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View Full Version : Primeval Abyssian (my extra-dimensional non-humanoid alien game)

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-26-2011, 04:42 PM
Eldargal said I should post about this here, I was a little nervous to do this but decided to finally do it! Before I even start writing about this - I'm going to say this is a small-niche and taste and I am well aware it won't appeal to a larger fanbase like many other wargames.

However I know there are many of you out there that want proper weird and unique aliens - and this is whom this is appealing towards.

So the facts.

What IS Primeval Abyssian ?
It's a skirmish based wargame set in the extra-dimensional setting called the Etherium. There are about 21 different non-humanoid alien races fighting it out. The setting is inspired by Stapledonian visual styles. Each race will have 10 units to begin with, and will be built up to about 20 or more over time in a release pattern similar to how PP deal with their different races. You'll be able to buy a Strike-force of 9-10 figures (on average) which includes a commander, troops and specialised and never have to buy anything else again - or expand it into a larger force of 20-30 miniatures.

What are the miniatures like ?
Theres no gravity in the Etherium, so most of the races float. Many have a thin, wirey asymmetrical look to them - while others are larger, bulkier and more brutal looking. The miniatures are going to be ALL entirely plastic. Yes, plastic - not metal. not resin. I know some people like multi-part kits and lots of options though and I will be honest and say most of the pieces are single-piece plastics and I know that will put some people off but It's all I am capable of when I am doing it all myself. I doubt they will be as high-quality or perfect like Games-Workshop, but I am still pretty proud of them and love the way they look! and some others do too! but I'll completely understand if they arent your thing!

What's the backround like ?
I've been writing backround for this game for about seven years now. It's got a lot of depth to it. I've tried to ensure everything makes sense - and I've written extensive biologies so every visual part of a creature has a purpose to it.

Who the hell is gonna like this rubbish, are you insane ?
Yes, I am insane. Mostly fans of 1930's hard sci-fi books like Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker and other classics such as Robert L Forward and Hal Clement. Some people have said it is "lovecraftian" but I don't agree as the creatures have a lot of personality and relatable goals and purposes. Visually they are more inspired by Stapledon.

What's the game like ?
The main rules are very simplistic, tactical and fun - they only cover a few pages and can be introduced to non-gamers or people with bad memories (like me). For those who want more complexity - they'll be an "Advanced ruleset" which adds all kinds of interesting dynamics like extra-dimensional terrain and weather ect.

What will the prices be like ?
Affordable! I'd say the prices will be more in line with companies like Mantic.

What is the plastic like ?
It's a completely new process that's been created by Ed Fortae of Troll Forged miniatures. The plastic is very hard and durable - and mold-lines are almost non-existant. Unlike resin - you wont find any air-bubbles either. The Detail level is pretty high too.

Can we see some pictures of test-models or masters ?
Yes! here you go - these are RESIN MASTERS I got back from Ed which I have since converted, modified, re-posed and otherwise ruined even more into new units and such :

Tolathians - http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/Tolathian_Casts.jpg

Luuran - http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/Luuran_Casts-1.jpg

And heres a badly painted tolathian I did using the spare I had to show the colour-scheme (future painted stuff will be pro-painted, you can see why ;) ) - http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/Painted_Wisp-1.jpg

I hate you, I hate your crappy models and I hope you fail you freak!

06-26-2011, 10:37 PM
Looking forward to seeing how this progresses, this hobby needs more genuinely odd alliens.

06-27-2011, 01:08 PM
Who the hell is gonna like this rubbish, are you insane ?
Yes, I am insane. Mostly fans of the Cthulhu mythos, HP Lovecraft

*Looks at minis*

*Goes insane*


I applaud your efforts! Please keep us up to date!

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-27-2011, 05:06 PM
Ok! thanks for the interest :))

Here are the first of the faction-rundowns to give people an idea of the kind of races :

Tolathians ;
Wise, old, elemental race. Weapons based on lightning, long-range communication based on controlled cloud patterns. Cold, clinical and tough. Their biggest weakness is heat, they feed from the cold-electricity on their planets storms. Their cities resemble giant stone pillars. The inside of their cities is full of clouds, electrical energy - hostile environment to outsiders. They are the primary protagonists of the game.

Luuran ;
Highly religious, believe in an all seeing-eye, seek to master telepathic abilities so as to obtain ultimate enlightenment and eventually a group consciousness. Offending their religious disbeliefs is bad, really bad. They have temples and churches all over the dimension. Play on the false-gods/prophet themes alot. They are heavily inspired by Illuminanti imagery and views.

Jequerita ;
The unending swarm type army. Sentient killer-plants that seek to aggressively refoliate everything in their image. They have a variety of sub-species that include mountain sized plants which spit seeds into space, the equivilent of killer tumbleweeds for a "fast attack" style choice and the ability to "grow" new units in war. Visually they have have a primary stalk with large sharp thick vines covered in spikes sprouting out from the sides and a venus-fly-trap type mouth on the top of their bodies.

Masters of Unlife ;
Alien lords from a universe of "undeath", the universes real name is the Necroverse. A kind of anti-life faction. Huge hulking biomechanical drones reach out into dimensions with "life", lead by their ancient masters for ultimate "cleansing". Their weapons are based on Anti-matter. "Sight" is gifted to only the masters themselves.

Ekimmu ;
Ancient wind based species. They appear as swirling columns of constantly distortjng faces appearing and disapearing. They are Parasitic vampiric beings who suck souls from the living to fuel their addiction. Their technology is based on strange harnessed Vacuum technology. The Ekimmu drill holes into the fabric of space to some vacuum dimension whee the sheer ferocity of power is enough to be shaped into all kinds of eldritch weaponry.

Prymarsiam Dominion ;
An isolationist race. They are an aquatic leech type species. They live in large sea shell style domes on the bed of the oceans. Their realm of space is like a cosmic bermuda triangle. Hostile to outsiders - being that the triangle is liquid-space. Many ships have been lost or vanished in this liquid-space, and nightmarish tales of the legendary Prymarsiam have created an element of Fear that ensures few but the desperate travel through this hell.

Lumenenion :
The Lumenenion are the guardians of doomsday technology. Long ago they developed weapons beyond what the Ether had ever seen - but due to sabotage or some other reason, many of the weapons self-destructed, annihilating the Lumenenion's material bodies, leaving behind the liqenergy forms. Now they reside on their doomed worlds watching over their past-mistakes and guarding them from outsiders, pirates and those of greed.

Yltaran Nexus :
The Nexus are an intelligent and nightmarish race of yellow, wirey entities that see the Etherium as a perfect home. Their bioforms and technology are naturally dimensionally-transcendent - allowing drop-pods to contain a vast amount of infantry due to them being bigger on the inside. Ancient scriptures tell that they have conquered entire dimensions in the past - and the Etherium is the next target.

Iaethlein :
A wise species who gave up the flesh to become Hard-Holographic forms. The Iaethlein have advanced stellar engineering technology. Their Commander Node-warriors have the ability to create Hard-light factories which create limited/inferior holo-clones of the parent Commander. Their realm of space is like a large cosmic holographic circuit-board.

Paradox Smiths :
Techno-lovecraftian mechanical abominations from a giant robotic galaxy. Originated from a world of liquid-metal which became sentient and used it's vast mass and form to shape and convert star-systems into an extension of itself.

06-27-2011, 08:12 PM
Very intriguing! I'm glad you decided to post this on the main forum.

Keep up the few-degrees-from-center work!

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-27-2011, 09:11 PM
Thanks mate! :))

Well heres the second part :

Gcnuroids :
A genetically engineered Macro-Virus race of disc-like cells created by a long dead alien-race as a bio-weapon. The bio-weapon however effected the creators as well as the enemy and over centuries the microbes gained sentience. The Gcnuroids learnt to mimick themselves on a larger scale with trillions of them forming into larger and varied forms until a visable cluster could be seen. Their technology seems reminscent of alien biological systems.

Quarzen Anomoly ;
The White Ether was built around a hidden realm, the Quarzen Anomoly, a crystaline paradise where forests and rivers ran with crystal energy that converge into glowing pink diamond roots and liquid electricity. The roots of the anomoly have watched and waited for aeons waiting to grow forth outside the anomoly into the real space of the Etherium where they can expand their elemental paradise. Their first victim was the Shardrak Galaxy, which they very nearly obliterated, turning almost the entire mass of the galaxy into a crystal paradise.

Shardraks ;
Many would think this is an alien race, but they are far more than that. The Shardraks are actually the physical and energy remains of a long destroyed galaxy which have become sentient. Their ultimate plan is to rebuild themselves into a new galaxy, where their minds and bodies will expand and merge together to recreate the lost star systems and burning black stars of their past.

Adrifell ;
Long extinct, they were the cosmic-engineers that created the Etherium using advanced Hadron Collider experiments. There are evidence of their civilization everywhere on most worlds in the Etherium - ancient ruins, crumbling citadels and vast arrays of glowing coffin-like structures that other races dare go near.

Karuthrax ;
Stubborn yet honourable race of squat abstract fleshy forms with large talons, pores and other strange edifaces. They mine the worlds of the Karuthian Cluster Domain. Nomadic tribes of Karuthrax travel the Cluster Domain in search of new worlds to mine. They can be allied with by other neutral races such as the Tolathians and Iaethlein.

Mind-Harvest ;
A race of disembodied telekinetic Brain monstrosities. The Mind-Harvest Brain-Organisms have high-technology and as such merge themselves to a wide-variety of techno-suits, the most common being various forms of robotic spinal-chord type constructs. The Mind-Harvest live up to their name - they gather knowledge and information as almost a drug to them, however to extract the information they need to devour the minds of other races.

Dimension Talons ;
When an entire species is made extinct in the Etherium, the life-energies "fall" to the very walls of the very Ether itself, sometimes these energies coalesce and form new species to rebalance the cosmic-nature - but sometimes the natural order goes wrong - and abominations are born unto the Ether. These abominations are the Dimension Talons, disgusting brutish hordes of chaotic half-formed creatures with no goal beyond revenge.

Asag ;
Little is currently known of the crusading empire of the Asag beyond the fact they are rock-formed monstrosities created from fire and brimstone within the depth of the Volcanic worlds known as the Saagurath. It is said their technology is based upon intricate stone-circuitry and powered by the lava and magma substances from their firey homeworlds.

Scions Of Thulhux ;
The insane tentacled scientists of the planet Thulhux are a species of mad-scientists who have constantly experimented on themselves and other living things for aeons, now their tendrill-laden bodies are hidden under corroded robes and garments. They seek only to experiment on other races.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-17-2011, 01:52 PM
The first wave of Tolathian sculpts can be seen here :

hope you like them.

07-17-2011, 10:54 PM
Nice, I particularly like the cyclone master and the mammatus.

08-11-2011, 12:19 PM
really really like the new direction on the game. might even get a few on prinicple

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-18-2011, 05:44 AM
Heres the PA logo, created by my artist Reuben Liew :


Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2011, 03:43 PM
Some good news, the inititial Launch release has been expanded to feature not TWO but THREE of the armies! each will get FOUR of their ten kits released - so that's 12 kit's and 3 armies to collect! the remaining kits will be released in race-specific waves later on :)

08-26-2011, 07:06 AM
I like how you describe them as exciting non-humanoid alien. I mean, I would hope so! Don't get me wrong, the rock species from Star Trek was pretty cool for a single episode but after a while it's just a rock!

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-07-2011, 11:54 PM
I like how you describe them as exciting non-humanoid alien. I mean, I would hope so! Don't get me wrong, the rock species from Star Trek was pretty cool for a single episode but after a while it's just a rock!

I just approach it like how any other army/miniature-range would be really - an army needs a variety and a strong memorable design as well as a variety of different "themes" that can be used in different ways to produce unique looking units and models.

I guess it's my "thing" because I used to scrawl weird creatures back when I was like 5 years old, inspired after watching classic dr who episodes. So It's something I've been doing for 21 years now!

09-08-2011, 07:16 AM
I actually chuckle reading threads on other about about your sculpts and how people are thinking of ways to use your sculpts to represent classic lovecraftian horrors. Things like: "That can pass as a flying polyph." I wasn't aware that we could shoe-horn critters who's very presence defies euculidian geometry or something! I do enjoy your concepts.The creature holding the staff is especially interesting because you have a slap of the inorganic right there in a line that's been very much an organic feel.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-08-2011, 09:59 AM
I actually chuckle reading threads on other about about your sculpts and how people are thinking of ways to use your sculpts to represent classic lovecraftian horrors. Things like: "That can pass as a flying polyph." I wasn't aware that we could shoe-horn critters who's very presence defies euculidian geometry or something! I do enjoy your concepts.The creature holding the staff is especially interesting because you have a slap of the inorganic right there in a line that's been very much an organic feel.

I kinda laugh at myself at it but I get a bit annoyed when people want to say they'll use them as stand-in minis considering how much effort I've put into trying to create unique designs and backstory. Lol. It's more amusing since my co-partner want's to do a joint large-scale cthulhu mythos wargame with me in the future - allthough like me, he's more concerned with his "solo" Wargame, Manaseth at current.

They'll be MUCH more inorganic stuff coming. The Luuran vehicle "The eye of judgement" is a weird biomechanical pyramid with a giant eyeball on top, and there are tolathian vehicles planned as well - the first being the Lightning Bolt - a cloud with weird pillars poking out of it - 1 pillar has the "pilot" while the other has a lightning-gun turret. Theres also a larger variant called the Cloud-Burster as well. More of the Tolathian's tech will be seen in the web-series too since it revolves around a scientific-Cell.

There's also races like the Paradox Smiths, which come from a self-aware/manufactured Machine Galaxy, and the Smiths themselves are like it's drones - They're a bit like robot shoggoths. The Iathlein are a race of Holographic beings which come from a Holo-galaxy, all their tech is based on solid-holograms. The Cascadians are very technological as well - they basicly put Dr Who's Time Lord's to shame since their whole race is 1 entity that co-exists with millions of variant time-lines.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-12-2011, 12:55 PM
New works in progress sculpts here :

including the first vehicle, the Luuran's Eye of judgement!

09-13-2011, 12:53 AM
Very nice, the vehicke is looking promising.:)

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-14-2011, 06:19 PM
Very nice, the vehicke is looking promising.:)

Cheers mate! you can't see underneath it in the pictures - but it has a mass of flesh and eyeballs that are what allow it to float. Started filling in the gaps around where I glued the plasticard today too - looks much better.

