View Full Version : Celestial Lions 3rd Company

06-27-2011, 01:41 AM
I picked up some Celestial Lions from another guy earlier this year. I have a friend that has played Celestial Lions for a few years now so I knew their story line. However when I got the figures they were dull and not quite the vivid colors I would expect of them.

I decided to do some repainting on them. Now, I didn't strip them I just touched them up. I know this is not near Golden Demon quality, but I hope they stand out on the table. Yet be a quick paint job. I got started on these 3 weeks ago and was able to knock out 50 figures. I also did some very quick and dirty OSL from the power weapons and plasma. I thought I would post some pics and see what ya'll think.

Here is a pic of a tac squad before I got started.

Here are 2 full Tac squads (Note I painted the same color pattern on the Sgt's banner on the squad's right shoulder pad. (So I can tell what Combat squad is what)

06-27-2011, 01:42 AM
Part 2

The 2 Devastator Squads

A Sternguard Veteran Squad

06-27-2011, 02:08 AM
Nicely done, but some of your marines in the first picture are laying down on the job. A few of them even took all their pant off :eek:

That is a *very* bright green sword, what colors did you use for that?

06-27-2011, 02:22 AM
That is a *very* bright green sword, what colors did you use for that?

I have some old citadel glazes. But I began with a light and dark yellow, painted the blade flats in quarters. I then highlighted with skull white. I used fluorescent yellow from Vallejo over the white highlights. after that, I coated everything with the green glaze.


06-27-2011, 02:34 AM
Glaze? :confused: I didn't even know they had made such a thing. Now I wish there had been some on that paint rack I got when a store closed a few years ago. Also like the reflections btw.

I also noticed the pinkish plasma cannons you have going, I always love seeing plasma cannons done in bright and interesting colors instead of the usual green or blue. What drew you to the Celestial Lions?

06-27-2011, 03:12 AM
Glaze? :confused: I didn't even know they had made such a thing. Now I wish there had been some on that paint rack I got when a store closed a few years ago. Also like the reflections btw.

I also noticed the pinkish plasma cannons you have going, I always love seeing plasma cannons done in bright and interesting colors instead of the usual green or blue. What drew you to the Celestial Lions?

Yup I have had this glaze for going on 17 years and I love it. I used the citadel blue glaze on all the silver items. It's quite thinner than the older washes.

I heard about their story because a friend had picked up an army of Celestial Lions years ago. I thought they were neat and had a great storyline. Fast forward to this past January and a guy needing some cash for Adepticon was looking for a buyer for this army. It was 3 tactical squads, 2 devastator squads (the squads you already have seen), 10 terminators, a scout squad, a librarian based off the AOBR captain, an old Cato Sicarius, another figure, 2 rhinos, and 3 dreadnoughts.

Some of the mods he made were that most of them had custom green stuff lion heads for the shoulders. Also one of the Dreads, he took the back pack arm apothecary tools from Fabius Bile and mounted them to the front of the sarcophagi. The fluff describes them having their apothecaries picked off at 3rd Armegeddon. After their last fight only 96 of them reached the hive and shortly after making it there the last apothecary was shot in the head. Fluff-wise for my army this Dread is the last apothecary. He helps bring the Chapter back from the brink of extinction.

This story line is drawing me in, even thought I am a Space Wolf player at heart. (I have had and played Space Wolves since 2nd edition. Yes, I still have my 2nd edition codex.)

06-27-2011, 04:27 AM
Its always a pleasure to see someone do a unique chapter, I'm a little sick of those Templars, wolves, angels and misc home batch chapters that have no fluff. (citadel glazes...holy crap)

06-27-2011, 07:44 AM
very nice i like the bright distincitve colours!

however they could do with some shading ( possibly a wash or two) and the osl is VERY storng (if it was intended this way keep it!)

but anyways nice models and i love the little wreaths on the heads!


06-27-2011, 08:43 AM
A really nice looking army.

I like the hi vis green on the power stuff, Ive done a similar colour with OSL on warpstone in my skaven.

06-27-2011, 06:42 PM
very nice i like the bright distincitve colours!

however they could do with some shading ( possibly a wash or two) and the osl is VERY storng (if it was intended this way keep it!)

but anyways nice models and i love the little wreaths on the heads!



The OSL is bright, but it was "quick and dirty" and I wanted it to stand out.

06-27-2011, 07:56 PM
I like the green power weapons. Something different!

