View Full Version : Oh ! Move and shoot Eldar tactics that work

Da Gargoyle
06-25-2011, 04:46 PM
I played in a 1000 point tournament yesterday and got my best result, 4th. The difference from my side was squeezing so much into the 1000 points.
The list was

2 Falcons - 1 missile & catapults, 1 scatter laser and Shuriken cannon
2 Vypers - 1 missile & catapults , 1 scatter laser and shuriken cannon
Farseer with Guide and Mind war on jet bike with singing spear
Rangers x 5
Guardians with missile launcher, (No Warlock)
Storm guardians, 2 fusion guns, Warlock with destructor
Sccorpions with exarch with klaw.

The tactics were, keep the far seer with one or the other falcon vyper combo. The combination meant that I could bring to bear almost every long range weapon in the Eldar armoury in two units with the scorpions mounted in the falcon with the scatter laser, to tenderise the opposition before assault.

In this tournament, getting scoring units into a table quarter earned you extra points if there was no scoring unit from your opponent.

So it was, target the enemy troops units and fleet the guardians. This worked on nids & tau. When I took on Chaos marines I found my dice daemons had dropped to a new low when I missed with 95% of my shots. I also made the mistake of charging the enemy HQ to try for that final kill wounding twice with mind war. Far seers just don't do assault.

06-25-2011, 07:45 PM
I played in a 1000 point tournament yesterday and got my best result, 4th. The difference from my side was squeezing so much into the 1000 points.
The list was

2 Falcons - 1 missile & catapults, 1 scatter laser and Shuriken cannon
2 Vypers - 1 missile & catapults , 1 scatter laser and shuriken cannon
Farseer with Guide and Mind war on jet bike with singing spear
Rangers x 5
Guardians with missile launcher, (No Warlock)
Storm guardians, 2 fusion guns, Warlock with destructor
Sccorpions with exarch with klaw.

The tactics were, keep the far seer with one or the other falcon vyper combo. The combination meant that I could bring to bear almost every long range weapon in the Eldar armoury in two units with the scorpions mounted in the falcon with the scatter laser, to tenderise the opposition before assault.

In this tournament, getting scoring units into a table quarter earned you extra points if there was no scoring unit from your opponent.

So it was, target the enemy troops units and fleet the guardians. This worked on nids & tau. When I took on Chaos marines I found my dice daemons had dropped to a new low when I missed with 95% of my shots. I also made the mistake of charging the enemy HQ to try for that final kill wounding twice with mind war. Far seers just don't do assault.

Both Falcons and Vipers are basically terrible. Lone farseer on jetbike is dubious.

If you're looking for advice, scrap those falcons and bring fire prisms. Ditch the Vypers. Get a Wave Serpent for the Storm Guardians (missile launchers or scatter lasers, don't bother with much in the way of upgrades) and give that farseer a bit of a jetbike-warlock bodyguard.

That would, at least, render it marginally worthwhile.

07-02-2011, 10:51 AM
Pretty creative list for eldar especially for 1k. Props on the two falcons that's borderline ridiculous at 1k if you gave both holofields. I like the mirroring vipers too.

07-02-2011, 06:35 PM
Honestly surprised at the Vypers doing well for you, I never felt they were very good.

07-03-2011, 12:13 AM
Vypers are overcosted certainly, and at the 1000 point level points are precious. Falcons are great if you are doing a kill-point denial army, but the previously mentioned fire prism is better for actually killing things. If you wanted to do up a seer council on jetbikes, 2 falcons and two small units of avengers riding in the falcons most opponents would be hard-pressed to get any points off you at all.

07-04-2011, 09:49 PM
took a single vyper today with cannons against DE. came in cheap points wise, of course my dice flubbed and I missed with the shots 2 out of four rounds. the two rounds I did hit though, shredded 2 raiders.

id like to pick two more up and shoot a squad of 3 double cannon vypers around for DE transport popping, or IG troop bloobs i face often.

of course there are better options out there, but i like to mix it up now and again

Da Gargoyle
08-04-2011, 09:08 PM
I have always been aware of the need to integrate with Eldar in particular and the original post was an experiment along those lines. In regards to some of the suggestions posted, I agree, the Autarch on the jet bike was a little bit isolated, but harder to kill. Not sure I will use that again unless I field a jet bike squadron.

In the past I shied from vypers because they are fragile. However the 5th edition rules have toned that down a little and when they were each paired with a falcon, it presented this double threat scenario on two points of the board. That is what helped them to survive.

I could not provide any upgrades for the falcons because of the points limitation, but again the fact that a vyper was near by with scary weapons meant the threat was not gone with a downed falcon. The fact that they flew in pairs but could not be fielded as a squadron worked in their favour I think, as they became separate targets

I also admit that I was a bit more fortunate in these games. Usually I field fliers and they are all smoking wrecks after the first turn.

In regards to Beans commentary, I usually do field 2 wave serpents, 1 with missile, 1 with scatter laser. But the option of 3 heavy weapons shots and a 6" move made the falcons very appealing. And one did carry the Scorpions.

Anyway, it needs to work more than once to be counted as successful as maybe I had a run of luck for a change.