I know this stuff isnt up to say GW standards, but hopefully the creativity and cheap prices will make up for that.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-05-2012, 01:54 PM
It's about time I updated this. I've been working hardcore on sculpting. I sculpt nearly every single day now, I've got new tools and been trying to do my best to make everything look as good as I possibly can!

So far the Tolathian range is 95% complete. The Luuran are at 50%. The Masters Of Unlife are going slowly but I think things will speed up considerably once I send off the sculpts to get the masters back. The Axon Synapse I havent started yet.

Anyhow, this post is mainly for FLUFF !! so here goes :

Here is a brief Overview of the ten factions that make up my up and coming wargame Primeval Abyssian. It's been a while since I posted any fluff, so hopefully this will give people a stronger idea of what to expect and the variety of the factions!

Races Of The Etherium

Tolathians :
Tolathians are an elemental race based around the elements of thunder, lightning, clouds and storms. They have a society that is a mix of Nomadic and Marxist elements allthough they do have an overlord, the Thane of Tol. They use cloud shaping as a long-range communication method, while their actual mouths work a little like advanced Tesla-coils, with each tooth discharging electrical energy to make a different frequency. Tolathians planets are stormformed - so they have a constant supply of lightning to feed them and keep them charged up. Their bodies look deceptively frail because they are very thin and wirey, but they are one of the toughest races of the Etherium.

Cascadians :
The Cascadians are a time-manipulating species able to co-exist with millions of their own copies that exist in slightly different time-streams. Governed by the sentient time-vortex itself, the Cascadians are the guardians of time and uphold the laws of defending the Vortex and time-streams from any and all that would dare corrupt it.

Iaethlein :
The Iaethlein are a race of noble energy beings that use hard-holographic technology to defend themselves from the perils of the Ether. Their bodies are permenantly contained within a hard holographic armoured shell to protect their fragile energy bodies. Their realm of space is a collection of stars linked together through holo-roads which make up a larger Circuit.

Prymarsiam Dominion :
The Prymarsiam Dominion consists of a triangular area of Etherspace, within this area lives two aquatic species the Pryark and Marsiarm. The Pryark are a leech-like elemental species of Aquamancers able to control water as a weapon - they are the governers of the dominion and order any outsiders that dare to enter the dominion be destroyed. The Marsiam are a bionic jellyfish-like species - low on intelligence but tough and capable in battle. The Marsiam are excellent footsoldiers and police within the Dominion - together the two races form a highly militant force capable of destroying any who enter their boundries.

Jequerita :
The Jequerita are an aggressive re-foliating plant species that spread through the ether using Ether-seeds. When a Seed reaches a planetary body it will grow into Jequerita plants which detach themselves and spread smaller seeds to spread over the planet. The Jequerita can control native plants and foilage. They are a scourge upon the Ether, however they have a low intelligence and tend to act purely on instinct.

Luuran :
Lead by the High-Seclorums, the cthulhoid elphantine Luuran are a zealous religious species which wish only to convert the Ethers races under one God, known by outsiders as the All-Seeing-Eye and one unified Realm. The Luuran send out fleets of ships to save neighbour species from invaders - only to take them over themselves under the watchfull eye of the Luuran. Those that join the Luuran are gifted by the Sect-Tome Keepers many secrets and revelations of the Ether - as well as permenent defensive forces to ensure their safety.

Axon Synapse :
The Axon Synapse are a super-intelligent race of disembodied brain aliens which use mechanical spinal-chord suits to move about freely. While the Synapse are incredibly intelligent, they are also insanely paranoid and obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge to the detriment of other races. The paranoia of the Synapse has also lead to the Axons becoming a highly isolationist species - however given the nature of their pursuit of knowledge, it is not uncommon to see Axon Nerve-Fleets investigating other worlds and civilizations.

Masters Of Unlife :
From the hidden Necroverse, a shadowy graveyard dimension - the Masters Of Unlife seek only to elliminate life in all it's forms. The Masters discovered the Ether by accident, when an alien race opened a rift between the Ether and Necroverse - allowing the Masters of Unlife to continously send their Abyssal Drone hordes into the Etherspace safely. Many wars have occured since they have entered the Ether, and it has taken the combined strengths of many other species to ensure the Masters Of Unlife are kept at bay.

Ylataran Nexus :
An Extra-dimensional threat from beyond. The Nexus are a race of organic aliens who have dimensionally transcendental technology built into everything including themselves. They have in the past destroyed entire universes and dimensions - and now they have discovered the Etherium. The Nexus infilitrate planets easily using drop-pods that contain entire armies inside the larger interiors - they convert the planets into sickly yellow organic globes similar to that of their own forms and technology.

Ekimmu :
The Ekimmu are a powerful and ancient species of Wind-based entities that live off the lifeforce of others. The Ekimmu rage across Etherspace in powerful fleets, their vampiric war-machines and cruel infantry scouring any civilization they discover. It is said the Ekimmu are the accidently created warriors of the Lumenenion, a deadly race of alien spriits who in their fleshforms once built the mightiest war engines and weapons in the entire Ether - only to be destroyed by that which they created. The relationship between Lumenenion and Ekimmu is unclear but this deadly civilization should be avoided at all costs.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-05-2012, 02:00 PM
- In The Beginning -

The Big Bang was imminent; the laws of physics were breaking down and the lifespan of the current universe was coming to its end. Soon everything would be destroyed and reborn at the expense of all current intelligent life within this universe. Some of the beings within did not want this to happen.

One such race were the Adrifell. The Adrifell took to the science of Universal Engineering and dedicated their entire culture and civilization towards the end goal of creating a brand new Universe in which they would live; one free of the problems and corruption of the natural one they currently resided within.

The Adrifell created a Hadron Collider, the likes of which had never been seen before; it was so large that it stretched around the entire circumference of their Stapledon-Sphere, known as the Archetyme. The Adrifell would eventually run experiments on this Hadron Collider. Thier eventual purpose was to create a Higgs Boson type particle, however, they did not want to replicate the events that created their own universe but create a variation of the event that would lead to the creation of a universe that would be perfectly suited to their needs.

After centuries of experimentation and hard research, the Adrifell finalised plans to create an event in the Collider that would generate a new type of particle - the Ether Particle. The Ether Particle would generate a new type of Universe, a variety of other changes from the old and free of expansion and gravity. This "Etherverse" would be a controlled, secure and stable place to create a realm of learning, peace and creativity.

Things, however, don't always go according to plan. While the creation of the Etherverse was successful, the Adrifell had not anticipated the unforseen laws of creation that would occur - the creation of new lifeforms in the Ether. Though the Adrifell Ether-empire was alone for millions of years, new life took root and new civilizations began to slowly appear in the hidden recesses of the Ether. The first of these were named by the Adrifell as The First Evolved; a race that revolved around the Ultimate Element.

The First Evolved called themselves the Karuthrax. They were a cruel race of overwhelmingly powerful amourphous organic tanks with limited capability to shape-shift. In secrecy, they had built their numbers up and eventually, in the period known as the Falling Century, made war with the Adrifell, almost entirely destroying them. The Adrifell, however, were often underestimated and near the end of the Falling Century, both factions were almost extinct. The Adrifell became all but forgotten as the newer Elements grew and created civilizations while the Karuthrax would return to their birthworlds and shroud them with advanced cloaking technology.

With both races vanishing slowly from the Ether and the rise of the new Elemental races, the second age would begin and great and advanced civilizations such as the Iaethlein, Tolathians and Cascadians would take the lead in protecting the Ether from the more dangerous species like the scourges that are the Jequerita, the zealous Luuran and the cruel Axon Synapse.

Black Hydra
07-05-2012, 03:33 PM
The Masters of Unlife are my favorite of the races. I play Necrons, so masters of the dead sound pretty exciting. It all sounds great.

I don't have time to read the intro, but I will later.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-05-2012, 04:39 PM
The Masters of Unlife are my favorite of the races. I play Necrons, so masters of the dead sound pretty exciting. It all sounds great.

I don't have time to read the intro, but I will later.

They have a very bio-mechanical feel too. floating nightmarish faceless drones with anti-matter weaponry.

I don't have any pictures of the Drones themselves, but here is what the Masters themselves look like :



07-05-2012, 05:40 PM
Hey AX, I seem to have only just stumbled onto this thread! Even though I've known about your passion for non-humanoid aliens for some time.

I am loving your work and enthusiasm for this project.

I myself am planning to take the plunge into developing and producing a game in the future. Reading your posts here I am greatly inspired.

When do you foresee your game coming to fruition? I'm guessing you plan on releasing a "starter set" to allow easy access to your universe I've been expanding my gaming collection for a few years now and i would be proud to add your game to my list, it looks totally...alien.

Its late here but I will investigate your product further when I can, (probably tomorrow at work ...)

Cheers, TSINI

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-05-2012, 06:47 PM
Hey AX, I seem to have only just stumbled onto this thread! Even though I've known about your passion for non-humanoid aliens for some time.

I am loving your work and enthusiasm for this project.

I myself am planning to take the plunge into developing and producing a game in the future. Reading your posts here I am greatly inspired.

When do you foresee your game coming to fruition? I'm guessing you plan on releasing a "starter set" to allow easy access to your universe I've been expanding my gaming collection for a few years now and i would be proud to add your game to my list, it looks totally...alien.

Its late here but I will investigate your product further when I can, (probably tomorrow at work ...)

Cheers, TSINI

Firstly, THANKS, makes my day when I get such enthusiastic replies like this - it actually makes me feel like I can accomplish this dream of mine and people will like it. It means a lot to me.Thankyou again.

To answer your question - I'm still deciding on starter-sets and how to do that. There will definitly be starter sets for all 4 of the first factions though. These will probably include a Commander, a squad of 5 basic grunts and an "elite" type squad making up about 9-10 figures in total (the bare minimum you need really).

I am also pandering doing 2-player startersets to make it easier to play the game with others - these would probably come at a discount as well.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-16-2012, 12:51 PM
The Second Age (Age Of The Dimension Bomb)

The Preperations Of War :

It was the second age of the White Ether, the dimension that was self-created by the long fallen Adrifell civilization. Burning stone planets of strange abstract shape dominate the white glow of the Ether's space, spires of the long fallen Adrifell float in the abyss for all eternity; the only mark of their existence left embrazened into the walls of the spires forming nebula sized ruins that stretch out into oblivion.

In the early Trituries of the second age one force stands for survival and honour; the mighty Tolathians whose pacts with allied races has ensured them a small but powerful realm. On the Cell World of Tol II, the bright white bodies of Tolathian wisps glide across the sleek black windowless domes that form their floating cities. The Master of the Runes, Lylethen struck its claw into the sky as lightning charged into its body causing a brief flash across the dark world which lit up the image of the marching Wisps; blood stains over their mouths and claws shining fresh as they waited for their next battle.

Lylethen was guiding its soldiers into a huge grey cloud, from which masses of pillars stuck out from. The cloud with its strange floating pillars was a carrier-ship, a slow moving battle-ship intended for deep space travel. While physically weak, the particles of the cloud generate nightmare energies which could propel it through the Ether. This ship was Lylethen's personal war-vessel and it was intended for a destination that would put Lylethen and its army into one of the White Ether's most important events.

This event would be a new war against an enemy of which the Tolathians and their allies knew nothing, except that this enemy had come from outside the White Ether dimension, from an entirely alien realm where the only information was transcribed from Adrifell artefacts. This enemy was known as the Ylataran Nexus, an alien race who were masters of relative dimensional laws and physics. Lylethen had massed the largest army the Tolathians had ever seen in their entire history to battle against the Nexus. They had no less than ten million Tolathians as well as thousands of supporting armies from their allies, the Chelonions, Iaethlein, Karuthrax and Cobrorians. Meanwhile other races non-allied to the Tolathians prepared to battle the Nexus on their own including the Jequerita Sporenebulas, Lumenenion Ghostworlds and other more damned and lethal realms.

The Nexus' plan was to create a nightmare that could become reality and form. The Nexus wanted to dimensionally compress the White Ether's physical dimensions so they used the White Ether as a dimension-bomb. The release of the compression of the dimension would explode outwards creating a shockwave-rift that could be directed at an enemy dimension. The force of this dimension-rift had nearly wiped the Nexus out themselves. This was the last desperate measure of the Nexus to win an outer-dimensional war.

The Compression Wars :

After the preparations were made, Lylethen's massive war-ship, supported by hundreds of allied alien ships drew closer to the Nexus homeworlds; the dreaded Inverted Moons of Yltau. The Nexus struck first, using dimension-compression beams upon the Chelonion web crusiers. These weapons created micro-dimensions which would compress then explode outwards shattering physical laws, of anything the beam touched. These brutal weapons permenantly distorted the reality of the White Ether creating hundreds of dimensional shards, entire areas of space that would be distorted for eternity. The Tolathians made it to the Nexus prime world, the Shrunken One, in good time. The legion swept across the inverted landscapes shrugging off the weapons of the Ylataran like they were immortals - Lylethen and his sub-masters had wounds where their material bodies were distorted forever but they raged on, the emotion of pain completely alien to them.

Sub-master Cortoll was the first to enter the nightmare labyrinth of the dimensionally transcendental realm of the Ylataran. He brought forth an army of seven thousand Gusts, backed by one hundred Thunder-drummers whose electric thumping shook the alien walls to pieces, as if they were weakening the very reality they stood within. The Ylataran however were unable to fire their weapons within this home environment, the result would destroy their own realm forever. This was the last battle, and Cortoll knew it could win. Cortoll raised its hammerlike weapon high into the air and beat it into its drum-skin chest, causing the Nexus Prime to explode in a gush of sickeningly red blood. This marked the end of the first war, but the second would be far worse.

In the third Tritury, the Tolathians and their allies had destroyed much of the Nexus' realm. Shards of reality-compression had destroyed much of the white-ether, but the Nexus had suffered the most. This forced the Nexus to use stronger compression weapons against The Tolathians and so a new breed of Ylataran had been created. Meanwhile, the mysterious Lumenenion had discovered a way to fix the White Ether's broken reality areas by reverse-engineering Nexus compression technology with their own arcane knowledge of the the Ether's very physical laws. The Lumenenion had then gone further and created defensive barriers around the shards of reality that had been fixed, entire areas of space turned into cosmic bunkers from which these alien ghosts would contain the Nexus forever.

