View Full Version : Abaddon, Kharn Chaos Space Marine 2000pts

Bedroom General
06-25-2011, 03:10 AM
Heres my latest attempt to wreak havoc on the forces of loyalist imperial dogs round my way: )

5x Ch Terminators, I.O.S. 5x champ, 4x twin Lightning Claws, Chain fist, Heavy Flamer
5x Chaos Terminators, I.O.S. 1x champ twin Lightning Claws 3xCombi Melta, 2x Chainfist (Deep strikers)
7x Plague Marines, Champ, Powerfist, 2x flamer
8x Khorne Berzerkers, Champ, Powerfist, Rhino (Kharn goes in here)
Land Raider Possession (Champ Terminators go in here)
Land Raider Possession (Plagueys go in here)
1x Obliterator (Deep strikes with Abaddon)

I like deep striking Abaddon with obliterators (even just the one)
Still fooling around with it, this list is just for friendly games, comments welcome.

06-25-2011, 03:40 AM
Abbadon sucks and is a massive point sink. Deathstar Chaos Terminators suck and are a huge point sink. Chaos Land Raiders suck and are a hge point sink. I suggest you just re-write your list entirely. Kharn's alraight, but Abby and CC Termies have to go, along with the LR.

Another HUGE problem. Why are you DSing your Abby? You're going to risk DSing a 275 point CC HQ? Ah well, that won't be a problem when you drop him.

06-25-2011, 03:53 AM
Contrary to Mr Cheese, Abaddon doesn't suck, neither do Chaos Land Raiders when possessed. However ihis comments on points sinks are fair - you seem to have most of your eggs in 1 or 2 baskets.

DSing Abaddon with only 1 ablative meat shield is likely to go wrong.

Bedroom General
06-25-2011, 04:10 AM
Yup agree on point sinks etc, but this is Abaddon. Some termies must be included as far as I'm concerned. Oh and there's a chaos spawn I forgot to include that is in the list. So I'll re jig it a bit. Thanks.

06-25-2011, 04:48 AM
There's Chaos Spawn in there too? No. While Abbadon can be used for fun and such, Chaos Spawn are the worst unit in our codex, if not the entire game.

If you want Terminators in there, take 2 units of 3 all with combi-melta's, DS them behind a vehicle and hop they live. If they don't, oh well, they're a cheap suicide unit. Then you get more Oblits, a Daemon Prince and at least 1 more unit of troops.

Bedroom General
06-25-2011, 07:02 AM
Well, here's the second go. Please bear in mind that I am constrained by the models I have. I prefer not to proxy anything.

2000 pts

3x Ch Term 3x combimelta 2xch fist (termicide)
LandRaider Poss (deploys empty for Kharn's Squad)

9x Khorne Berzerkers, Fist Champ (Kharn attached)
8x Khorne Berzerkers, Fist Champ, Pers.Icon, Rhino
8x Khorne Berzerkers, Fist Champ, Pers.Icon, Rhino

Defiler, havok launcher (It is how he's modelled)
2x Obliterators (Abaddon drops with these)
2x Obliterators

So, I lost my beloved spawn, and trimmed some of the Terminator fat. Also now have a Landraider brim full of Psychos, as well as more antitank.

06-25-2011, 08:01 AM
If Abbadon absolutely has to stay, drop 2 berzerkers from Kharns unit and put Abbadon in there. Deep Striking him is the absolute worst way to go. Having both guys in 1 unit may be a tad overkill, so if you want you could just put Kharns unit in a Rhino and put a unit of 8 in the Raider with Abby.

I'd recommend you get a DP, lose the Raider, add more oblits to those units, pull off that Defilers Havoc Launcher and replace it with a DCCW and then maybe throw in another unit of termicide or some Chosen ASAP.

06-25-2011, 08:38 AM
I'd say lose the oblits in favour of Defilers - who can anti tank in hth, and can do pie plate death. They can't however, be harmed by mass bolter or lasgun fire - unlike oblits...

The LR can be terminator dedicated trans. I would consider keeping kharn in there as well if you have only one - to as much guarantee his first turn charge as possible. Again, DSIng Abaddon still high risk.

Bedroom General
06-25-2011, 07:33 PM
Deepstriking Abaddon and Obliterators together has been very useful for me so far, especially combined with Icons for safety. Nothing concentrates an opponents attention more, Except maybe the Land Raider, or Defiler:D BTW I only have the one Defiler, so there ya go, Cheese. I can make a much more optimised list with my collection, but ever since Ol' Abby Face smacked himself with Drachn'yen as his opening gambit vs St Celestine (How we laughed!) and still managed to make her go away in a protracted combat, I've had a soft spot for him. Also after fighting Space marine and SOB special characters with my generic DP's and Lords, Its nice to throw down with TWO of our biggest and baddest for the "eyebrow effect" on my opponents!

06-26-2011, 02:08 AM
DSing him may work sometimes, but it's uncertain if he'll come in at all. What happens when he comes in turn 4 or 5? That's far too late for your 275 point HQ to be coming in. You want him to be tearing it up and drawing fire away from the rest of your army turn 1.

How did you glue the Defilers Havoc Launcher on? Sometimes, with enough of a pull you can yank it off relatively unharmed to replace it. If it's firm in place, minor cutting would be required to take it off. I've often chopped and changed units after finding out I did it wrong before, and it can be a hassle at the time, but after they're all painted up it looks like it's been that way the entire time :P

Bedroom General
06-26-2011, 03:19 AM
Sorry Cheese, but the Defiler is heavily (for me) converted to look like a jumping spider, the Havoc launcher is its "eyes". I won't change the ol' suboptimal darlin'. I'm afraid I'm one of those Arty types who'll go for a look rather than utility sometimes. As I said before, this is for friendly games. I've got a lovely face beating CSM list, but its a bit.....Netty and therefore somewhat boring to play all the time. So this is a bit of a departure. Like when I only took the old paint job parts of my Eldar army out fer a war (the rest are repainted and based) Surprised the heck out of me by pulling a draw! Thought I was gone from turn one in that game. Yay Guardians with Starcannons!?! So I'll try all sorts of lists, even my CSM Monsta list With 2 DP's, 3 Dreadies, 7 Spawn and 2x 7 Lesser Daemons etc, which managed to take the honours against Space Marines. Sometimes its worth it just to shake yourself up.

06-26-2011, 03:53 AM
That's all fair enough. If you really want a challenge, try running 2 units of 5 CSM with no upgrades and a Chaos Lord with no upgrades. Fill the rest with Daemons. Jolly good fun. Nothing like trying to beat your opponent with 3 easy to kill units :P