could be a Turian, and job's a goodun.

04-03-2013, 02:20 AM
Go with the asari idea, asari are fantastic.:p

04-23-2013, 01:36 AM


06-24-2013, 08:46 AM
Interesting article (http://kotaku.com/hey-hollywood-listen-to-what-this-mass-effect-writer-472195804) about the proposed Mass Effect film. The more I read about this the more I think I won't be too upset if it ends up being canned. Which may well happen, the warning sides are there they always lost the first script writer. Hollywood is littered with the corpses of announced and never produced video game films.

But if it does get made you're going to see:

Mostly male crew
Liara probably the love interest (totally fine with this)

All in a re-telling of ME1 which won't be condensed and stripped of nuance to fit into a 2 hour slot. Meh. I really think they should have stuck with telling a new story in the ME universe, Shepards early career if it had to involve her or the First Contact war.

On the other hand, you could get Seth Green to be Joker which would be extremely amusing.

06-24-2013, 10:12 AM
yeah, never quite sure how something like this might work. game based films can be good, but often don't really match the source very well. the Hitman film for example I quite enjoyed, but it wasn't a Hitman film at all. Equally the prince of persia film was good, but changed too much to really be a prince of persia film. Mass Effect would need big budget, big names, and a few films to do justice really.

06-25-2013, 04:04 AM
Not sure If I want

This is interesting though...interview with the guy who wrote ME and ME2....

Drew Karpyshyn left BioWare shortly before work on Mass Effect 2 was complete, but not before an outline for the third game’s conclusion had been sketched out.

According to Karpyshyn, the plot revolved around the spread of Dark Energy, something mentioned in Mass Effect 2 but not really built upon after that.

"Dark Energy was something that only organics could access because of various techno-science magic reasons we hadn't decided on yet,” Karpyshyn.

“Maybe using this Dark Energy was having a ripple effect on the space-time continuum. Maybe the Reapers kept wiping out organic life because organics keep evolving to the state where they would use biotics and dark energy and that caused an entropic effect that would hasten the end of the universe. Being immortal beings, that's something they wouldn't want to see.

"Then we thought, let's take it to the next level. Maybe the Reapers are looking at a way to stop this. Maybe there's an inevitable descent into the opposite of the Big Bang (the Big Crunch) and the Reapers realise that the only way they can stop it is by using biotics, but since they can't use biotics they have to keep rebuilding society - as they try and find the perfect group to use biotics for this purpose. The Asari were close but they weren't quite right, the Protheans were close as well.

"Again it's very vague and not fleshed out, it was something we considered but we ended up going in a different direction."

The abandoned story has been discussed before, leading some fans to believe that it would have provided a more satisfying conclusion than that of Mass Effect 3. But Karpyshyn isn’t convinced.

"I find it funny that fans end up hearing a couple things they like about it and in their minds they add in all the details they specifically want," he said.

"It's like vapourware - vapourware is always perfect, anytime someone talks about the new greatest game. It's perfect until it comes out. I'm a little weary about going into too much detail because, whatever we came up with, it probably wouldn't be what people want it to be."

Among the chatter, Karpyshyn also discussed some other, crazier, abandoned ideas.

"Some of the ideas were a little bit wacky and a little bit crazy,” he said. “At one point we thought that maybe Shepard could be an alien but didn't know it. But we then thought that might be a little too close to [Knights of the Old Republic’s] Revan."

Interestingly, Karpyshyn also discussed an idea he had for the opening of Mass Effect 2 which may have had an influence on Mass Effect 3‘s ending. There’s spoilers in this quote so watch out.

"There was some ideas that maybe Shepard gets his essence transferred into some kind of machine," said Karpyshyn, “becoming a cyborg and becoming a bridge between synthetics and organics - which is a theme that does play up in the game. At one point we thought, maybe that's how he survives into Mass Effect 2.

11-13-2013, 05:29 PM
I want this (http://www.biowarestore.com/sovereign-reaper-ship-replica.html) so badly :(


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-13-2013, 05:37 PM
Necron Titan. :D

12-19-2013, 08:46 AM
My mother likes to watch me play Mass Effect.
Today my female Shepard, Alessa, hit on Garrus.
At which point Mom goes “She just made a pass at the clueless grasshopper-cat!”
And at that moment I remembered why I love to play videogames with an audience. The comments from the peanut gallery can make even a (pardon the pun) stellar game 400% better.
Best descrption of Garrus ever.

03-07-2014, 07:41 AM
The story of Mass Effect in a nutshell. Source (http://masseffecttranscribed.tumblr.com/)

03-07-2014, 08:27 AM
I followed the link and I don't know what is going on...

03-07-2014, 08:30 AM
It's captions given to Mass Effect by some transcription programs.

03-07-2014, 08:30 AM
ok, that makes a little more sense

03-07-2014, 08:36 AM
Oh, it's youtubes close caption feature. #checked.


03-07-2014, 08:53 AM
I want this (http://www.biowarestore.com/sovereign-reaper-ship-replica.html) so badly :(


Mother of Mercy I want that so bad I think I just popped a vein. *makes reaper horn noise aloud*

08-12-2014, 11:00 AM