The Nexus at this point fell-back, they needed to send for a new Ylataran Prime to lead them. The new Prime was ancient beyond imagining, it had traveled from its own dimension across the outer-planes fresh from the war with its immortal enemy and it knew the importance of the White Ether. For many years this new Prime battled against the forces of the White Ether, but progress was slow. The barrier technology from the Lumenenion had slowed the Nexus down considerably and the barrier would take aeons to break. Their second Prime would be soon destroyed in the final Compression War.

Through The Sporenebulas :

In the years that followed, the forces of Lylethen went further out into the White Ether into largely unexplored or untouched space. The massive fleet had picked up a strange signal which resembled a Ylataran Nexus world, only the second to of been discovered. The only path to this second Nexus world however was through a strange area of space known only as the Sporenebulas. This realm of space was a shock to the Tolathian's of Lylethen - all that could be seen was enourmous plant-spores growing randomly into the distance for untold lightyears. Thousands of stars and planets had been turned into nothing more than enourmous balls of moss and plant matter. Whatever race lay in this area of space did not like animal-life at all.

Lylethen's fleet explored this region of space for over ten years before they met the sporenebulas inhabitants. The first was a small spore which smashed through one of the fleet's smaller ships. The spore quickly grew out of the metal of the ship and the crews own flesh and the war with the Jequerita had begun. The fleet sent hundreds of infantry and lighting-bolts into the plant-invaded ship, but none emerged from its forsaken hull.

The only way to destroy the Jequerita was to use one of the three stolen compression-bombs which had been taken by Ylataran Nexus husks decades before in the previous Compression War. The explosion of the compression-bomb destroyed the assimilated ships and cut a path through the Sporenebulas for the remaining fleet to escape.

The Jequerita had not encountered such aggressive animal-life before and chose to not follow the Tolathians, but instead they would rearm and begin a crusade to destroy all animal-life in the name of the plant. The ruined areas of space within their Sporenebulas could never be recovered, and so for some Jequerita it became a act of vengence. The Jequerita crusades were to begin at this time.

Death Of The Last Prime :

Lylethen and the remains of his fleet were under-armed and under-armoured. They had also lost one of the three precious compression-bombs they were to use on the Ylataran Nexus world. With only two bombs it would be impossible to completely destroy the Nexus planet, and eventually in trituries to come it would be able to grow itself back again, using their advanced dimensional construction technology. Lylethen knew this mission would be it and its legions last. Without the third bomb, they would have to send the remaining two directly to the Nexus world, rather than using the third's implosion as a beach-head to launch an all-out attack and breach the core of the world.

The Nexus Prime could sense the coming of the Tolathian fleet. The Prime's shape was that of a rough web of interconnected oganic tendrills with small points where the flesh would be sucked into the strange wall of the throne-room. This was the Prime's material body. The Nexus Prime devised a way to save the world by dimensionally compressing a part of it and changing the physics around the compressed dimension, thus hiding it from the rest of the outside dimension of the White Ether. When the time was right the Prime could safely uncompress the dimension and destroy the barrier so it could grow into a full nexus prime world once again.

The Prime's plan however would never come to pass; Lylethen had used a Cloud Burster vessel to infiltrate the Prime's throne-chamber. Lylethen and eight Thunder-drummers battled with the Nexus Prime and its Ylataran troops until the second team, which consisted of ten Gusts could place and detonate the compression-bombs. This plan suceeded, totally destroying the Nexus world - and with it the surviving ships of the Tolathian fleet. The denizens of the White Ether could rest easily for the moment, knowing the Nexus had been obliterated. The only remains of the Nexus world was a single particle which would grow over the next thousand Trituries until it would become a new Nexus Prime world.

Dimension In Ruins :

With the final Compression war with the Ylataran Nexus over and the Nexus reduced to a minor threat of small isolated pockets of resistance, the Tolathians and their allies began the process of rebuilding. So too did the non-alligned races rebuild, but new threats would appear in the near future such as coming of the Jequerita seeds and the devestating nightmare realms of the Masters of Unlife. The Lumenenion had vanished again, and in Trituries to come they would become legends once more; an army of ghostly aliens who would defend their doomsday technology until their systems would go supernova.

The areas of space where the Nexus battled were completely irrepairable, these were pockets of space where the white-ether reality failed to exist or had become corrupted. Some of these pockets of space became portals for transdimensional races to enter, while others became mutant realms where creatures would spawn that were combinations of various realities and their physical laws.

With the dimension of the White Ether left in ruins, the third age began - the alien civilizations began to focus more on survival than ever before. Wars and battles would be fought across the Ether, a desperate struggle to rise above a reality which was broken.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-24-2012, 05:03 PM
Finally got some photos of newly completed sculpts!

The Eye Of Judgement is the primary support vehicle for Luuran Forces. It tends to float over the battlefield seeking out the non-believers with it's Illuminator (the eye) and judgement of course is being elliminated.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pnhA7H2LBfQ/UA8oQQCBpLI/AAAAAAAAAC0/Q2P4H0bDTlU/s1600/MastersOfUnlife_AbyssalDrone2.JPGThe Masters Of Unlife forces are mostly made up of a variety of bio-mechanical drones, fueled by Lost Souls that have seeped through cracks in their universe and found their way into the Necroverse where they are enslaved for eternity. The most basic Drone is the Abyssal Drone seen here, and the bulk of your force will consist of these.

Well, that's it for today. Hope you like them.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-24-2012, 05:10 PM
Fun fluff, it's interesting to read something in a setting solely filled with bizarre aliens - I'm used to having humanoids present as sort've a yardstick for weirdness.

Very, very much like the Unlife Drone - some of the visual cues remind me of Gieger's alien, but not bound to a human shape. Feels very "grown" while not relying on using existing body-shapes. Can see myself getting a couple of those when they're released.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-24-2012, 06:30 PM
Fun fluff, it's interesting to read something in a setting solely filled with bizarre aliens - I'm used to having humanoids present as sort've a yardstick for weirdness.

Very, very much like the Unlife Drone - some of the visual cues remind me of Gieger's alien, but not bound to a human shape. Feels very "grown" while not relying on using existing body-shapes. Can see myself getting a couple of those when they're released.

Thanks bro, it's always reassuring to have positive feedback like this. For some reason I always feel anxious when I post new stuff, I guess I am worried people will think it's terible or something lol

Yeah, Giger was an influence - but I didn't want to do xenomorph ripoffs like everyone else seems to do. MoU armies will be very small-scale too, so you'll only need like 13 models or so for them to play a normal sized game.

07-24-2012, 10:50 PM
I love them both, very nifty.:)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-25-2012, 09:01 PM
Any idea when these'll be available? /impatient

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-26-2012, 08:21 PM
Any idea when these'll be available? /impatient

tbh I have no idea. I've been planning to release all four miniature ranges at the same time, along with all the rules as well. The Tolathian range is 1 model away from completion, and I have the next 3 Luuran kits WIP, once I get resin recasts of the Abyssal Drone, I can make all of those units (which will be faster than the other armies as they don't need specific poses), theres also the Axon Synapse which I havent even started yet! that's agout 40 kits in total, I've finished about 17 of them so far.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-28-2012, 12:37 AM
Wow, that'll be one hell of a splash when they're released! Best of luck, it'll be awesome when they're ready.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-28-2012, 08:24 AM
Wow, that'll be one hell of a splash when they're released! Best of luck, it'll be awesome when they're ready.

Dropzone Commander recently did the same thing, and it seemed to work for them - so that's encouraging, allthough I doubt my stuff will have as much success, as DZC stuff is more accessible. Hopefully seeing everything all together will give people a better view of the world/universe iv created though which is part of the intent of doing it that way - the othe reason is because I don't want people waiting for an undeterminable amount of time for units. I know the release will also have a bunch of free stuff like Rules, army-books (in PDF) and music soundtracks for each .

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-28-2012, 12:21 PM
Yeah, starting off with a solid foundation is a good move. Have you considered making a short video ad or two, showcasing the minis and music? Maybe BoLS would post one.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-28-2012, 12:32 PM
Yeah, starting off with a solid foundation is a good move.

I think a core of 4 complete armies is the best way...four just feels right to start with really as you get a little variety, and nobody has to wait for units. Because army books will be downloads, it means I can add pages to it when new units when they are completed too. 10 units each is enough to begin with, but it doesnt create much variety in the long-term IMO.

Have you considered making a short video ad or two, showcasing the minis and music? Maybe BoLS would post one.

I probably will do something like that yes, I may even use the web show's tolathian puppets to make it a little more cinematic. Probably best to wait till iv got pro-painted versions of the kits though - my painting is ok for personal stuff, but id rather have a fantastic painters work to showcase the models commercially.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-31-2012, 07:32 PM
Following up last week's pictures. Today I have some photos of some of the new Tolathian units! which means they are 8 out of 10 units finished now!

I do apologise for brightness of the white areas of the sculpts, you can't see their eyes and mouths in some parts, but please know they ARE there! :P

Thunder Drummers
Mystical warriors with unknown origin. The Thunder-Drummers carry an advanced piece of weaponry in the form of a drum which when smashed with their arm-limb can trigger a reaction in the sky sending thunderbolts crashing randomly into the areas where the enemy reside. When thunderbolts arent enough, they can also create an acid-rain as a defensive attack to ensure their survival against overwhelming odds.

Nearly as common as Wisps, when situations call for close-combat, the sheer toughness of a Gust can take on even the most hardened of warriors usings its teeth and hard sharpened limbs to punch holes right through the bodies of the enemy.

Chosen Of The Runes
The Chosen are the elite warriors of the Master of runes. The Chosen can create a field of fog around their bodies as well as the enemy, from their runic flutes - making them perfect for stealth and causing confusion. Once a field of fog has been unleashed around a squad of enemies they will let out a barrage of electrical energy that detonates the fog around the enemies, causing them to burn in blue flames.

Cyclone Master
As the name suggests, it has alot of physical power as well as being the leader of Tolathian armies. The Cyclone Master can control and create the winds around the area it stands, generating powerful cyclones and hurricanes to crush the enemy or use its ability to litterally change the landscape around it to protect its troops or make the terrain more strategically superior to better chances of victory or survival against enemies.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-02-2012, 05:54 PM
Interesting how the tools interact with the silhouette - the basic Tolathian form has a "flow" to it, which the tools conflict with.

Have you considered doing more detailing on the handles of the tools? Could add something interesting to the models, particularly the flutes (Assuming any details aren't just lost in the glare!)

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Interesting how the tools interact with the silhouette - the basic Tolathian form has a "flow" to it, which the tools conflict with

It's nice to feel like someone "gets" what I'm trying to do. It's a rarity. Yeah, that was basicly the design niche for these guys. Silhouette's are also something very important to me looks-wise.

Have you considered doing more detailing on the handles of the tools? Could add something interesting to the models, particularly the flutes (Assuming any details aren't just lost in the glare!)

I hadn't really considered or thought about that, but it's an interesting idea as I guess they could be considered a bit too plain, but I'm not sure what sort of deals could be put onto the handles, any suggestions?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-06-2012, 04:28 PM
The two directions which pop to mind for me (excluding some stuff that would make it too contiguous with the Tolathians themselves, such as making the tools organic) would be to add smaller parallel tubing, buttons, holes and other such gubbins often found on flutes, or to semi-randomly whittle away at all sides of the tube with an exacto knife to give it a weird, semi-angular look (used that technique to make the edges of my Plaguebearers' swords look rough and worn, but it gives a very different feel when done to all sides of an object - something halfway between coral and crystalline).

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-17-2012, 05:02 PM
The two directions which pop to mind for me (excluding some stuff that would make it too contiguous with the Tolathians themselves, such as making the tools organic) would be to add smaller parallel tubing, buttons, holes and other such gubbins often found on flutes, or to semi-randomly whittle away at all sides of the tube with an exacto knife to give it a weird, semi-angular look (used that technique to make the edges of my Plaguebearers' swords look rough and worn, but it gives a very different feel when done to all sides of an object - something halfway between coral and crystalline).

thanks for these suggestions, I'm going to try the ones I like out best on some test-bits before I go back to the original ones to update them.

I also added various other protrusions and details to older models - they now have more thin wirey/tendrilly esque bits on them to add more asymmetry.

It probably isn't surprising that tree's and plant's are actually one of my biggest real world inspirations. For some reason I just really love the sillohettes of things like that. I guess it's what has become my "style", which hopefully shows through.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-20-2012, 01:02 AM
Here is some new backround, this time for the Masters Of Unlife!!

The Lost Souls :

Within the Outer-Universe, where all Universae are born - all living things die, it is simply the natural order of the Greater Nature. Normally when living things die their soul is reborn as something else, the memories retained in their particles which are reused again and again over a cycle we could not possibly comprehend it's length. Sometimes, however - some souls will slip through minute cracks in their respective universe. These temporary cracks are almost non-existant but when a soul escapes through this crack it will eventually find itself in a place known only as the Necroverse.

Nothing truly lives in the Necroverse, and it is the unfortuante fate of these souls that they are bound into the unliving techno-organism drones, forever enslaved to the Masters Of Unlife, the kings of the Necroverse. The Masters of Unlife weave their spiral fog towers amid the black nether vortex that they live in - thinking beyond the capacity of what would be considered sane.

It is within the Fog towers and cities of smoke that form and reform constantly, that the Masters Of Unlife float in harmony - directing their abyssal drones and other souless servants to work unimaginable contraptions that keep the Necroverse cities alive. For, if even the slightest mechanism fails - the Necroverse would shrivel-up and rot away into nothingness and as Grave Keepers, the Masters must make sure the cosmic graveyard always exists.

The Strife Of Reaping :

The Necroverse has existed for an unimaginable amount of time. A thousand universes would of lived and died in comparison to a single century in Necroversal chronography. It is because of it's age it is increasingly fail and weak. As time wen on, The stability of the Necroverse ensured it needed an increasing amount of
maintenance - more than what the Masters Of Unlife could deal with themselves. During this period known as the Strife Of Reaping, many Black Hole Crypts were lost forever, their memories of dead universes histories forever gone - for what most do not know, is that the Necroverse is an unliving cosmological library that contains memories and knowledge of all universes that have come and gone, including precious souls deemed too important to be reincarnated into future realms of existence.

As the thousandath Black Hole Crypt dissolved into nothingness, the Masters decided they must meet each other for the time - and so they would put their collective minds together and share their knowledge and power to come up with a solution to save the Necroverse from entropy. This plan of course, would be that they would open cracks in space to other universes - so they could collect lost souls which they would use to combine with their necroversal technology to create drones that would aid the increasing maintenance of the Necroverse. Of course, as time went on - more and more drones would be needed, and a place known as the Etherium was deemed perfect as it was not a natural universe, but a manufactured one and so it would have a larger amount of lost-souls that could be used to fuel their abyssal technology. So come the Masters Of Unlife.

08-23-2012, 02:37 PM
cant wait to see some this actually happen. keep living the dream.tou will have my support

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-23-2012, 03:27 PM
Thanks mate!

I think 2nd quarter 2013 is roughly when I think itll all be out! slower than I'd like but I'm still intent on releasing 4 core factions at the very beginning. I have ordered a new tool that should speed up the sculpting process though : A tentacle maker!


As a modelling update. I've basicly finished the Tolathian range bar 1 model now - the lightning bolt, i'm still struggling to come up with a way to sculpt the Cloud portion of it, anyone know how the hell I can sculpt a cloud? I also went back and added more details and sticky outy bits to some of the older ones (ironically after I was blown away by those hyper detailed Chaos starterset models).

Luuran are coming along nicely with half of their range now complete - and the second half just started. My favourites so far are the Sect-Tome Keepers, which carry books attached by tentacles that they are holding up, and feature larger triangles over the top of their heads. I think Aliester Crowley would probably of appreciated and got on well with these guys, infact they may of ended up best buds.

Masters of unlife range will be done quite fast in comparison to others, because I don't need to make "poses" for any of them (it would be as weird as making specific poses for Vehicle models).

Axon Synapse will be started in the next month too. Since they are a race of disembodied killer brains - expect lots of 1950's pulp references, as well as inspiration from things like Super Metroid's Mother Brain, and the Spider Mastermind from Doom 2. They will be one of two "pulp" styled factions. The other are a race of killer plant creatures.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-08-2012, 10:47 PM
It probably isn't surprising that tree's and plant's are actually one of my biggest real world inspirations. For some reason I just really love the sillohettes of things like that. I guess it's what has become my "style", which hopefully shows through.Huh, yeah, the Tolathians are pretty suggestive of vines - an indeterminate mass draping down inconsistent tendril.

i'm still struggling to come up with a way to sculpt the Cloud portion of it, anyone know how the hell I can sculpt a cloud?Glue gun? Although it'd come out a bit protoplasm-y. (I was saving this post until I photoed my test glue gun horror, but haven't had time to set up a lightbox.) Maybe glue gun over a basic armature of beads (Planning that for part of an Umbra, but haven't tested it yet).

Axon Synapse will be started in the next month too. Since they are a race of disembodied killer brains - expect lots of 1950's pulp references, as well as inspiration from things like Super Metroid's Mother Brain, and the Spider Mastermind from Doom 2.You had me at Mother Brain :P These're building up from the mecha-brain on the blog?

The other are a race of killer plant creatures.:D Triffids?

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-12-2012, 08:39 PM
Yeah, I did do a "3D Sketch" of an Axon Synapse (previously known as the Mind Harvest) I posted on the blog. I find I can't do "2D sketches" - so instead I prefer to rush a 3D one and get the basic form down that I want, then work out how to sculpt it "properly" later on.

The basic ones will still have a mechanical spinal-chord attached to them, but the bottom of the chord will have lethal close-combat weapons that look like surgical hospital tools. Of course it goes without saying they'll be a "mother brain" giant brain with a ton of bionics and weapons - I mean, that's sort of obligatory isnt it? They are going to be portrayed as a culture of "mad scientists", their architechture will look like Blade Runner gone M.C. Escher. Oh yeah, and the Nerve Father's special rule is called "Fiend without a face".

Yep, the plant race are basicly "grimdark Triffids". They are called Jequerita. The homeworlds are basicly plant-life out of control ; you'd have nightmarish living forests that would eat anything animal within seconds, mountain-sized plants pumping seeds into space, an atmosphere of lethal poison pollon, legions of triffid-like plants crawling about everywhere. Hell, They even have killer tumbleweeds.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-23-2012, 12:59 PM
So screw the "I can't do 2d sketches" thing, i had a go over the past 3 days and came up with all of these.

I decided to post some sketches of various PA races i've designed :

Dunno if it will be of interest to anyone, but I guess it's a pretty good look into my twisted imagination and thought processes.

09-23-2012, 01:54 PM
It probably isn't surprising that tree's and plant's are actually one of my biggest real world inspirations. For some reason I just really love the sillohettes of things like that. I guess it's what has become my "style", which hopefully shows through.

I remember the conversions from GW trees that you posted here some time ago; those were amazing! So unlike the trees they were built from, really exciting because they were so unlike almost any other model.

I have a similar feeling with some of the minis you've shown here. I hope you get to release this stuff soon. I'm looking forward to being able to see it all together, so to speak.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-23-2012, 05:46 PM
I remember the conversions from GW trees that you posted here some time ago; those were amazing! So unlike the trees they were built from, really exciting because they were so unlike almost any other model.

I have a similar feeling with some of the minis you've shown here. I hope you get to release this stuff soon. I'm looking forward to being able to see it all together, so to speak.

Thanks mate! appreciate the kind words. I hope it will all be worth it in the end - there will be a massive Luuran post coming in the next month or so that will show a ton of their units :)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-23-2012, 06:22 PM
Interested in how the pulpy designs will look around the lovecraftian stuff - was concerned that a setting without humanoids wouldn't have a yardstick for the weirdness, diluting the eldritch bits. But, pulpy stuff like brain-bots is so well established that they can probably serve the same purpose without introducing humans, so that'd be awesome.

The two proto-races have plenty of similarities to the others between 'em - are they the ancestors species of most of the modern critters? (Barring the Jequerita/Synapse/Necroverse forces, of corse.)

Also, on the note of the Synapse referencing pulpy alien brain-bots, are you familiar with Marathon's S'pht? They've got some neat brain-in-a-can designs, varying from "human silhouette, inhuman body" (http://marathongame.wikia.com/wiki/Compilers) to abstract bubble-brain with cloak limbs (http://marathongame.wikia.com/wiki/S%27pht%27Kr). Nudge-nudge, win-wink :P

I usually find that I can only do good 2d sketches after hashing out a practice sculpt. Usually something along the lines of draw a rough 2d, sculpt a rough 3d, then sketch ideas for the bits that failed miserably :P

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-23-2012, 08:44 PM
Interested in how the pulpy designs will look around the lovecraftian stuff - was concerned that a setting without humanoids wouldn't have a yardstick for the weirdness, diluting the eldritch bits. But, pulpy stuff like brain-bots is so well established that they can probably serve the same purpose without introducing humans, so that'd be awesome.

Yeah, that is definitly the intention there. Even then, those kind of things seem to be strangely abscent from sci-fi wargames - allthough in other forms of media they are definitly fairly common tropes.

The two proto-races have plenty of similarities to the others between 'em - are they the ancestors species of most of the modern critters? (Barring the Jequerita/Synapse/Necroverse forces, of corse.)

Ancestors in a way, yes. The Ether could be seen as a kind of semi-conscious universe, it's first attempt at evolving a species (the Karuthrax) was a catastrophic failure that even damaged it somewhat - so it developed primitive proto-races as a kind of anti-body type defence. The Adrifell were aided by the proto-races and were able to beat back the Karuthrax but afterwards the proto-races died out. By then, the Ether had learnt how to evolve more sophisticated species and so we have ones like the Tolathians and Iaethlein in the current-day.

Also, on the note of the Synapse referencing pulpy alien brain-bots, are you familiar with Marathon's S'pht? They've got some neat brain-in-a-can designs, varying from "human silhouette, inhuman body" (http://marathongame.wikia.com/wiki/Compilers) to abstract bubble-brain with cloak limbs (http://marathongame.wikia.com/wiki/S%27pht%27Kr). Nudge-nudge, win-wink :P

Oh not bad! never heard of this game though, but I see some nice floaty weird things so it gets the thumbs up from me!

I usually find that I can only do good 2d sketches after hashing out a practice sculpt. Usually something along the lines of draw a rough 2d, sculpt a rough 3d, then sketch ideas for the bits that failed miserably :P

For the most part me too - i'm definitly going to work on 2d sketches from now on though, as I do enjoy drawing (despite sucking at it) so maybe itll be more useful as i get better.

09-24-2012, 11:29 AM
I usually find that I can only do good 2d sketches after hashing out a practice sculpt. Usually something along the lines of draw a rough 2d, sculpt a rough 3d, then sketch ideas for the bits that failed miserably :P

This seems unnecessarily complicated :rolleyes:

I shouldn't really talk. Although I do pretty well at drawing/painting, I've never done well at sculpting :(

I am really looking forward to this game, AX. It's hard to really know what to make of it yet. I guess I'll have to put in the time to read all the background you've posted. I've skimmed this and your blog, but I was mainly looking at the pretty pictures :D

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-24-2012, 08:07 PM
Yeah, that is definitly the intention there. Even then, those kind of things seem to be strangely abscent from sci-fi wargames - allthough in other forms of media they are definitly fairly common tropes.Might be the focus on space-fantasy - not sure if pulpy stuff would gel with space elves? ...although hybridizing pulpy stuff and space-fantasy could be fun.

Ancestors in a way, yes. The Ether could be seen as a kind of semi-conscious universe, it's first attempt at evolving a species (the Karuthrax) was a catastrophic failure that even damaged it somewhat - so it developed primitive proto-races as a kind of anti-body type defence.Ohhh, missed the living universe angle. Gives a lot of flexibility in the setting, especially with designs, good thinking. Assuming the Synapse/Jequerita aren't an intentional creation of the universe, judging by their contrasts?

Oh not bad! never heard of this game though, but I see some nice floaty weird things so it gets the thumbs up from me!It's pretty much Doom with a plot :P Fun series, sometimes obtuse.

This seems unnecessarily complicated :rolleyes:

I shouldn't really talk. Although I do pretty well at drawing/painting, I've never done well at sculpting :(:P Yeah, it's just what works best for me. I find drawing to plan out a sculpt a bit different from normal sketches - say, if I were just sketching a Hrud, I wouldn't be at all concerned about what's going on with its armpit and groin, but I need to figure that out for the sculpting (but I don't recognize all such problem areas until I've attempted a sculpt etc etc).

And keep on practicing with the sculpting, it's something that gets picked up over quite a while of practice; here're my first two sculpts alongside my latest two :P

Edit: @Asymm; finally got a pick of something using a glue gun to bulk out/texture it, here's the look (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?23602-Warp-Rift-Jackhammer&p=245201&viewfull=1#post245201). Not sure if it's what you'd need for the "cloud".

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-25-2012, 03:04 AM
Might be the focus on space-fantasy - not sure if pulpy stuff would gel with space elves? ...although hybridizing pulpy stuff and space-fantasy could be fun.

Ohhh, missed the living universe angle. Gives a lot of flexibility in the setting, especially with designs, good thinking. Assuming the Synapse/Jequerita aren't an intentional creation of the universe, judging by their contrasts?

The universe (or Etherverse) isnt perfect, it's a bit like Microsoft Windows - it works but it can be pretty glitchy at times, and that goes for the Ethers evolutionary cosmic programs too.

That said, there might be something else out there, hiding and disguised in the universal boson field....

It's pretty much Doom with a plot :P Fun series, sometimes obtuse.

Ah, I did love Doom I and II and Quake I. Might be my kinda thing then...speaking of, wish they'd return to the Quake I universe, was way cooler than the succeeding ones -_-

:P Yeah, it's just what works best for me. I find drawing to plan out a sculpt a bit different from normal sketches - say, if I were just sketching a Hrud, I wouldn't be at all concerned about what's going on with its armpit and groin, but I need to figure that out for the sculpting (but I don't recognize all such problem areas until I've attempted a sculpt etc etc).

Yeah, that's the thing with me too - when sketching your not really thinking about how to actualy sculpt the bloody thing in the first place. I've probably created a whole truck load of sculpting nightmares for myself in that regard. Lovely.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-25-2012, 09:06 AM
Ah hell, heres another sketch :) It's name is Sytelth and is one of several Tolathian Characters. I am wondering if having special characters will make these aliens a bit more relatable or indentifiable.


heres some backround on this Tolathian Character :

Sytelth - Sword Of Disharmony

The Tolathian Cyclone-Master known as Sytelth is a veteran of many brutal campaigns and merciless bloody wars across the Etherium. Once a young and berserk crusader - now a cynical and hardened military general with a feared and respected reputation, Sytleth's most defining features are the patch of scarred flesh where it lost an eye to an Ekimmu Gale-Wraith, after raiding it's asteroid-crypt. The most prominent feature however is the Prymarsiam sylor-bullet stuck in the top of it's head - the bullet is partially embedded in it's brain in such a way, removal would cause more damage killing Sytelth - so without any choice Sytelth has decided to keep the Bullet in it's head as a reminder of it's own weaknesses.

Sytelth was once a part of a larger Cell, but it's berserk methods of war have forced it to leave to form it's own Cell, along with those that still believed in it. Over the years, Sytelth's Cell otherwise known as the Berserkers Of Cale-mire have grown to several hundred making them a small but brutal Cell with a infamous reputation. Many other Cells will find Sytelth's methods to be too head-on and simplistic, while others recognise that a Cell such as Sytelth's make an essential weapon for more extreme enemies that lack honour.

Sytelth's unconventional ways have lead it to upgrade it's own armour and even its' weapons. Sytelth has converted it's Cyclonic-staff into a powerful ranged weapon, the Thunder-Reaper, while on it's own right arm it has hard-wired a pair of Wind-whips into it's own flesh. Due to the brutal nature of Sytelth's Cell - it favours a large number of Gusts as infantry along with Mammatus' for heavy support and specialised roles carried out by the loyal contingents of Enhanced-Ones that stuck by Sytelth and abandoned their previous cell.

The atmosphere of Cale-mire is thick in Vapourous oxidisers effecting the skin-pigment of Sytelth and it's Cell, making them an unusual dark green and grey colour. Cale-Mire is perfect for Sytelth's Cell - they live in the strongholds in the upsidedown floating mountains of Sayrmayr, which are built out of the blackened granite-like rock. The sky is a putrid turquoise that quivers and shakes constantly giving a water-ripple type effect. The ocean of Cale-mire known as the Drayhu is a crystaline pink slime that houses the deadly forpid crawlers, small but deadly mindless beasts that are used for training and hunting. Cale-Mire is lone in the Ether, as it orbits no star, and no moon orbits it - just like Sytelth itself, it's brutal light stands out among the rest.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-25-2012, 09:39 AM
Unique characters would probably work, it's nice for an army to have big-name character to root for/hate. Kinda annoying if the unique one is "The Ultramarinest Ultramarine" since it devalues generic characters, but Sytelth sounds fairly divergent.

Like the look of him, the missing eye makes him more recognizable. Maybe reposition/shrink the bullet in his head, though? Its current size and position, sticking straight up in the air, has a kinda slapstick feel. Maybe shorten it until just the end is visible, and make the flesh around it look really warped/unhealthy, like it's affected by the Tolathian (nonfatal) equivalent of gangrene?

Hmm, you mentioned leaders unlocking army-wide abilities, such as turrets - would Sytelth bring those Forpid Crawlers with him?

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-25-2012, 10:23 AM
Unique characters would probably work, it's nice for an army to have big-name character to root for/hate. Kinda annoying if the unique one is "The Ultramarinest Ultramarine" since it devalues generic characters, but Sytelth sounds fairly divergent.

Yeah, I would rather have the characters be somewhat quirky, eccentric, rogue-like (not the computer game genre type!) or more divergent from the "norm". If theres one thing I love about 40k it's that it has things like Chapters, warbands, craftworlds, dynasties ect. I think that is something that is fairly important in a wargame to enable people to create their own backstories and colourschemes, but seems fairly abscent from a lot of games I've noticed. Tolathians have Cells, Luuran have Churches ect - so I want the armies to have several characters that can represent some of those kind of army-themes.

Like the look of him, the missing eye makes him more recognizable. Maybe reposition/shrink the bullet in his head, though? Its current size and position, sticking straight up in the air, has a kinda slapstick feel. Maybe shorten it until just the end is visible, and make the flesh around it look really warped/unhealthy, like it's affected by the Tolathian (nonfatal) equivalent of gangrene?

Those are some good suggestions, thanks :) I definitly agree. I wasnt really thinking much about the bullet, other than I wanted it in there, so yeah just the top poking out with some corrupted flesh around it would be perfect.

Hmm, you mentioned leaders unlocking army-wide abilities, such as turrets - would Sytelth bring those Forpid Crawlers with him?

Turrets? forpid crawlers? not sure what you mean there? then again I've got so much stuff on my computer I definitly forget everything I have at times D: But to answer the question - yeah, characters (at least the cell-specific ones) will change how armies work somewhat. Sytelth would allow up to six squads to have a defence sentry-drone (like the one pictured next to it). I guess they would have a "Charge" type rule as well, since they are a little more angrier than your typical Tolathians.

Also, as a side-note - Incase anyones curious to hear what a Tolathians voice sounds like, they found fairly similar to the vocal style I developed for my Death-robot music genre : http://soundcloud.com/chrisctan/morpheus-rebirth-dominion

in the web series, they won't be AS extremely processed as that though since you'll need to actually be able to hear the dialogue ;)

09-25-2012, 01:14 PM
I am growing curiouser and curiouser about this game ...

In other news, the spellcheck on this forum is happy with "curiouser". I'm not sure if that's a victory for Lewis Carroll or not ;)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-25-2012, 02:09 PM
Turrets? forpid crawlers? not sure what you mean there? then again I've got so much stuff on my computer I definitly forget everything I have at times D: But to answer the question - yeah, characters (at least the cell-specific ones) will change how armies work somewhat. Sytelth would allow up to six squads to have a defence sentry-drone (like the one pictured next to it). I guess they would have a "Charge" type rule as well, since they are a little more angrier than your typical Tolathians.The forpid crawlers mentioned in Styleth's backstory :P The thingies living in the pink crystal sea? I'm probably misremembering something from the blog as "turrets" instead of "sentry drone".

Good to have the leader be a defining presence for the army, that's one of my grumbles with 40k (If only I could pick a character's Warlord trait ;o; ).

Also, as a side-note - Incase anyones curious to hear what a Tolathians voice sounds like, they found fairly similar to the vocal style I developed for my Death-robot music genre : http://soundcloud.com/chrisctan/morpheus-rebirth-dominion

in the web series, they won't be AS extremely processed as that though since you'll need to actually be able to hear the dialogue ;)Huh, I'd assumed the webseries would be using sub's with unintelligible speech - then again, probably helps if the viewer has something comprehendible to hear :P Sounds nice and weird!

09-25-2012, 02:30 PM
I'd also say that unique characters are a really good idea. I remember reading a Standard Bearer where Jervis discusses the reason for having unique characters and the reason that I remember is they're highly effective as a way to illustrate some point about the lore for that army/faction/whatever.

Which I think would be helpful considering so much of this game is alien.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-26-2012, 03:12 AM
The forpid crawlers mentioned in Styleth's backstory :P The thingies living in the pink crystal sea? I'm probably misremembering something from the blog as "turrets" instead of "sentry drone".

Good to have the leader be a defining presence for the army, that's one of my grumbles with 40k (If only I could pick a character's Warlord trait ;o; ).
Huh, I'd assumed the webseries would be using sub's with unintelligible speech - then again, probably helps if the viewer has something comprehendible to hear :P Sounds nice and weird!

Ahhh, nah the pink slime creatures are just a backround tidbit really. I like to add things like that to the backround to add a little mystery, sort of like how 40k has it's "minor" xenos races.

I did consider the unintelligible speech, but I think its already pretty unrelatable as it is - I'll probably just put a "Translated into human language through unimaginable technology" At the beginning of each episode XD

Glad to know I'm on the right track with special characters, that's quite encouraging! thanks guys!

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-28-2012, 10:58 AM
Awwww, thought he'd have lil' amoeba attack-dogs :P

Was looking at the Tlorbeten proto-race design, and can't stop thinking of this one spin on it, looking at the way the mouth is "cut" into the face. If the "head" were a triangular prism, and a face cut into each side so that the inset mouths connect on the edges, there would be six apparent "faces" - the three faces on the flat sides, and three other disjointed looking faces seen when someone looks directly at one of the corners. :P Might turn it into a "leftover greenstuff" fiddlin'.

Are you planning on introducing special characters to each force in the same manner, or will some be a bit different? Could be a fun way to highlight each's different stance on individuality.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-28-2012, 12:19 PM
Awwww, thought he'd have lil' amoeba attack-dogs :P

Was looking at the Tlorbeten proto-race design, and can't stop thinking of this one spin on it, looking at the way the mouth is "cut" into the face. If the "head" were a triangular prism, and a face cut into each side so that the inset mouths connect on the edges, there would be six apparent "faces" - the three faces on the flat sides, and three other disjointed looking faces seen when someone looks directly at one of the corners. :P Might turn it into a "leftover greenstuff" fiddlin'.

Are you planning on introducing special characters to each force in the same manner, or will some be a bit different? Could be a fun way to highlight each's different stance on individuality.

That's not a bad idea at all, I am kinda tempted to sculpt one really. Not sure if I should though - I think the proto-races are best left as a mystery.

Yeah, I hope every army gets it's own special characters, at least 3-5. The first wave will likely just have ten kits per race (for 4 races) and only the basic generic Commanders - but I think they'll be a sucessive wave that gives them all characters. The Luuran will probably have famed religious zealots and preachers - almost tempted to name one "yelworc" (after a dark electro band that named themselves after Aliester Crowley :P).

Commanders have three levels in my games, so characters will probably all be at least level2. (the different levels enable them to -build- things, with level3 commanders able to build Factories to produce more units). Yeah, I really loved Total Annihilation.

09-28-2012, 12:35 PM
Commanders have three levels in my games, so characters will probably all be at least level2. (the different levels enable them to -build- things, with level3 commanders able to build Factories to produce more units). Yeah, I really loved Total Annihilation.

RTS: Tabletop Edition ?

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-28-2012, 01:22 PM
RTS: Tabletop Edition ?

Yeah, it has a lot of RTS influences - it make it feel more "modern", well at least to me it does. like TA it's based around the commander - the L1 Commanders can build small traps and barricades, L2 ones can build defense turrets ect and Level3 ones can build Factories which can spawn more infantry, the scale of the game determines the Commanders level. The rules and army-books will of course always remain free downloads too.

09-28-2012, 01:37 PM
Yeah, it has a lot of RTS influences - it make it feel more "modern", well at least to me it does. like TA it's based around the commander - the L1 Commanders can build small traps and barricades, L2 ones can build defense turrets ect and Level3 ones can build Factories which can spawn more infantry, the scale of the game determines the Commanders level. The rules and army-books will of course always remain free downloads too.

Interesting. I've never been a huge RTS player -- unless you count Populous (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populous) -- but as a table top I might be convinced.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-30-2012, 01:44 AM
Interested in the idea of the RTS-aspects/commander levels, seems like it's making what would normally be the mission/scenario/some terrain indistinguishable from the army, which could be fun.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-30-2012, 04:51 PM
Just thought I'd post a little update, nothing to show sadly - but I've been very busy!

The Luuran range is basicly 90% done at this point and in a week or so I should have 9 out of 10 units 100% !!

Heres what you have to look forward to seeing in the next few weeks -

Gyashans : these are Luuran integrated into bio-mechanical thrones. They are held up by two heretics that have been turned into mindless drones and their heads are permenantly biologically attached to the bottom of the throne and their eyes have been torn out and replaced by mouths. The tail segments are linked together with an eyeball joining them.

Arvatae : These are animal beasts from the luuran homeworld, they have a strong elephantine look with a single trunk, two tusks and have four eyes, with one central large eye and a row of three on the top. They have a rat-like tail and are kind of like the equiivilent of "Jetbikes" or "Screamers".

Sect Tome Keepers : These are high-ranking Luuran that act as missionaries and librarians. They each carry a sacred tome biologically attached to them and have larger traingle symbols on their foreheads.

Chaugniers : These guys are more like the Luuran equivilent of Shock-troopers. They have a fair amount of bio-armour enhancements and weaponry. They are tough and reliable.

High-Seclorum : This one got an entire resculpt, it's more priest-like now, it carries a staff with a pyramid on top with an eye over it, and is more blinged up and detailed than any of the others.

Initiates : These are the Luuran who still havent earned the right to carry the Mark Of Enlightenment (the pyramd symbol on their foreheads), and their eyes remain open to show they still have a long way to go. These are light infantry and make for disposable/weaker troops.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-01-2012, 01:57 PM
Looking forward to seeing 'em, the throne sounds nice and creepy.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-02-2012, 09:30 AM
Thanks! I hope it will impress :D

Made a new blog yesterday, as Blogger seems to allow me to create multiple blogs, so I've made a new one to post all my music on :

Should make for perfect soundtrack music for peoples sci-fi and horror games XD I will likely post some free stuff on there too.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2012, 05:32 PM
finally got pictures on monday, I think they are much clearer than any previous pictures too. (thanks dad)

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2012, 05:32 PM
Arvatae : it still needs it's left tusk sculpted but is otherwise done.

Chaugniers :

Gyashan :

High-Seclorum :

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2012, 05:34 PM
and finally,

Sect Tome Keepers :

well, there you go - hope ya'll think they are up to par and alright! Of course if anyone can suggest any improvements ect...

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-13-2012, 06:54 PM
The Arvatae looks pretty fun; is there fluff on what purposes the structures on it serve, or are they just general gribbliness? The front of its center crest has a little patch of unblended greenstuff, maybe cover/remove that?

Others look cool too, range of bodytypes is neat. Maybe fiddle with the tubes on the Gyashan's chair? Looks kinda like the ones on either side of the body are supposed to meet up behind it, but the angles are off.

One question on the tentacle maker, since I'm considering making some minis to sell; do you know what the legal angle on selling stuff accessorized with it is? I have no idea where the line is drawn when it comes to using another company's "sculpt" in a mini, interested to know what you/Trollforged think on it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2012, 07:36 PM
The Arvatae looks pretty fun; is there fluff on what purposes the structures on it serve, or are they just general gribbliness? The front of its center crest has a little patch of unblended greenstuff, maybe cover/remove that?

Ah, you are right! I didn't notice that at all, I'll fix that up tommorow.

Maybe fiddle with the tubes on the Gyashan's chair? Looks kinda like the ones on either side of the body are supposed to meet up behind it, but the angles are off.

I didn't notice that either until the photo was taken, kinda funny how photos can show things the naked eye can miss. I'll probably fill in the gaps between the pilot and the tubes.

One question on the tentacle maker, since I'm considering making some minis to sell; do you know what the legal angle on selling stuff accessorized with it is? I have no idea where the line is drawn when it comes to using another company's "sculpt" in a mini, interested to know what you/Trollforged think on it.

i've seen several people use those things in sculpts they have sold now, including Ed's own stuff - some of the stuff on his kickstarter used the tentacle maker for example. The company just seems to be providing some more specific tools for sculptors both amateur and pro, so it all seems ok.

Also, I completely forgot - heres a painted Luuran I did from one of the spare recasts I had left over :

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-14-2012, 09:19 AM
i've seen several people use those things in sculpts they have sold now, including Ed's own stuff - some of the stuff on his kickstarter used the tentacle maker for example. The company just seems to be providing some more specific tools for sculptors both amateur and pro, so it all seems ok.Perfect, thanks for the info!

Also, I completely forgot - heres a painted Luuran I did from one of the spare recasts I had left over :
http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/PaintedLuuran.jpgHuh, sorta reminds me of an elephants skin/trunk, works well on it. Curious; what color is the throne going to be? Not sure what would contrast well with the rider but also not overwhelm it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-14-2012, 09:25 AM
Elephants are an inspiration in their design yeah, they do have three trunks but I guess it's hard to see that they are trunks without actually looking underneath each one to see the two little holes - which would be hard to photograph. I think when army designing you want a nice variety of themes to pull on, for the Luuran it was Elephants, freemasonry/illuminanti and hindu gods ect

The throne will probably be a mix of rusted metal oranges for the mechanical parts and dark greyish brown for the organic components. At least that's how I imagine it.