06-28-2011, 06:41 AM
Nicely Done!

Good to see an alternate color scheme getting some love.

06-28-2011, 06:51 AM
Thanks all,

I should have the terminators done today or tomorrow at the latest, Will post pics as soon as I can.:D

06-29-2011, 02:25 AM

After about 12 hours of work over the past week, I have finished my Terminators. These did not have the push molded lion's heads on the shoulders so I free handed a stylized lion's head. I know the weapon load out seems odd but this is the way I received them. I also found a White Lion of Chrace lion pelt in my bits and I put it on one of the Sergent's back. What do you all think?


06-30-2011, 04:13 AM
Just over 24 hours later than my last post and I am done with the scout squad.
I subdued the armor colors and tried to stick to a brownish color for the jumpsuit they wear beneath the armor. I always feel scouts should be more subdued in color but still appear color-wise a coherent part of the army they belong to.


06-30-2011, 10:39 PM
Another Update:

I finished my Captain Leonidas (Cato Sicarius)

And of course you need at least one Librarian

07-04-2011, 08:09 AM
Okay with a total of about 5 and ½ hours over the past 3 days. (Working 3ea 12 hour shifts over 3 days will restrict your paint time, go figure.) I completed the 2 rhinos I have so far. The storm bolter and Techmarine/cupola are magnetized. The Lion’s Head on the back of the rhinos I cast in green stuff, from a push mould I made of super sculpey and an original sculpted lion’s head in green stuff. So without further ado what do ya’ll think? Now If I can knock out my 3 Dreadnaughts almost as quickly I might have a chance of finishing the 3 land speeders in time for Wargames Con. I want to play them in The Armageddon Narrative. Wish me luck!

Here is an example of what one looked like before starting and the one on the right is the one about midway through.


07-04-2011, 08:09 AM
Here are 2 more pics I could not fit in the last post

07-05-2011, 11:26 AM
Wow, with about 12 hours of work I have completed 3 dreadnoughts and 2 extra arms that are magnetized. Only one of the dreadnoughts is magnetized. Blue and gold it’s all I can see!

Here is a shot of what they looked like before I started.


This is the dreadnought that has the magnetized arms.


07-05-2011, 11:27 AM
This is the Apothecary dreadnought that is pivotal in my additional storyline. He is what has meant the difference for the Celestial Lions in being a surviving chapter instead of dying or extinct.

Now just 3 more land speeders to paint!!

07-06-2011, 09:48 AM
Wow! Has it really been less than 24 hours since my last post?
Here they are, 3 land speeders complete all the way from primer to complete. Unlike the other models in this army, these were not yet painted. In addition the land speeders were my first expansion to my Lions. At current they are my only Fast Attack choice. I know, I need some Vanguard Vets and assault marines. Well they are coming in time. I envision my Celestial Lions to be more shooting oriented than my Space Wolves.

Now I can relax and breathe easy since they are all painted for Wargames Con!
I will see about a full army pictures later. For now I have to tide you over with the land speeders.


OMG the gold and blue have made me cross-eyed.

07-06-2011, 02:09 PM
Celestial Lions, HOOOOOOoooooo!

Just over a month (5-31-2011) since I started this re-paint project and I cannot believe I have been able to complete this much:

The total tally:
50 Space Marines (20 Devs, 20 Tacs, and 10 Sternguard)
10 Terminators
5 Scouts
2 Rhinos
3 Land Speeders
3 Dreadnoughts

and 5 Legion of the Damned: The legion of the Damned is the only thing in this army that I did not paint or re-paint

Note: I still have one character that needs a paint job. It will wait till after Wargames Con. Then the rest will be expansion

To give you an idea of what the whole army looks like on a board.

07-06-2011, 02:35 PM
I like it. The only negative criticism I'd offer is that Legion of the Damned look nothing like that, paint scheme wise. As you said though, you didn't paint them. All your painting looks really good.

07-06-2011, 02:46 PM
The original owner, I believe wanted them to look like ghosts.

07-06-2011, 10:21 PM
Ah well, as far as that goes, I'd say he did a pretty good job.

07-06-2011, 11:56 PM
That is a very nice Army.

Nothing beats a complete painted army of Marines... especially when it is a not well known Chapter or home made pait scheme.

Thumbs up.

07-07-2011, 02:15 AM
Thanks everyone, for the feedback.

Now if I can just get some sleep for the drive to Wargames Con.:confused: