View Full Version : Dark Eldar - Haemonculus Punishment 2000 pts

06-21-2011, 07:43 PM
Alright, so I really like the "Monsters" of the Dark Eldar army and this is what I came up with to incorporate the love of mutilation that Haemonculus' share along with the cool war-gear they get to carry.

First up is the -
HQ Choice:
1 Haemonculus Ancient - 135pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Orb of Despair
1 Haemonculus - 95 pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Liquifier Gun
1 Haemonculus- 95 pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Dark Gate
Attached to -
2 Grotesque - 80 pts
Liquifier Gun
1 Aberration - 65 pts
Flesh Gauntlet
- TRANSPORT - Raider - 90 pts (Shock Prow, Torment GL, Enhanced Sails, Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield)

I hope/imagine that this grouping of 3 Haemonculi with 3 Grotesques will do something interesting in close combat. First off I have 2 Liquifier Guns which have proven themselves to be useful already. Then my main prospect comes from the Haemonculi with the Vexator Mask / Agoniser Combo. I'm hoping that the Vexator Masks coupled with the Torment Grenade Launchers (-1 Leadership) will allow the Haemonculi to remain relatively untouched. That just leaves the toughness 5 Grotesques to soak up damage. I liked this on paper so much.... that I added another identical unit of them.... here's to hoping. :-)

Second HQ and ELITE choices -
HQ Choice:
1 Haemonculus Ancient - 135pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Orb of Despair
1 Haemonculus - 95 pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Liquifier Gun
1 Haemonculus- 95 pts
Agoniser, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask, Dark Gate
Attached to -
2 Grotesque - 80 pts
Liquifier Gun
1 Aberration - 65 pts
Flesh Gauntlet
- TRANSPORT - Raider - 90 pts (Shock Prow, Torment GL, Enhanced Sails, Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield)

9 Wracks - 110 pts
Liquifier Gun, Liquifier Gun
1 Acothyst - 40 pts
- TRANSPORT - Raider - 90 pts (Shock Prow, Torment GL, Enhanced Sails, Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield)

9 Wracks - 110 pts
Liquifier Gun, Liquifier Gun
1 Acothyst - 40 pts
- TRANSPORT - Raider - 90 pts (Shock Prow, Torment GL, Enhanced Sails, Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield)

I know I only have two troop choices and some may yell at me for this, but I was thinking that if it was a "hold position" mission, that these two troop choices could hold out on a position long enough for support to arrive. I could be way off on that idea though

Talos Pain Engine - 125 pts
CCW and Ichor Injector, TL Haywire Blaster

Talos Pain Engine - 130 pts
CCW and Chain-Flails, TL Haywire Blaster

Cronos Parasite Engine - 110 pts
Spirit Syphon, Spirit Probe, Spirit Vortex

-= 1995 Points =-

Well I hope this list, if it ends up being retarded, was at least interesting to read. I hope for great things with this list, but as we all know.... Hope is a terrible name for a child.

Let me know what you guys think.

Thanks : )

06-21-2011, 09:38 PM
I hate to say this, but your list is pretty bad. You sink a lot of points into transports which are easily destroyed. Your opponent can easily ignore your Heavy Support units and go after the Grotesque transports. If you don't get first turn, there is a good chance you'll have to footslog across the table at 6" per turn. Not good.

Another thing is that your list isn't legal. You have Dark Gate and Orb of Despair twice, but those can only be taken once for your army. Look at DE Codex pp. 60-61. I'm sorry, but you are spending too many points on haemonculi. They just can't stand being in CC, floating power fists instant death them all the time (or Dreadnoughts). You also don't have any WWPs for your Taloi/Cronos to come out of.

If you go up against someone who spams Long Fangs, the first turn they will shoot down all of your Raiders, and then they will just eat your MCs alive. You have nothing short of the DL on the Raiders to use in a long range shooting match, so the Long Fangs can sit back and shoot 15 krak missiles with split fire (they can shoot at 6 different targets each turn) at the MCs where they wound on a 3+ and you'd get no armor saves, unless they have pain tokens.

To be honest, your list looks like you want to do a coven theme list but don't want to spend a lot of money on wracks or grotesques (and Raiders), so you're sinking a lot of points into haemonculi. Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to play any list you want, but if you are going up against someone who can build a decent list, you probably will lose most of the time. You'll lose because you don't have reliable anti-mech, you are not mobile enough if your Raiders get shot down, and since you only have four of them, there is a good chance that they will be shot down early. Some of your wargear choices are illegal as well. Just my opinion. You can take it or leave it.

06-21-2011, 09:56 PM
What he said....and holy crap pain tokens!!!! lol No need for a parasite at all!!!

06-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Low model count. To many points sunk into your HQs. Grotesques suck...but thats just an opinion. Your only anti-vehicle options are short range and will probably be dead before they ever get to fire their haywire. The Cronus is redundant. Your troops will, most likely, get stuck in the backfield from the start.

Thats it off the top of my head.

06-22-2011, 12:02 AM
yeah, not a great idea, those haemonculi will die like flies, plus your list is fragile overall and your heavies will take at least three turns to get where they have to go...

06-22-2011, 07:59 AM
You asked for comments and your definently getting those...

If your doing a Hemonculi army why aren't you using Urien? Buffs to units and himself is a bit of a badass

And in general way too many upgrades on the raiders. They will die before you get to use most those abilities. Keep em cheap...only one defensive upgrade (Flickers or N/shields, depending on your preference)

Also you only have 3 darklances....you face anyone with armour and your going to lose. Grotesques can only deal with armour 12 on the charge...anything higher than that and you need your (slow) Talos to move into position.

Also your Talos and D/L seem to be your ONLY shooting weapons. Against anyone hiding at the back of the board (Longfangs, Missile squads, outflankers etc) you can't touch! Lose the upgrades, lose the cronos, buy a ravager and give the Talo's Splinter cannons.

06-22-2011, 08:31 AM
for some constructive input:

dont let people stop you from using grotesquen. if you have seen/realized their potential then use them, experiment with them and reap the rewards. dont try to justify in the eyes of the net-gurus as they won't understand.

as you are sticking to a haemoncoli themed force I wont tell you to change away from taloi but I'd suggest to replace the chronos with a 3rd talos (I'd run them just with haywires but the additional gear is mostly to taste as far as cc upgrades are cocnearned).

what I would do is try the following: condense the haemoncoli into one ancient with agoniser and fancy gear and a normal cheap one with a webway portal.

2 haemis and the grotesquen per squad is enough to start out with fearless (if you stay together) or keep FC (if your webway haemi disembarks alone).

you also do not really need fance gear on the troop raiders. shockpro/tormentor and ethersails are good on the two main ones but other than prolly shields I'd stay away from upgrades on troop raiders (you will have 1-2 of them sitting back at your opbejctives anyways).

If you can find the justification fluffwise a squad of warriors with splinter rigles & cannon in a raider would make for a good cheap squad to claim home-objectives and give soft support fire.