View Full Version : Looking for input on conversion..

06-23-2011, 11:06 AM
I got this mini a while back with the intent on using it as a Chaos Lord(Queen?) but ended up selling the army she was going to go with. So now I have this beautiful miniature collecting dust and I am considering assembling and painting her specifically to sell.

However, as a 40k player, I have no clue what the other popular armies are that she could fit into and I want to do her up in such a way as to appeal to the widest potential audience.

She can be built as some kind of Elf, Vampire, or helmed Warrior/Mage and has a variety of weapons and items that you can put in her hands. Here is a link to the page showing all the options (http://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/complete-collection/products/asharah-heroine).

So I guess what I am really looking for is advice or opinions on what are the most popular armies right now that she might fit into?

Dark Elves
High Elves
Vampire Counts
Chaos (Slaaneshi Sorceress?) WHFB/40K
Maybe even Dark Eldar with a little converting..

Any suggestions are encouraged and appreciated!

06-23-2011, 11:29 AM
I'd say make her a Dark Elf sorceress. With the the new Storm of Magic on the way it would sell quick.

06-23-2011, 11:36 AM
I agree. I think she could potentially be a really cool DE succubus or bloodbride, but she's got a bit too much on in the way of clothing for that.

06-23-2011, 01:15 PM
What about a Lelith Hesperax counts-as? Use the head with long hairflowing downwards, the shorter sword option and the chains or a different arm holding a short sword/dagger. I think that'd be bad a**.