11-15-2012, 11:16 AM
These minis are looking really good!

I'm getting more and more interested in this game ...

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-15-2012, 02:28 PM
Elephants are an inspiration in their design yeah, they do have three trunks but I guess it's hard to see that they are trunks without actually looking underneath each one to see the two little holes - which would be hard to photograph. I think when army designing you want a nice variety of themes to pull on, for the Luuran it was Elephants, freemasonry/illuminanti and hindu gods ect I might've been typecasting you a bit, I'd just assumed they were tentacles :P And yeah, it's neat how themes start to snowball after a while - one of the concepts I'm playing with draws from sharks, trees, ventworms and a couple of nightmares.

The throne will probably be a mix of rusted metal oranges for the mechanical parts and dark greyish brown for the organic components. At least that's how I imagine it.Ooo, that sounds like it'll compliment the rider well.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-15-2012, 03:55 PM
I might've been typecasting you a bit, I'd just assumed they were tentacles :P And yeah, it's neat how themes start to snowball after a while - one of the concepts I'm playing with draws from sharks, trees, ventworms and a couple of nightmares.
Ooo, that sounds like it'll compliment the rider well.

i don't mind being type-cast as that "weird alien guy", it's not like anyone out there is doing it so. Strangely though I don't really like to use tentacles much, I kinda prefer tendrills and veins a lot more.

My OCD seems to come in use for things like paint-schemes and colour - it seems to give things consistancy. Everything will probably have muted colours like that. Tolathians will be in a muted greyish blue, MoU will likely be in a muted purple/grey colour. I think I probably played too much Quake1.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-21-2012, 11:21 PM
Here is the WIP "new" Master of Unlife :

The old one felt more like one of the Masters pets than a Master itself, so it has been repurposed as as "Guardian" instead.

11-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Here is the WIP "new" Master of Unlife :

The old one felt more like one of the Masters pets than a Master itself, so it has been repurposed as as "Guardian" instead.

I like this, but I wonder if it wouldn't be better if the "body" was more upright, and the angle between the "body" and "neck was more acute. It would have more of a "big scary, monster looking down it's nose at a mere human victim" feeling, at least in my head.

It does rather remind me of some of the images of Phyrexians in Magic: The Gathering, especially the priest/captain-level guys. It's more the feeling I'm thinking of, rather than any real physical resemblance, though.

11-27-2012, 01:42 PM
I might've been typecasting you a bit, I'd just assumed they were tentacles :P

These aren't tentacles, they're gentacles!

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-24-2012, 11:48 AM
Thanks for all the comments and support people have given me this year, it's really meant a lot and helped to drive me forward to make this dream a reality. Wanted to show some more stuff, but sadly havent had the time. I am nearing completion of the last two models for the tolathians and luuran though, so I expect those model ranges will be 100% done before next year - then I will be working on the next two model ranges, one being the masters of unlife of course, the 4th I am still deciding!

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-30-2012, 11:27 AM
Ok, not to do with the miniatures...but I got a camcorder for xmas, so I've been playing with it a little and did some test footage to see how well my puppet looks on camera with it's eyes glowing under different light levels and took some pictures :


Asymmetrical Xeno
01-07-2013, 04:55 AM
First post of the new year and I have a special preview of one of the new races - the Cascadians. They are perhaps one of the most abstract/weirdest designs I've come up with but still in my "style" of thin and wirey asymmetrical sillohettes! I am really happy with it though. For those that do not know about the Cascadians, they a type of sentient/intelligent anti-body created by the Time vortex within the Ether itself - so I guess they are like cooler versions of Time Lords.


I'll get a clearer/better pic when I can - but you get the idea :)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-10-2013, 04:49 AM
Like the Master of Unlife, especially the tentacle mass. Interested to see how the Cascadian turns out. Perhaps replace the smooth tentacles on it with more geometric bits? (Maybe coat them in tiny cube/pyramid beads?)

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-10-2013, 05:48 AM
Like the Master of Unlife, especially the tentacle mass. Interested to see how the Cascadian turns out. Perhaps replace the smooth tentacles on it with more geometric bits? (Maybe coat them in tiny cube/pyramid beads?)

tbh im pretty happy with how the sculpt is at is it, but I like those ideas quite a lot for other units. I was thinking of adding small triangular shapes onto the ends of those two tendrills at the very bottom of the figure (as they are meant to be sensory-organs).

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-10-2013, 11:43 PM
Fair enough, very much a matter of taste thing. Should really pop when it's fully detailed and painted!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-11-2013, 08:02 AM
Fair enough, very much a matter of taste thing. Should really pop when it's fully detailed and painted!

Thanks! I'm thinking they will probably be painted in a clean white colour with glowing areas (such as the globe on the head and right tendrill) in a glowing hot pink colour! Still need to find an artist really as I think this game needs some good art to get the vision across.

01-11-2013, 09:19 AM
I like the Master of Unlife also, and your little puppet looks very good.:)

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-11-2013, 10:36 AM
I like the Master of Unlife also, and your little puppet looks very good.:)

Thanks! next ill be working on building the sets over the next two years - that's gonna be a lot of hard work X_X

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-12-2013, 02:51 PM
Took a load of pictures of the Work In Progress Tolathian vehicle - which still needs a decent name.



It still need's a weapon and I'm trying to figure out how to make that, but you can see the two greek style pillars poking out of a cloud :D the cloud part was made from expanding foam. The weapon will be mounted on the small rectangular area on the front pillar btw.

I'm quite happy with how the pilot is "hard wired" into the vehicle with the link on it's back going into the shorter pillar, with it's arms directly linked into the control unit sitting on top of the front pillar.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-12-2013, 03:10 PM
Huh, very weird! Wasn't expecting anything like that.

Maybe use a cloud name for it? Nimbus, perhaps.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-12-2013, 03:37 PM
Never been a big fan of sci-fi vehicles in general - so I want mine to be something cool and original, the Luuran have the Eye Of judgement ect.

Good suggestion, perhaps Nimbus Velum? Velum is a cloud described as "a ship's sail – sail-like in appearance" which seems to fit it being a vehicle.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-12-2013, 06:41 PM
Nimbus Velum sounds pretty good, and the description's certainly fitting.

Will other Tolathian vehicles have a similar design? If so, in addition to cloud-names, maybe also use names evocative of the architecture; Parthenon etc. The combination of greek-pillars and clouds makes me think of "Olympus", too.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-13-2013, 06:04 AM
I won't be doing any more Tolathian units for a while but do plan to add new stuff eventually - I did want them to have a second larger vehicle at some point which I called Cloud Burster (allthough renaming it to Olympus Cloud Burster makes it sound more badass!). But yeah, at this point they have ten units which I think is fine for a while (the other 2 or 3 factions will have the same so theres a good amount of stuff upon release!).

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-17-2013, 05:31 PM
Here is the Work In Progress Luuran Karindrasura's. They are a sub-species in the same way neanderthal's are of humans. They are shorter, bulkier and less intelligent, more tribal and hardier.


Not particularly sure if these are any good though, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-17-2013, 06:38 PM
Crests are fun, makes me think of that one jurassic park beastie :P Placement of maw's neat, rather vagina dentata, but they lack depth since the teeth are just on top of a flat layer of green stuff. The two bottom limb-y things, alongside existing Luurans, look a bit much like like a maw was sculpted over the tentacles of a normal Luuran - maybe change how those two things attach to the body, maybe make them look a little more vestigial?

What's the little sack on the side of their head?

Always liked the concept of having neanderthal/modern humans existing cooperatively, same deal with these guys?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-19-2013, 01:28 PM
Thanks bro!

On the teeth on flat surface, nothing much I could do with that sadly - I did sculpt some tiny tongues which I tried to look like was coming out of the visible flaps on the flat surface though.

On the two bottom limbs, I'm reworking them now and hopefully they'll look better.

Also while I'm at it, the Nimbus Velum is nearing completion - it has a weapon now, allthough I might add something at the end of the barrel :

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-21-2013, 11:34 AM
The columns/clouds combo's already pretty esoteric, the angular sci-fi kinda clashes/looks kinda bolted on (I suppose that could also apply to the control panel). Maybe continue the architecture theme and add a facade of an eldritch cyclopian face, with the prominent eye being the source of the attack?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-22-2013, 12:10 PM
Ah, the angular sci-fi aesthetic is pretty important to them - allthough it will be seen more in the Web-show (if it ever gets made). Perhaps the problem is there needs to be something to mesh them in?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-25-2013, 10:36 AM
Got a better picture of the Cascadian today, you can see all the details on it far better (and I have added some since I took the last pic) :


For a better idea of scale, the metal wire is a paperclip and the metal ball is a pinhead FYI.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-25-2013, 04:12 PM
Ooo, the Cascadian's looking much better with the extra bits, the stuff around the base of the tentaclemaker-tube helps. Think it might be my favorite design of the lot. What else are you thinking of adding to the sculpt?

Was sketching ice fractals for something I'm working on, when I thought it might apply well to the Velum - did a low-detail sketch of it, although it does leave behind the columns look. The horrible clump of hair is the cloud :P


Asymmetrical Xeno
01-26-2013, 09:53 AM
I added a few more tiny little bits, including a tiny piece on the of the paper-clip wire "arm" on the right side. I think at this point it's done as I can't think of anything else I'd add and I feel really happy with it. Afterall, these will be the Cascadian's basic infantry and ill convert most of their other units from recasts (like I did with the tolathians and luuran).

Front Main View, Front Close up, Back View.

ha! never had fan-art before, that could make a cool Conversion though - maybe for a more fractal-inspired Cell? Each Cell is like the equivilent of a space marine chapter, so they can have different variations on the tech and various themes ect.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-26-2013, 12:51 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-27-2013, 08:53 AM
I keep saying it's finished and then find myself adding to it more, I made the Pistol look more like, well an actual weapon :

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-01-2013, 07:28 AM
Not much of an update but mailed out the Masters of Unlife Abyssal Drone and Cascadian Time-Warden sculpts to Ed/Troll Forged today. No idea when I'll be getting recasts of them, but I'm excited to start converting them to make other units! I worked out I could make 7 of the cascadian units from the recasts alone (leaving 3 to build from scratch), on the other hand the MoU will only be getting 2 or 3 units made from recasts (the rest are scratchbuilds).

The goal is still to have four complete armies to launch the game with. Still looking for someone to do the artwork for this game too.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-20-2013, 12:58 PM
I've started doing more "master sculpts", here is the one for the Iaethlein - a technologically advanced race of energy beings that move about in Hard Holographic armoured shells :

Sorry it's such a small/tiny pic, ill get better ones in the next few days when iv done moer work on it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-20-2013, 05:38 PM
Also, heres something for the Masters Of Unlife, this is the Work In Progress "Seeker" :



These large bio-mechanical worm-like drones do what they say on the tin, they fly ahead of the other drone types - seeking out the best places to hit and run to soften the enemy down until the main drone-army can get there.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-17-2013, 01:14 PM
Got more work on the Seeker Drone done :



Asymmetrical Xeno
07-11-2013, 12:50 PM
A somewhat strange update - Primeval Abyssian will be having a direction change, both from an artistic and marketing decision. The game will not be marketed as "Lovecraftian" but instead will be related to what is more it's main influences and inspirations anyway - and those are hard sci-fi writers such as Olaf Stapledon, Hal Clement and Robert L Forward. I believe these writers deserve more of the credit for inspiration and deserve more exposure alike.

Of course all models currently sculpted are still in. Tolathians, Masters Of unlife and Luuran will remain how they are - which is, they were never really "lovecraftian" anyway, and I feel it is best to get away from the "cthulhu mythos" as far as possible.

Some races (ones that havent been sculpted yet anyway) will undergo radical direction changes - and there will be some new factions too such as the Psylorthion Conflux - which use oblate planets. The new races will follow from what you've seen of the Cascadians - which will be more high tech but abstract looking sillohettes.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-12-2013, 04:39 PM
Introducing..... The Psylorthion Conflux

The Psylorthion Conflux are a species of artificially created beings made from a strong resiliant metamaterial that is able to withstand extreme temperature and weathering, making them hardy and strong - the downside to this however is that the metamaterial has a fast decay rate so the bodies need to be replaced somewhat frequently. The Psylorthions live on Anchorworlds, two oblate ellipsoids, the smaller being a singularity resting upon the larger. The Psylorthion minds can only exist within the confines of the singularities - permanently tying them to their homeworlds. The Psylorthion metamaterial bodies however are able to go anywhere and are created en-masse on the anchorworlds by advanced nano-swarms.

The Psylorthion Conflux was born by the Adrifell long ago - who opened thousands of Singularities across the Etherverse and sent encrypted datastreams into each one. Eventually the Datastreams would gain sentience within the singularities and create a network of artificial minds with each Singularity becoming it's own cosmic computer terminal. The Adrifell would then link the singularities together to form an expansive universe scaled computer network and intelligence system that could monitor the Etherverse and repair any potential anomolies.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-12-2013, 11:18 PM
Well, color me curious!

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-16-2013, 10:06 AM
heres a crappy MSpaint sketch I did last night of what I think they'll end up looking like :

They will be a challenge to sculpt with those curves and the "h" shapes on the body, but itll give me something to do while waiting for the recasts from Troll Forged.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-29-2013, 03:42 PM
Been ages since I posted an update. i know. I'm still awaiting recasts of models I sent off in april - this has put a temporary stop to any sculpting since I need the recasts to continue. That said, I have been writing lots of backround and recently started making star maps! Here is, litterally - a map of the entire Universe


The Etherium universe is a LOT smaller than "our" universe. It's smaller than even a single galaxy. You'll notice some areas are selected but not labelled - these are areas where I plan to add future factions. You can also see a lot of small and strange anomolies or structures. These are left to your imagination.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-29-2013, 03:59 PM




Asymmetrical Xeno
10-29-2013, 08:35 PM



Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2013, 10:00 AM
New Logo :



11-07-2013, 10:09 AM
Logo just changed as I posted?

Looks cool and bad *** sci-fi! Nice :)

Not so sure about the flat back though. It needs something in it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2013, 10:47 AM
Thanks for the feedback! I tried out your suggestion and added a backround, Does this look any better?


