View Full Version : Descent of Angels

06-27-2011, 07:26 AM
If I attach Astorath or Lemartes to a squad of Death Company, does the squad gain Descent of Angels also?

06-27-2011, 07:50 AM
They must have jump packs. Special rules are not conveyed to a unit unless specifically stated in the rulebook or codex

06-27-2011, 08:36 AM
Tynskel is correct, for a unit to have the Descent of Angel special rule they must have Jump Packs.

The special characters do not share this rule with an attached unit, the unit requires the correct wargear to gain the rule.

06-27-2011, 03:59 PM
As explained by the other posters if you have a Jump pack on you have DoA. Devil page 62 BA codex under "Jump Packs" says it in black and white.

Just to throw this out there.... Death Company with Jump packs are very expensive. Each Death Company is 20pts, a Jump pack is 15pts, that is almost another Death Co marine. And if you DoA 10 man Death Co Jump pack unit ( 350pts base) that is gonna draw alot of fire power.

06-27-2011, 05:44 PM
But they are soooooo much fun!
I am running a Death Company Stormraven:
5 Death Co 4 power weapons and pistols, 1 powerfist and Bolter , Lemartes, and a DC furioso with Hv Flamer.


06-27-2011, 08:23 PM
Just to throw this out there.... Death Company with Jump packs are very expensive. Each Death Company is 20pts, a Jump pack is 15pts, that is almost another Death Co marine. And if you DoA 10 man Death Co Jump pack unit ( 350pts base) that is gonna draw alot of fire power.

15pts so the Death Co. have a big charge range, instead of spending one or two turns more on foot slogging towards the enemy and (a) losing 20 pts here and there due to shooting attacks, and (b) getting charged instead?

I would think that's a good buy. But I guess it is up to you to decide its true value.

PS: Think of a StormRaven as a detachable Jumpack with guns. That can be destroyed. Now lets see now... Cost of Stormraven minus Cost of Stormraven's Weapons... divided by DeathCo. numbers... minus "situational loss of mobility" (read: Vehicle destroyed) and "loss of mobility after initial charge" (read: can't stuff the DeathCo back into a vehicle)... hmmm... ...

06-27-2011, 08:51 PM
But they are soooooo much fun!
I am running a Death Company Stormraven:
5 Death Co 4 power weapons and pistols, 1 powerfist and Bolter , Lemartes, and a DC furioso with Hv Flamer.


Yea I run 9 Death Co in Storm Raven, 2 Power weapons, 1 Thunder Hammer, 1 Chaplain and DC Furioso as well. And I dont even hide the fact that the Storm Raven is carrying the Death Company.. All blacked out, red slashes telling you I am coming.

06-28-2011, 12:48 AM
It states in the rulebook that if a IC with a USR joins a squad without that same USR the IC loses that rule. Just another thing noone mentioned that i saw.

06-28-2011, 03:46 AM
They must have jump packs. Special rules are not conveyed to a unit unless specifically stated in the rulebook or codex

It states in the rulebook that if a IC with a USR joins a squad without that same USR the IC loses that rule. Just another thing noone mentioned that i saw.

pretty sure tynskel sumed that up lol

and just to point out they dont lose the USR they just cant take advantage of it with the squad unless specifically stated in the rulebook or codex that the special rules are conveyed e.g. stealth

07-27-2011, 10:15 AM
15pts so the Death Co. have a big charge range, instead of spending one or two turns more on foot slogging towards the enemy and (a) losing 20 pts here and there due to shooting attacks, and (b) getting charged instead?

I would think that's a good buy. But I guess it is up to you to decide its true value.

PS: Think of a StormRaven as a detachable Jumpack with guns. That can be destroyed. Now lets see now... Cost of Stormraven minus Cost of Stormraven's Weapons... divided by DeathCo. numbers... minus "situational loss of mobility" (read: Vehicle destroyed) and "loss of mobility after initial charge" (read: can't stuff the DeathCo back into a vehicle)... hmmm... ...

"Situational loss of mobility"...heh.

The cost to give 12 Death company jump packs is 180pts. A raven is only just slightly more than that.

07-27-2011, 06:45 PM
To the idea of losing the USR vs just not able to use it, you can buy lemartes as an upgrade for a non-jump pack unit of DC. He can use his jump pack, but ONLY when/if he is last man standing and the unit is destroyed save him. DoA is pointless at this point, but he can start moving 12 inches then.

07-27-2011, 08:35 PM
To the idea of losing the USR vs just not able to use it, you can buy lemartes as an upgrade for a non-jump pack unit of DC. He can use his jump pack, but ONLY when/if he is last man standing and the unit is destroyed save him. DoA is pointless at this point, but he can start moving 12 inches then.

Strictly speaking, he can still use his jump pack, he just can't move more than 6" while doing so. The movement rules specify only that all models are restricted to the speed of the slowest model in the unit; they do not restrict the movement mode.

Granted, there are not very many reasons to use a jump pack to move 6" when you can also walk 6", but in theory it could come up. Lemartes could use his jump pack to jump 6" completely over a patch of Dangerous Terrain, for instance, while the rest of his squad walked through it. Highly unlikely, but theoretically possible.