View Full Version : Tyranids

06-22-2011, 11:31 AM
I decided to start the fall with a new 40k army; Tyranids. I would appreciate any advice on weapons and force mix.

06-22-2011, 04:37 PM
It all depends on how you want to play. If you want a "I am going to win" army (which is extreamly hard to do with nids now adays). Or a I am going to have fun army. Do you want to play swarm, monsters, or a horde of medium multi wound creatures. Do you want close combat, shooting, or a mix. Do you have specific models you want to play with. Once you figure this out then it becomes easier to narrow down choices.

06-24-2011, 10:18 PM
I was more looking for generalities. For example, what weapon combos work? I am not sure on figure mix yet. I do like the idea of a Tervigon as it will allow me to do some converting. Other than that, I am just more into the generalities as I say ... like adrenal glands, yes or no? Are toxin sacs worth the points and that kind of stuff.

06-26-2011, 08:21 AM
Tyranids are the ultimate synergy army. You need to come up with a theme first before you can come up with weapon combos.

The weapon combos only work depending on what the rest of hr army composition is.

06-26-2011, 09:29 AM
want some general advice?

stay away from devourers on warriors. either shell out the cheap points to upgrpade to a deathspitter so your shooting means something (and can annoy light armored tanks and even destroy some if you get rear/side shots) or if you want to go melee exchange for free scyting talons.

forget spinefists on gaunts. either keep the cheaper fleshborer or go all the way to devourers (tbh I see BS3 s4 better than bs3 twinlinked s3 to begin with).

if you play carnifexi for melee allways upgrade with frag nades so you at least get your attacks in before the fisting.

mostly think about anti-tank. anti-infantry comes naturally to nids by volume of fire and/or the nature of their anti tank beeing relatvely hybrid in nature (good amounth of s8 shots from hiveguard, blasts from zoantropes,...)

06-26-2011, 12:02 PM
Depends what points - I played a good list at 1250pts today:

Flyrant - lash whip + sword + TL devourer + leech essence
15 Gants
5/6 stealers
5 Ymargl Stealers
2 Zoanthropes in a pod
Trygon Prime
Death Leaper

The weakness was cracking tanks.. drop the Ystealers for 2 hiveguard perhaps.