View Full Version : Tallarn IG 2k

06-22-2011, 03:26 PM
I've been trying to make a Tallarn list for a while but just couldn't find something to make the list unique from other IG mech lists. I needed a unit or three that just screamed "This is a Tallarn army". I recently found an awesome Tallarn Rough Rider conversion (using camels) that I just had to do. So, I set out to make a list with Rough Riders that works. This is what I came up with:

Company Command Squad 175
-4 Meltaguns, Astropath, Chimera

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad 195
-Al'Rahem, 4 Meltaguns, Chimera
Infantry Squad 115
-Meltagun, Chimera
Infantry Squad 115
-Meltagun, Chimera

Veteran Squad 170
-3 Meltaguns, Missile Launcher, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad 170
-3 Meltaguns, Missile Launcher, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad 170
-3 Meltaguns, Missile Launcher, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Fast Attack
10 Rough Riders 120
-Sgt has Meltbombs, 2 Grenade Launchers

10 Rough Riders 120
-Sgt has Meltbombs, 2 Grenade Launchers

Heavy Support
Manticore Rocket Launcher 160

Manticore Rocket Launcher 160

2 x Leman Russ Demolisher 330


Note- the Missile launchers on the Veterans are there simply because I had 45 points left and the finding Tallarn missile launchers is easier than it should be. i was originally going to put Hunter-killer Missiles on Al'Rahem's Chimeras, but I think I can simply stick to the Multi-Lasers for side shots on armor.

Now, onto the Rough Riders... I originally had given them Meltaguns, but when I realized that they were never going to fire them i switched it up to Grenade Launchers so that they can provide some support while advancing.

4 Chimeras and 2 Demolishers should be a large enough wall of armor for the Rough Riders to hide behind, and Al'Rahem will cause some fantastic disruption when he comes in. He's mostly there to force my opponent into the middle of the board, which this list is desinged to control.

Thoughts on the list?

Lord Azaghul
06-22-2011, 04:20 PM
The first think I think you should do is actually drop the chimeras from the platoon in favor of more dudes.

Right now your only target for small armes fire are you rough riders. And what will they prolly be charging? something with small arms fire!

Al Rem is nice, but...well you aren't really utilizing his strengths, but the squad on foot and find points for a sw squad or two (makes them melta shots count). Not to mention - the few times I've used him he either shows up on the wrong side (even with a reroll) or shows up late!

Squaded Demolisher: overkill really. And kind of point sink

You can pull out another min platoon for those points, and tac on a few hw's, creating more targets and giving you more firing options.

List just looks kind of 'small' for 2k in IG :P

Love the theme though!

06-27-2011, 07:16 AM
Great theme and of course you gotta have Al'Rahem in it, the demolishers are a bit of point sink like Lord Azaghul mentioned but the demolisher is one the best leman russ variants (unlike the woeful punisher) maybe drop one for more guardsmen? 30 man combined squad is nothing to sneeze at, you'd be surprised at how effective they can be, Lord Azaghul has it right drop the chimeras, and maybe fill that third fast attack option with a fluffy squad of rough riders. Would you mind posting a pic when you're army is complete? camel mounted Tallarn rough riders = pure awesome!

06-27-2011, 08:15 PM
Well a friend of mine is giving me a fantastic deal on a large amount of Valhallans, so looks like no more Tallarn!

I couldn't think of a good conversion idea for Valhallan Rough Riders, so I replaced them with Banewolves. The rest of the list is pretty much the same.

Company Command Squad 175
-4 Meltaguns, Astropath, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

5 Storm Troopers 105
-2 Meltaguns

5 Storm Troopers 105
-2 Meltaguns

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad 105
-4 Flamers, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad 115
-Autocannon, Chimera
Infantry Squad 115
-Autocannon, Chimera
Infantry Squad 115
-Autocannon, Chimera
Infantry Squad 115
-Autocannon, Chimera

Veteran Squad 155
-3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad 155
-3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Fast Attack
Bane Wolf 130
-Heavy Flamer

Bane Wolf 130
-Heavy Flamer

Heavy Support
Manticore Rocket Launcher 160

Manticore Rocket Launcher 160

Manticore Rocket Launcher 160


I dropped the Demolishers as I did realize that they were a points sink. More Manticores it is!

Lord Azaghul
06-28-2011, 06:21 AM
I love the theme and feel of it, but you're missing one key element. You have no ranged ap3 or better.

Bane wolfs, are those the template ones or the melta ones? (its been a while since I pulled by 'dex out) Either way, still kind of the odd ball units. Hellhounds would be a better choice (more accurate/reliable). I have a feeling you're steering away from mr vendetta on purpose :P.

Astopath? Why? The stormtroopers are just gravy in this list. If they show up turn 2 great, if not - no biggy.
I'd trade him out for a OoF or the MoO (my personal favorate - misses alot but still fun!)

Personal preference here: with those nice little vets, I've found that 2 meltas and 1 flamer form a great allcomers unit.

06-28-2011, 09:46 AM
The Banewolf is the AP1 2+ Poison template. I guess Hellhounds would work as well, I think I will try out both variants and see which ones work out best.

Yes, I am purposely avoiding Vendettas. Trying to keep a ground-based force ;)

I could swap out one Manticore for a Deathstrike, that would give me some ranged AP1 but with only one shot so it would be incredibly situational. Any suggestions on how to get some more marine-killing goodness into the list?

Lord Azaghul
06-28-2011, 10:15 AM
I could swap out one Manticore for a Deathstrike, that would give me some ranged AP1 but with only one shot so it would be incredibly situational. Any suggestions on how to get some more marine-killing goodness into the list?

No game wise you've better off with the 3rd manticore - I have yet to ever have a Deathstrike actually fire in a normal game (apoc only I think)

Now, for the point cost of that 3rd maniticore, 2 hydras! Sure they will draw lots of fire, they should be shreading most things you go against.

Another fun toy I enjoy for cheap: a pair of griffons, yes both are ap4 weapons, but the rerolls on the hydra's are incredible, and the rerolling artillary die for the griffons is just plan fun.