View Full Version : I have been 'Wrack'ing my Brain

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-22-2011, 07:47 PM
I have been trying and tryng to come up with a competitive webway portal list.

Through my experience with drop pod armies, demons, and just plain the use of reserves in my games, I have never been successful. at least to the point where i would be proud.
I find coming piecemeal is only good game if your opponent does so as well

so i want to hear some others succesfull/fun builds that you all have maybe come up with. you dont have to give me an entire list unless you want, just ideas or some basics

Im think of taking the same list i use+ 2 squads of wyches, 2 squads of incubi with haemons, venom with trueborn, 2 ravagrs,a razorwing and a 20 man squad of warriors. l would lose the razorwing and take a talos. then put everything except the webway squad and vehicles in reserve and go

what do you think?

06-23-2011, 02:44 AM
What comes out of a webway portal should be fast and hard, to have a good reach out of the portal and hopefully assault that turn.

Beastmaster squad fulfill this role well as do Hellions

Also give one portal to each hemonculi. Gives abetter chance of getting one deployed, and gives an option fro where you want to strike!

06-23-2011, 10:34 AM
What I'm targeting at the moment is (only proxies so far):

First wave:
Wracks & raider + haemo w/back up portal
Kamikaze haemo in venom w/portal
Vect in personal venom
Void raven

Wyches in raider, if they're in the portal I'll use this raider as a suicide buffer to give cover/LOS blocking until destroyed?

Portal wave:
2 beast squads w/ 4 razors & khymarae
Talos w/ heat lance
Wyches out of their raider?
2 small wrack squads for grabbing objectives

Almost all the shooty stuff starts on the board and the assaulty stuff goes in the portal.

06-23-2011, 02:26 PM
how are next and te line haemo getting their own venoms? Are they in with other squads?

06-23-2011, 03:11 PM
how are next and te line haemo getting their own venoms? Are they in with other squads?

They are going to jack the rides of the small wrack squads by turfing them out in the first turn (this means they can't actually be in the portals though so good spot). I think Vect can jack their pain token too :D

Only downside is I can't get liquifier guns as the codex limits DE transport capacity to five and ten instead of six and twelve like everyone else gets, but don't get me started on that :mad:

06-24-2011, 07:29 PM
I plan on using WWPs for a Haemonculus themed army.

Delivery units
Wracks (3) with Venom with 2 SC x2
Haemonculi (2) with WWPs

Urien Rakarth with Grotesques (8) (One with LG, One upgraded to Abberation with Scissorhands) with the S 6 upgrade

Wracks (5) with LG in Venom with 2 SC

Wracks (10) with 2 LG in Raiders
Wracks (10) with 2 LG in Raiders

Scourges (5) with 2 Haywire Blasters
Scourges (5) with 2 Haywire Blasters

Talos with Chainflails and TL Haywire Blaster
Talos with Chainflails and TL Haywire Blaster
Cronos with Spirit Probe and Spirit Vortex

I want to have 2 WWPs so I can have deployment options and my delivery units would be Wracks in a Venom with a Haemonculus with a WWP. I can either do this twice or have one Haemonculus deploy with the Grotesques and move forward 6" and drop it off.

I want to have my two WWPs far enough apart so the opponent cannot block both of them.

For dudes coming out of them, the Taloi and Cronos for sure. For Dawn of War, I would probably deploy a haemonculus with the Wracks in a Venom and drop them off, and have most units come out of it. I could also have my Scourges come out of them, even if the WWP is surrounded.

WWPs give you options, but the opponent can deny them by either surrounding the WWP (this prevents units which aren't jump infantry or jetbikes from using it) or by staying away from it so units cannot assault upon arrival. Like anything, it is neither good nor bad, but you need to have a plan and then practice on execution to get it right.

Da Gargoyle
06-25-2011, 04:29 PM
Reserves can be really handy, especially if you use troops that flank march. Two or three moves into a game and a hell hound rolls in on the flank of your infantry and things can look really grim. Especially if you have another unit on the board that can roll up and increase the pressure with additional firepower, like a Russ.

Alternately they can grab an objective from an unexpected direction and hunker down in cover splitting your opponents attention.

I had a successful tournament yesterday by my standards. But one opponent took it to the wire. He never successfully rolled for his reserve and they came on in turn 5 automatically. They claimed one of the objectives and laargered up behind their vehicles. I managed to claim the odd one out of three by fleeting my rangers to just within the 3". But basically the fact that I could not shoot this unit meant he had a chance at the death for a draw.