View Full Version : Show us your finecast conversions

06-23-2011, 03:15 AM
So with the new finecast models being really easy to work with, I thought a thread dedicated to showcasing what you guys have been able to do with this new material could be really cool.

So let's share our conversions with this new material. Let's see what can be done with it :)

06-23-2011, 04:08 AM
Nice thread, hope it will be filled with the best conversions soon!!!

06-23-2011, 04:42 AM

So far this is what I've got convertion-wise (though I have shown them off before...)




Unfortunately, between being mad busy at work and trying to move house I haven't gotten round to painting them yet, but hopefully in the next couple of months I migth get on to them (after Armies on Parade is at least a full entry!)

Kieranator K82
06-23-2011, 06:09 AM
That first techmarine is [Insert expletive for emphasis] amazingly awesome!

06-23-2011, 07:34 AM
Nice effin stuff!

06-23-2011, 09:24 AM
This is my Dark Eldar Archon Finecast model, that I have modified into Asdrubal Vect




06-23-2011, 09:27 AM
Man, I love the use of the High Elf bits on there. Really nice work!

Ulthwé Guardian
06-23-2011, 09:56 AM
This is my Dark Eldar Archon Finecast model, that I have modified into Asdrubal Vect




I'm really impressed with Asdrubael Vect, great going!

Brass Scorpion
06-23-2011, 06:53 PM
As soon as the Finecast Skulltaker (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/231892-.html?m=2) hit the stores I grabbed one to try my hand at a Juggernaut mounted conversion. Cutting the new resin Skulltaker was easy as anticipated and the finished model is nice and lightweight. I used a modeling knife to remove the left lower leg from inside the cloak, being careful to save the left foot as intact as possible. I then sculpted a new lower leg around a metal pin using Green Stuff with the left foot attached to the end of the pin. I also sculpted the back half of the anklet and the dewclaw for the left foot since those details were implied but did not actually exist. I painted Skulltaker in mostly dark tones, Chaos Black and Red Gore. The Juggernaut was painted in a brassy yellow using Burnished Gold to set off the dark colours of the rider. Skulltaker's spines, sword and the base were painted to evoke heat and fire. The Skull White skulls on the cloak also serve to brighten the overall look of the model. With Skulltaker leaning forward in the saddle his cloak appears to flow out behind him in the wind as his steed carries him full tilt into battle.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/6/8/231892_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Daemons%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Da emons%2C%20Juggernaut%2C%20Painting%2C%20Skulltake r.jpg (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/231892-.html?m=2)

06-23-2011, 07:27 PM
Man, I love the use of the High Elf bits on there. Really nice work!

Correction, those are only Dark Eldar bits. Left arm is the wych impaler arm, the flag on back is from the warrior box, the blades on the scepter are from the reaver jet bikes, the face is from the raider set. the balls (in hand and on end of scepter) are the joint pieces from the talos/ cronos box.

06-23-2011, 07:35 PM
Conversion you say, well here we go!

My face sucks and needs to be redone, but here is the paint job


06-24-2011, 12:47 AM
Well as I started the thread I suppose I should show my simple effort lol. With the release of the Sanguinary Guard I always thought Dante looked a bit over shadowed in the bling department. His weapon and backpack were just too ordinary. So a simple cut and stick job was in order. However I found with the position of his axe arm, the wings from the sanguinary JP just got in the way and needed a spacer. Then I thought "bingo" magnets can not only act as a spacer but also make it much easier to paint and pack him in my carry case.

Not quite as good as you guys with your conversions but its mine


just need to file and drill the barrel

06-24-2011, 02:48 AM

So far this is what I've got convertion-wise (though I have shown them off before...)


This is GORGEOUS! Is that Crowe as the base model?

06-24-2011, 06:28 AM
Cheers guys. Yes it is the Crowe model. All the non-Crowe bits are taken directly from the Techmarine model. Simples

And well done to everyone else. Really like Deadlift's Dante; nice update on the classic to bring it more inline with the current BA range. Can't wait to see it painted. Also a big fan of Brass Scorpions Skulltaker, though I'd have been tempted to give him some reigns.

06-24-2011, 06:31 AM
Not mine, though I may copy it, one of my favourite Finecast conversions on Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=305646).

06-24-2011, 08:02 PM
how are you guys taking your photos. I want to send my photos in, but I cannot seem to get the miniature to resolve very well.