11-07-2013, 10:53 AM
Yeah! I think it looks much better! :) Really 'other dimensiony'
I had a real quick go but yours is better.


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2013, 11:55 AM
That sort of backround pattern might look nice on boxart!

11-07-2013, 12:26 PM
Cool :D
If you ever need a hand let me know :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2013, 12:48 PM
Tried your backround idea out on some mockup packaging box art :

11-07-2013, 01:11 PM
Cool buddy :)
It's a little hard to see on this pic though. Is the white space for model photos?

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2013, 02:02 PM
Yeah, you have to imagine 5 painted models in the white space, with some text below it saying like "5x Tolathian Wisps" or whatever..

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2013, 12:17 PM
Introducing the Calixyren Syndicate!



Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2013, 07:52 PM
The Tolathians get their Homeworld star system in map form. The first of the star system maps.


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2013, 09:13 PM
The Psylorthion home star-system -


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2013, 02:17 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2013, 03:05 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2013, 03:54 PM

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-13-2013, 04:40 PM
Good stuff so far, fleshing out nicely. Only crit would be that the extreme kerning on some of the letters combined with the glow effect kinda leaves the text running together at a glance.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2013, 08:28 PM
http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/PA_Starmaps/StarSystems_GreatLuraydiaStarSystem_zps10fb7749.pn g


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-13-2013, 08:30 PM



Asymmetrical Xeno
11-14-2013, 10:47 AM

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11-14-2013, 11:04 AM

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11-14-2013, 11:27 AM

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11-14-2013, 01:53 PM

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11-14-2013, 02:10 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-14-2013, 03:28 PM


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-14-2013, 05:04 PM


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-16-2013, 03:37 PM




Asymmetrical Xeno
11-16-2013, 06:30 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-16-2013, 10:40 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-17-2013, 02:05 PM


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-17-2013, 07:56 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-18-2013, 11:10 AM


Asymmetrical Xeno
11-18-2013, 01:06 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-19-2013, 07:55 PM

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-19-2013, 07:56 PM




Asymmetrical Xeno
11-20-2013, 11:32 AM


Asymmetrical Xeno
12-05-2013, 03:28 PM
In other news...still waiting for the recasts -_-

But have started doing spacecraft (or Ethercraft) ship designs :



Asymmetrical Xeno
01-27-2014, 04:47 PM
As it will be years likely before I am able to film the Tolathian web series, I have taken up filling the time by creating an all-new sci-fi audio-drama! the audio-drama has it's own characters and is set on the fringes of the ruins of the Adrifell civilization! It will consist of seven 10-minute episodes covering three seperate stories and will be made available on bandcamp and soundcloud.


Asymmetrical Xeno
01-30-2014, 06:34 PM
Started sculpting the Calixyren Master model (from which id use recasts to make different poses, and other units with) :

Not sure it's close enough to the original sillohette so far, or if it's better. it will have a lot more detail as this is very "bare bones" at current.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-30-2014, 06:53 PM
with some detail added it starts to actually look like "something". Yep, my wargame isnt going to be a big seller LOL

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-30-2014, 07:04 PM
:P Well I am planning on picking up a Master of Unlife when it does come out.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-30-2014, 07:59 PM
haha, you'll probably be the only one! I think they are one of the more accessible (at least for this setting) factions too. The Calixyrens on the other hand are a sentient mathematical formulae and together form a "mass equation".

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-31-2014, 11:29 AM
Lot's more detail work done...The "weapon" arm at the bottom left needs more work, perhaps I will give it a barrel to make it look more obviously a weak. Otherwise I'm happy with it so far.


Asymmetrical Xeno
01-31-2014, 03:37 PM
Decided to create a "new" Calixyren sculpt as the previous one wasnt close enough to the original artwork sillohette. I still like the older one so I've decided both will make master models with ones derived from the previous one being "high Tier" and units derived from the new one as "low tier". High Tier ones will be Commanders, high ranking officers, elite units ect while low-tier ones will be your basic troops, workers ect


Asymmetrical Xeno
02-01-2014, 09:33 PM
And with most of the details added :
Just needs the eyes done and a few other bits on the back!

Calixyren's are armed with weapons based on mathematical algorithms - these algorithm can cause all kinds of strange spacial distortion or physics altering damage to the enemy.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-09-2014, 09:59 PM
haha, you'll probably be the only one!Don't be too concerned, even 40k started slowly.

The Calixyrens on the other hand are a sentient mathematical formulae and together form a "mass equation".Design thought - maybe give them a short/squat profile rather than tall and skinny? Tall and skinny's already pretty common in Primeval, and having them be smaller would allow for larger swarms, and thus an army would be a larger expanse of jagged neon thingies.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-09-2014, 10:07 PM
appreciate the feedback but I'm honestly rather happy with how they look at current :)

However, it will only be "native" or normal naturally evolved species which have that thin/wirey look. The non-native ones (like the masters of unlife) and non-normal ones will be very different.

Speaking of, one of those alternative species will be the Karuthrax :

The karuthrax were the First Error to emerge within the Etherium Universe, a Universe that was never meant to evolve it's own lifeforms. They themselves are sentient micro pocket-universes which have developed cosmic consciousness and have psychically linked themeselves together to form a culture of some sort.

Due to their uniquely small size, their bodies do expand but at such a short rate to be entirely unoticed by any that would witness them. Impossibly ancient, they must consume the fabric of space of larger universes to continue existing, as without this space they will go into Heat-Death. They may be responsible for the broken region of space known as the Shattered lands.

These living micro-universes emerging inside the larger Etherium universe is possibly explained as an unforseen side-effect of the "custom" Higgs Boson particle the Adrifell used to create the Etherium universe itself and legends tell that perhaps the Boson still exists somewhere out there and is possibly still functioning to some degree. The karuthrax themselves ultimate mission is to find the Boson and find a way to stop their race from going into mass Heat-Death.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-14-2014, 01:18 AM
Here is the current and updated 2014 Faction list :

Adrifell -
The long extinct Adrifell are the creators of the Etherium Universe. As their own universe was nearing it's natural end into the heat death phase, the Adrifell built an enourmous Hadron Collider that could create a custom God Particle which would give birth to an artificial universe that they could live in. They suceeded, but the Etherium was an imperfect entity with many faults. Relics of Adrifell Civilization can be found all throughout the Etherium on thousands of worlds.

Karuthrax -
The karuthrax were the First Error to emerge within the Etherium Universe after it's Hadron Collider birth, a Universe that was never meant to evolve it's own lifeforms, somehow evolved a mass of sentient micro pocket-universes which have developed cosmic consciousness and have psychically linked themeselves together to form a culture of some sort. They fought a long war against the Adrifell, which resulted in both species eventual extinction, giving way to a new age with less powerful species.

Tolathians -
The realm of the Tolathians is a large, cell based commune empire that is overseen by the Thane of Tol. Tolathians are a mystical, powerfull, wise and elemental species which believe in traits such as fairness and loyality. They often protect and defend the weaker species and ally with the Iaethien and Cascadians to name but a few.

Luuran -
The Luuran are a species of religious zealots, corrupted by fallen Karuthrax and Adrifell technology - they have become a nemesis to the Etherium, reaching their talons into other species, launching crusades of faith, becoming an enemy of logic, reason and science. The Luuran's imperialist ways have earnt them a terrible reputation across the Etherium.

Masters Of Unlife -
They are Anti-Life itself. From some ancient beyond imagining realm, beyond the sanity of space, time, dimension and reality - lies an anti-existence, a place no eye shall ever see. The place of Anti-Life itself, the dreaded Masters of Unlife come. The minions from the plain of Anti-Matter itself ; dreaded abominations which create swirling Black-Holes to explode into the reality of space in order to do nothing but wipe out all life for insideous reasons that which will never be known.

Cascadians -
The Cascadians are the servants of the living Time-Vortex. Each entity can co-exist with hundreds of it's own selves due to each inhabiting it's own time-bubble. They are masters of chrono based weaponry, guardians of past, present, future and allies to the Tolathians and Iaethlein.

Psylorthion Conflux -
The Conflux are a species of artificially created beings made from a strong resiliant metamaterial that is able to withstand extreme temperature and weathering, making them hardy and strong but with a fast decay-rate. The actual minds of the Conflux are sentient datastreams which live within singularities on planets called Anchorworlds.

Iaethlein -
The Iaethlein are a species of Energy beings that inhabit hard-holographic armoured shells. A unique trait of the Iaethien is their empire which is a vast array of Dyson Spheres connected together into one enourmous cosmic circuit. A unique aspect of Iaethlein technology is how their brains work - they can partition a part of their holo-bodies and slow the light down to an almost static state, allowing complex arrays of signals and patterns to exist in order to create an advanced mind with mass-storage capacities beyond any organic beings.

Calixyren Syndicate -
The Calixyren Syndicate are a civilization based on one of the Adrifells strange cosmic equations. In effect, the Calixyren are a culture of living sentient mathematical formulae. Due to them being such a core component of the Etherium, they are highly guarded, cautious, defensive and isolationist.

Exorphiens -
The Exorphiens are a race of living paradoxes living in conjunction with each other - allowing each one to exist together. As such the empire is named the Exorphien Conjunction.

Quartoulians -
The Quartoulians are the remnants of a living reflection of a universe simulation discarded aeons ago by the Adrifell. The Adrifell did not expect their universe simulation to have a reflective shadow to it, but somehow once the simulation was disabled - the reflective shadow of it still remained and evolved.

Halaedion Talons -
Evolving on the firey planet of Asaag, the Halaedion are the physical avatars of a vast magnetic pull between two enourmous worlds, that for whatever reason developed a consciousness, perhaps due to the complexity of the magnetic wave between both worlds. The magnetic wave was able to use it's pull to piece together automatons for itself that it could use to explore the Etherium and learn and discover it's purpose - and these became the Halaedion.

Ylataran Nexus -
The Feared Nexus are an immensely powerful species which have seemingly conquered millions of universes, converted the mass-energy of each and used it to increase the power of their own biological and quantum extra-reality. The Nexus seek to make themselves the masters of the "Existiverse", or outer-universal shell from which all other universes reside within, so as that they can break down the very walls of existence itself and see what lies beyond. They possess reality altering weaponry and ships which are dimensionally transcendental - allowing them to insert entire legions unknowingly into whole worlds and galaxies. They have now arrived in the Etherium.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-16-2014, 03:27 PM
Heavy quantum physics based faction!


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-18-2014, 05:47 PM
My way of honouring the first physical evidence of space-time ripples that confirm the big bang theory as fact....here are the Fhospheren :


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-25-2014, 08:28 AM
This is the (work in progress) one off sculpt that when it is finished, will be painted up to give to my Dark Queen, it is called The Loft Guardian.


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-26-2014, 08:15 AM
More work done on the Loft Guardian :

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-26-2014, 05:54 PM
and he's done! With any luck I'll get the paints tommorow and I can finish him up ^_^


03-27-2014, 03:32 AM
Is it wrong that I think it looks kinda cute?!=

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-29-2014, 03:52 PM
Well, he's finished now. His real name is Gary btw.


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-29-2014, 04:19 PM

04-07-2014, 09:27 AM

I'm going to be a bit nit-picky, but shouldn't the area of space be pyramidal (or something)? A triangle is two dimensional and space isn't.

This is the (work in progress) one off sculpt that when it is finished, will be painted up to give to my Dark Queen, it is called The Loft Guardian.


And apparently Xeno has finally gone off the deep end and has started to believe that his Lovecraftian gods are real ...

I actually really like the Loft Guardian, looked good as a mini and better when it was painted. Is N the initial of the name of you Dark Queen?

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-07-2014, 10:04 AM
Yup, she's one of my best friends and came into my life at a time I really needed someone, so it's my weird little way of thanking her for being there for me. and good point about the pyramidal bit - doh! thanks for pointing that out..

04-15-2014, 01:40 PM
I think you can be forgiven ... I can't think of a major sci-fi TV or movie franchise that doesn't do it ;)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Started on the Psylorthion finally.

The half-moon shapes will be common in their infantry designs, while the vehicles will take on a more blocky 8-bit pixel feel.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10371952_10151803543729364_6795766031885690024_n.j pg

- i'm hoping to texture it in various places with a cross-hatch type pattern, and of course it needs it's arm. I'm not sure about it's ethereal fin yet either, I prefer the look in the design to the one iv made.

Also on the subject of this games release, since it's more of a hobby and more for myself and my friends who also love this sort of thing - I've been thinking the best way to release it would be to have it "cast to order". I would be content if I could break even, but even then it's no biggie. I know fully well that my taste is kinda "niche".

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-20-2014, 09:09 AM
early work in progress of a Psylorthion "Shackle Coda" (basicly their equivilent of a flying motorbike ;) ) the texture in that small picture to the left of the larger one is what im going to cover up most of the space with. You'll see once I mean once you see it applied to larger areas.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/10277108_10151806677334364_8456789331300488588_n.j pg

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-22-2014, 12:14 PM
Metal Masters of the Cascadian miniature being made :




Will likely need repair work to make them more like the original green - arms and torso can be replaced with paperclip wire to regain the thinness again.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-23-2014, 09:26 AM
Continuing the Psylorthion work with this large alien mech, it is called a Vorsicator.

Vorsicator's are armed with a single powerfull tripple barreled Vector Defracturizer, the Defracturizer has an inbuilt particle collider thats forms millions of temporary particle sized universes which combine their existences with the intended victim. After thie hit, the particle sized universes implode on themselves sucking the victims body into them as they vanish into non-existence. These fearsome war engines are only used in the most dire of consquences - and have made a perfect way to ward off enemy invaders in the Psylorthion Empire.

