View Full Version : Objectives

06-27-2011, 01:54 AM
A situation arose when I played a game of 40K last night, which made us discuss whether a troop choice in close combat can occupy an objective or not. I've read through the rules and can't really find anything that denies that.

My opponent had a troop choice occupying an objective in the last round. I charged the unit but the close combat ended in a draw. When measuring his unit was clearly within 3'' but my unit was not. We decided he got the objective as we couldn't find any contradiction in the rules, and thus winning the game.

The end result was totally ok with me but we both agreed afterwards that it feels kind of strange that a unit locked up in close combat can claim an objective.

Anyone that can clarify anything around this?

06-27-2011, 03:43 AM
The unit is still on the table.
The unit has not been removed before determining objectives due to its status (unlike units falling back)
The unit is still a valid choice for capturing objectives.
The unit is within range of an objective that is not contested in any way.

End result: That objective is still yours. Nothing in the rulebook denies this.

If it feels strange, and you still need some form of justification how a unit that is getting messily murdered can capture an objective... well... just think of it this way: That singular unit of yours just did a "300", and have denied the enemy by forming a close combat wall right in front of the objective.


Figures. Immortals sucks in close combat anyways. And if the opponent had one more turn, he would have outflanked ya :D

06-27-2011, 05:50 PM
Figures. Immortals sucks in close combat anyways. And if the opponent had one more turn, he would have outflanked ya :D


06-28-2011, 08:21 AM
That's one thing you should be very careful with a possible game-ending assault. Make sure you move a model close enough to contest and make sure not to remove him as a casualty. :)

Or on the flip side, make sure you don't have anything close enough so that your opponent can slingshot his unit to contesting your objective.

It sounded like a pretty rare set of circumstances, but it does seem odd.

06-28-2011, 10:46 AM
Something to bear in mind also is that you can use an assault to suck an opponent off an objective thanks to the pile in requirement if you charge the squad in the right place. I've used this before in the last turn.

06-28-2011, 12:23 PM
This is why I love massive units of gaunts. Plonk them all around an objective (with a zoanthrope for some synapsey goodness) and leave them there so the enemy can't get anywhere near it withut wading through a whole load of bugs.

Blood Lord Soldado
07-07-2011, 10:47 AM
Pulling people off of objectives is the ultimate is tide turners on Turn 5.

But yeah, I think it was 4th Ed, that units in assault couldn't score. Or maybe its something we all made up in our heads, even though we are miles apart and never have met each other...

Maybe you are my long lost twin....