Brass Scorpion
06-24-2011, 09:48 PM
how are you guys taking your photos. I want to send my photos in, but I cannot seem to get the miniature to resolve very well.You need a macro lens or macro setting for shooting small objects with a camera. Read your manual for the camera if you have one and look for "macro photography". Don't use flash, it ruins the look of the models and the paint jobs, shoot with good light and a steady camera without flash. If you have big dead areas in your photos, crop them out before posting.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-24-2011, 10:35 PM
Love the adding of the sword and purity seals to the terminator librarian, it looks really good

06-25-2011, 01:39 AM




06-25-2011, 11:24 AM
Way to one up me elmir lol :-P I am not the god you clearly are with a paint brush sir :-P

06-25-2011, 08:22 PM
Sgt Luna Artemis, 5th Co. Sanguine Descendants
Master Corvus, High Reclusiarch of the Sanguine Descendants
Codicer Raphael, Banisher of Fra'Leen
Sgt Fury Alecto of Death Company, guided by Chaplain Druidia

06-25-2011, 08:23 PM
Still working on the image quality. It is 5000x better than before...

07-08-2011, 10:24 AM
The idea here was to make the 'Angels of Death'. The darkest and most sinister aspects of the Space Marines. My back story for Sanguine Descendants is that the chapter has been struggling with the flaw, and that there is a growing acceptance within the chapter that the Wrath of Sanguinius is what made him great in combat. If a Marine succumbs to the Black Rage, then he will be allowed to fully embody the rage, not only as a symbol of respect for Sanguinius, but also a symbol of destruction. Hence the change to 'Angels of Death' from 'Angels of Purification'.

The Death Company are made from a whole slew of stuff:
Devastators, Sanguinary Guard, Draigo (head for Sgt Fury Alecto), Astorath, Death Company, and Necrons.

The Astorath model is my stand in for Lemartes. I like the axes more than the crozius for the Chaplains. I didn't show in this shot, but I cut a scroll off of Astorath, and added a bolt pistol holster. I did not waste the details, however, and that scroll was attached to Sgt Fury's waist (you can see it peaking above his hip).

Necron chest plates: I scraped the necron iconography off, then used green stuff to attach the plate to the Space Marine back. You have to use some sort of gap filler ~2-3mm thick, because directly attaching the Necron plate to the space marine back torso is way too narrow.

Sgt. Fury Alecto has Draigo's head. The Devastator bitz: Powerfist, Bolter, and kneeling legs. The jump pack is the Sanguinary Guard winged packs.

The rest of the squad: The bitz are essentially a mixture between the Sanguinary Guard and Death Co. boxes.

I noticed that in the Grim Darkness of the Far Future that those that lose their right eyes in combat must perish, because there are only left bionic eye pieces!

Is anyone aware of a box that has right eye bionics?

07-08-2011, 04:58 PM
I think if you filed down the arrow points within the knee pad on your Lugft HAgron reclusiarch it'd go a good distance to making it look less chaotic

07-08-2011, 06:20 PM
Oi, i didn't realize I missed those. There is a lot of pointiness on that model.

07-08-2011, 10:28 PM
Awesome stuff Tynskel! I really like the necron torso on the marines.

07-08-2011, 11:22 PM
Thanks. It is really silly. I bought a box of necrons when they released their codex, and the box just sat on the shelf for years. A few years ago, I used some to make some death co. on foot. I decided to do the same thing with the flying death co.

07-11-2011, 03:06 AM
Long have I thought the over head axe swing ought to be Kharn. So, I thought finecast gave me the excuse. A simple kit bash. All BA Icons off, and substituted for Khorne. One shoulder pad off, came off dead easy with GW saw, and substituted. Back pack straight swap. I used a fantasy zombie grave stone for something to pin the foot onto. Because the Kharn helmet would preclude the overhead, I have left it off, I feel the face is scary enough.

BTW The finecast took far longer to prepare than I ever had with metal, whoever said you can pull the flash off talks caca.




07-11-2011, 03:28 AM
I like it. Again, another simple convertion that would be an absolute pain in metal, but looks really good. Great work

07-11-2011, 09:10 AM
as for the miniature: Awesome!

the base, personally, I feel that it doesn't fit the model. The model looks like it is leaping over something, so I think there needs to be something done with the base to convey this. Probably means going up to a 40mm base to do so.

07-11-2011, 11:06 AM
Yeah I hear you, its the best I could come up with on this base size. He is one of the HQs in my tourny list. Thought about a thin steel rod into the back pack to keep the height but actually with TLOS he's already taller than original Kharn!

07-11-2011, 11:35 AM
I disagree. To me it looks like he's about to land from a jump and deliver a mighty powerful down chop with that axe. I wouldn't change it, other than maybe a bit of sand to texture the flat bits.