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10363873_10151812091039364_6554974670576573403_n.j pg

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-04-2014, 11:08 AM
Found this spare Tolathian recast and painted him up, glued his fin to the side of a piece of terrain rather than just gluing the fin to the base (which I think is too fragile)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10372335_10151833752949364_1212507819929228961_n.j pg

WIP jetbike for the Calixyrens :
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10341830_10151816140809364_4891905173815568476_n.j pg

WIP Psylorthion infantry weapons :

WIP Psylorthion vehicles and infantry :

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-06-2014, 09:29 AM
I finally did a "scale shot", so you can see how tall these aliens are -
https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10431537_10151831630344364_3727581545038863136_n.j pg

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-02-2014, 10:38 AM
PA got some exposure on this blog : http://www.blackgoatgames.com/pinkspacemarine/?p=19

Also semi-related - I released my new album on the 13th last month. If you like Dark, harsh, futuristic Electro-industrial music, then get it ;

FREE VERSION : http://ionplasmaincineration.bandcamp.com/album/outer-reality-engine-free-version

EXTENDED VERSION : http://ionplasmaincineration.bandcamp.com/album/outer-reality-engine-extended-edition (£.4.50)

extended version has remixes from CYANOTIC, R010R, TECHNOMANCER, SEVERE ILLUSION, THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN, TERMINAL STATE and RUINIZER + 2 exclusive b-sides.

All profit goes directly into funding my tabletop wargame, so do consider supporting me, but if you cant - thats why theres a free version

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-28-2014, 09:08 PM
Been a while since i posted here.

I have been considering creating a small/simple board-game, something along the lines of Heroquest and Space Crusade, but set in the Primeval Abyssian universe. The reason is that this tabletop wargame is such a lot of work and will likely take at least another year or two before it is ready, so I am considering the idea of putting out something self-contained and smaller in the mean time.


Dimension Tomb is the basic idea I've come up with. It involves playing either a Tolathian or Luuran Dimensionaut which as the name implies, explores other dimensions. In this case, the dimension they are exploring happens to be the Master of Unlife's very own Necroverse. So you will be exploring extra-dimensional tombs in another universe and hunting for treasure while evading Necroverse Sentries.

I have already started sculpting the gaming pieces, and so far it looks like you will have 2 Dimensionauts (1 Tolathian and 1 luuran) along with 4 Masters of Unlife Crypt Sentries, a moulded plastic gaming board, dice ect - the contents will likely change but this is what I plan on so far. I will post photos once there is enough work to show for it.

Would you be interested in buying a small game like this? It will likely be quite cheap and simple to play.

09-29-2014, 01:43 AM
I enjoyed the last one and look forward to this new one.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-29-2014, 09:07 AM
thanks! ^_^


Started the Tolathian Dimensionaut :
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10678697_10152039656844364_1247581532402811681_n.j pg?oh=d14f4630bb651d7da00b787c84dc5a98&oe=54C35C9D&__gda__=1422898827_9a57966abe27d090488b06ec393c64f 8

I'm very tempted to make more than just two Dimensionauts as well, perhaps a few from alien races that do not have military power but are more scientific ones (giving me a way to add more races to the setting without making new "armies")

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-14-2015, 04:03 AM
Working on another master model for PA - this one is a Quartoulian.


I'm quite happy with the metal plating that looks like it is bolted to the creatures flesh with the rivets. I just need to add an arm holding a weapon and it's basicly done.

fluff -

The mysterious and fearful Quartoulians originate from the nightmarish Shadow Vault - they are a race able to manipulate and alter mass to such a degree they have learnt to create variable mass based weaponry and technology.

The Quartoulians are the remnants of a living reflection of a universe simulation discarded aeons ago by the Adrifell. The Adrifell did not expect their universe simulation to have a reflective shadow to it, but somehow once the simulation was disabled - the reflective shadow of it still remained and evolved. The Adrifell then sought out and destroyed every shard of it's data-existence - but something somehow survived.

The survivors became the Quartoulians which somehow managed to hide themselves in the dark nebulas. Once the Adrifell vanished from the Etherium - the Quartoulians built up an empire and became one of the major factions of the Etherium using the Shadow Vault worlds as their base to launch crusades to collect as much energy and power to keep themselves alive.

Quartoulian shadow-matter, the material they are made from needs a lot of energy to sustain itself, so the Quartoulians have become a desperate faction - constantly striving to continue to exist in a universe that was never made for them.

The Shadow Vault itself is the last remaining fragment of the reflective shadow generated by the long destroyed Universe Simulation. It is however slowly decaying every few years, increasing the desperation the Quartoulians feel. For them, survival is a struggle and everything they do is to survive their own personal apocalypse.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-28-2015, 10:54 AM
Thanks very much to Ed Fortae of Troll Forged miniatures - I got some of the metal masters I need to get going on these two factions.



Quite exciting to have something I made in metal like this! Kinda cool for me :)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-28-2015, 09:14 PM
Dayum - looking forward to when these are on the Trollforged store! Wouldn't mind giving a bit of support to a cool indie wargame.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-29-2015, 08:10 AM
I'd appreciate that greatly as i fully expect to lose money over this project. I'd really love to see people collect and paint up full forces of these things though - itll be probably quite cheap and affordable though, and you'll only need about 20-30 models on average (same scale as 2nd ed 40k)

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-02-2015, 03:32 PM


Overview of the Uloardiom Combine -
The Uloardiom Combine are a civilization that have perfected the art of Quantum Splitting of the Particles and Properties and combining different particles with different properties to create unnatural forms, and thus aiming to create perfect bodies for themselves. The Uloardiom have also managed to create advanced data storage by layering multiple properties onto single atoms, thus allowing each particle to have multiple states.

The Uloardiom homeworld Ulorthorix, is hidden in a string of layered physics known as the Great Deceit. Due to the way the layers have been produced – the physical laws are protecting, hiding and deflecting each other in specific and complex ways that create a maze of quantum side-effects.

Uloardioms use the ability of splitting properties from particles to create powerful and destructive weapons based on the concept of layering. They purposely find quantum effects that produce the most destructive effects and then layer them onto each other in various combinations to create even more chaotic weaponry. The side-effects of these weapons however can cause micro tears in reality that can even destroy their own weapons and even themselves – making them one of the most dangerous and unstable factions in the entire Etherium.

The most feared Uloardiom weapon is the Pulse Trap, a device that holds different physical properties in seperate cells then releases them to create a quantum chain reaction that encapsulates the enemy in a damaged shard of reality that destroys their bodies on the quantum level.

Due to the dangerous and reckless attitude of the Uloardiom, their Combine empire is relatively small and secluded – however now various forces from outside the Ether have reached their hands into this reality the Uloardiom combine worlds have taken notice and wish to unleash their dangerous experimental weaponry on any that dare go near them.

The Uloardiom Combine are also a culture that is obsessed with perfection, which has lead to various classes, each based on the percentage rating of perfection that is awarded to them by the High Commanders of the Fifteen Colonies. Uloardioms even experiment by quantum splitting their own bodies and minds and trying to remake themselves into better forms to impress their High Commanders and move further up the percentage scale.

History -
The Uloardiom were once like any other Abyssian species – until archeologists working in the Ruins of the Adrifell civilization came across a desolate wind swept and forgotten world and uncovered an ancient relic, known as a Quantum Splitter machine. The Archaeologists took the Quantum Splitter back to Ulorthorix and news of the machine spread like wildfire. Within weeks, Uloardiom ships flew out to the world the Splitter was discovered and thousands of archaeologal digs were opened to try to uncover more.

The digs revealed that there were indeed hundreds of the Quantum Splitter machines out there under the grey particle sands, stashed in enourmous chambers that were easily able to be broken into. It took many years for the machines to be shipped back to Ulorthorix – and many years were spent learning about the machines and what they could be used for.

The Uloardiom became obsessed with the quantum splitters – almost like the machines themselves gave off an aura of alurring possibilities and control. Uloardioms began experimenting even on their own bodies – splitting the properties and particles and layering new ones onto themselves to make themselves stronger. The idea of perfection spread throughout the entire civilization and within a few years they became obsessed with perfecting themselves above all over purpose.





Asymmetrical Xeno
04-17-2015, 04:48 PM
I finished this diorama using two abandoned sculpts. It depicts the last two members of alien races fighting on the dreaded worm-shores of Faelharn. like the previous diorama - they are both extinct species.




Hope you like.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
04-26-2015, 01:00 AM
Fun world-building, and I really dig the visual of 'worm-shores'.

In this case, though, the inhuman aspect/lack of readable body language works against them a bit - there's not much to suggest they're fighting. Maybe for future world-building shots like this, work in a wound, physical contact, weapon effect or something similar to suggest conflict?

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-27-2015, 10:57 AM
That's a good criticism!!! I'll definitely try to do that with the next one!


also, finally finished this one :


A reminder on who this faction are :

Jaedarjion -
The Jaedarjion are the result of experimental research data from ancient Adrifell experiments that Ethereal races had joined together to try and complete. The Jaedarjion themselves are the result of the research – they are a species made from Quantum Shadows which are able to interact with matter and energy in interesting ways due to the unique properties from the way the shadow waves are assembled into.

A note, the things that look like eyes on the rear side are quantum entanglers that quantum-entangle any Jaedarjion within a specific range, boosting each others powers and abilities. This will have in-game effects too. PA will have lots of cool rules to represent the quantum physics heavy focus.

07-28-2015, 11:23 PM
I've seen these online but now I know who makes them. Congrats, it's an interesting concept!

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-18-2015, 02:19 PM
Long time no post. Was suffering health issues again for a while but have managed to work on a new range. They called the Yor Telth. The idea actually originally came from wanting to do an original 40k alien race based around a single sculpt, something that mixed the bulky, over the top proportions of models like the stormcast eternals with my weird alien aeasthetic and of course you can probably see a bit of Vorlon and Dalek influence too. As things progressed I became more attached to them and then decided to port them to my own game instead as I love them now.

note : None of these are finished, they are all WIP, so i they look a bit rough or unfinished in places - it's cos they are!

Who are the Yor Telth?
The Yor Telth are a gas based alien race that do not originate from the Ether, they permenantly live inside their encounter-suits which they use to transverse all types of terrain. They are a Trans-universal race which have escaped their native universe and have built a multi-universal network in the hope to unite the entire multiverse. They are not the first or only race to have done this, for a greater cycle exists where one race shall rule the multiverse, unite it and used the combined energy of all the universes to create a portal to a legendary place known as the First Existence. The Yor Telth are merely the current alien race destined to do this. They have encountered artificial universes before but none like the Ether and it is their intention to conquer it entirely.

I used a 40mm GW base to illustrate the size of these models. They are big, bulky encounter
Inertials - Your basic troops :

Centrifugers and Deuteriators – these are the elite units of the Yor Telth :

Muon Isotopiators form the heavy infantry role :

And leading them are the Fusion Maegus :

- - - Updated - - -

The Yor Telth will have a vehicle kit that like the infantry will make multiple units.
The pod is obviously work in progress but the plan is to have a transport vehicle made from 3 of the pods, a heavy weapons vehicle made from 2 pods and a third vehicle with the pod upsidedown (flatside up) with a Yor Telth pilot sat on top controlling it.

heres a few pictures of the chassis WIP :

So if the infantry kit makes 5 units and this vehicle one will make 3, that gives me 8 units in total, but I wanted ten so I decided the army would look better if it had a couple of unique things not based on either the encounter-suit or vehicle-pod sculpts.

The first was a gun-drone (Atom Drones) :

While the second is a floating bomb called a Nuclide Battery :

Well, thats all I will post for now. So if you are interested please show you care and comment or like! It always helps my confidence and motivation.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-04-2016, 06:58 AM
As of jan 2016 I have four entire model ranges finished for this game.

I said at the start that the aim was to put the game out with 4 factions so I could technically do that now.

I think what I will do is release a "Edition 0" of the game. this would be a non-commercial edition that I will use to fund some of the moulds for future commercial releases, get models cast up for personal use, playtesting and for some friends, photography to show what this game will actually look like with models on a great looking tabletop and hopefully drum up interest.

Wish me luck cos I will f**king need it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2016, 11:29 AM
The Estelorian Matriarchy. I fully intend to get this stuff 3dprinted and cast up this year as I REALLY want to paint an army of my own!


The Estelorians are a matriarchal based society. They are led by their technologically minded and impossibly ancient Queen Aphrodite, who has studied cosmological topological defects in the Etherium for aeons and found that certain defects can be used to generate power, unique data storage and powerful weaponry. Over time She has fashioned an empire based around this science, becoming a forward thinking and technological civilization.

One of the greatest successes of Queen Aphrodite was mastering the art of creating custom configured complex arrays of 2-dimensional singularities called Domain Walls, from which She was able to construct enclosed worlds from which the Estelorians could mine the gravitational waves generated by the artificial defects. The waves were used to generate vast amounts of power that can power their cities.

The Estelorian military are a defensive force used to defend their Domain Wall Worlds and explore dangerous regions of space to catalogue anomolis and defects. The Estelorian soldiers use powerful and apocalyptic magnetic monopole based weaponry, with the common troops being creatures called Ligeia. The Ligeia fullfill the role of basic infantry, using their magna-screamer guns to annhilate all their enemies.

The more advanced infantry are the Parthenope, elite soldiers that are often used as shock troops and use the Siren Rapier weapons. The Estelorians are often led by a High Terpischore - an advanced scientist that has mastered the art of artificially generating custom toplogical defects. Every High Terpischore is a Princess who has learnt under the Queen herself to become the leader of an Estelorian Domain Wall Greater-Section.

The Estelorians only have two known types of vehicle at current, the Thelxiope is the smallest, a powerful mono-piloted fighter plane that has it's own semi-domain wall shields and powerful twin Ultima-Scream Magnalighters, while the more heavier Melpomene is slower and more heavily armoured. Rarer are the Leucosia, which are taller, larger heavy infantry - they are veterans who have used topological defects on their own bodies to change their own dimensions in order to survive death from their enemies.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2016, 06:40 PM
Queen Aphrodite within one of her Domain Wall worlds.


An Estelorian Leucothia

08-26-2016, 07:20 AM
Have you had any thought on your game mechanics?

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-26-2016, 07:38 AM
Have you had any thought on your game mechanics?

Lots, it'll have a force org that mirrors 40k, rules that are simplistic but fun/tactical, commanders are the focus and will be able to construct fortifications or bases during battle, if I can figure a physical way to do it id like models to move in three dimensional space so they can float upwards ect, the nature of being in a universe with different physics will play a huge part in the way the game runs - especially regarding the quantum physics inspired nature if the setting and it's factions. I cant wait to have some actual armies to play with so I can get to the playtesting/experimenting stage - ill be in a better position to work on the rules side then.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-29-2016, 04:40 PM
Updated Unit CAD designs :

CLoser look at specific units :

Should have some photos of a few of the first 3d prints soon!