View Full Version : 1750pts Dark eldar

06-21-2011, 05:51 PM
Ive been thinking about doing Dark Eldar for a while now, and that new Razorwing model is too goo to ignore!

Here's the list I've been playing around with:

1 Archon
Blast Pistol
Combat Drugs
Haywire Grenades
Total 110

4 Hekatrix Bloodbrides
Shardnet & Impaler
haywire Grenades
Blast Pistol
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
1 Venom
additional Splinter Cannon
total 190

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125

6 Reaver Jetbikes
2 x Heat Lance
2 x Cluster Caltrops
Arena Champion
Total 226

6 Reaver Jetbikes
2 x Heat Lance
2 x Cluster Caltrops
Arena Champion
Total 226

5 Hellions
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
Total 125

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165
Total 1747

Obviously from the introduction it is obvious that I would prefer to keen the Razorwings it the list and the other stuff is really just there to look good and be fast!

The main idea is to put all the warriors in reserve and have them jump on objectives as late as possible/not give away kill points, while the rest of the army kills stuff.

How would people change this list?
What could work better?

06-22-2011, 01:01 AM
The first big problem is you only have 3 troops, you really want to have 5 or even 6 when they are so cheap. Lets rearrange some things:

Would you be opposed to using the Duke? He does everything your current archon does, but has a shadow field and the extra combat drug that you really need. The bloodbride squad is really small, it might not be able to make a very big dent. They will also be the first unit to die. Try a slightly larger squad in a raider.

Hellions are great, but not when there are only 5 of them. Either ditch them all, or go for a bigger unit, possibly with the Baron.
I have never had much luck with reavers, but other swear by them. Maybe just take the heat lances on them and leave it at that.

Razorwings are great fun. I would switch the splinter cannon for a night shield. They are roughly 4-5" off the ground, so the 6" range reduction suddenly makes a huge impact on short range weapons.

The final problem is that you are very low on anti-tank weapons, while possibly having too much anti-infantry Swapping the bikes for trueborn with blasters might help.

Try this list:

Duke: - 150
Haemonculus - 50

8 Wyches: Haywires, 1 Shardnet, Hekatrix: Agoniser, Phantasm; Raider: Aethersails - 206
8 Wyches: Haywires, 1 Shardnet, Hekatrix: Agoniser, Phantasm; Raider: Aethersails - 206
3 Wracks; Venom: 2 Cannons - 95
3 Wracks; Venom: 2 Cannons - 95
3 Wracks - 30
3 Wracks - 30

6 Reavers: 2 Heat Lances - 156
6 Reavers: 2 Heat Lances - 156
3 Reavers: Heat Lances - 78

Razorwing Jetfighter: Flicker Field, Night Shield - 165
Razorwing Jetfighter: Flicker Field, Night Shield - 165
Razorwing Jetfighter: Flicker Field, Night Shield - 165

Total: 1747

This gives you several extra troops choices, a bit more anti tank, and a bit more reliable assault.
Hope this helps

06-22-2011, 04:37 AM
There's a lot of problems with your list.

1st, that Archon build is not great. Blast Pistols in general are not great. Your Archon has no form of protection, not even Ghost Plate Amour. I'd say give him a Clone Field or swap him out for a Succubus because she does exactly what your Archon is doing (minus the bad upgrades) for cheaper (in total) and has a 4++ in CC.

4 Bloodbrides aren't going to do anything. Bump them up to 7 and take 2 Shardnets, then if you give your Archon a Clone Field he has very little chance of getting hit at all. Drop the Haywire Grenades and Blast Pistol. I've been over why Haywires are bad so many times I'm not going to bother repeating myself. You can see my arguments in various other DE threads. One other player has even sided with me after previously disagreeing.

The Warrior squads are built pretty solid, but there are too few of them so they'll die quickly. Get yourself at least one more unit.

The Reavers are one of the larger problems with your list. 1st, pick one role for them. AI or AT. Going for both won't work. So, if you really want to keep them, I'd say AT for both, which means drop the Cluster Caltrops. More importantly, drop the Arena Champion and Agoniser as they are both terribly pointless upgrades. If your bikes get into combat, they're dead anyway. Why waste the points? Personally, I'd just drop both units because they're not that great.

5 Hellions will die and do nothing. Drop them.

The Razorwings are alright, but I'd go with Nightshields and Flickerfields instead of the Cannon.

Overall, there's quite a bit of fat to be trimmed and a lot of points you could save. Personally, I'd recommend 4 Blaster Trueborn or Haywire Blaster Scourges for some more AT.

06-22-2011, 07:42 PM
Ive been thinking about doing Dark Eldar for a while now, and that new Razorwing model is too goo to ignore!

Here's the list I've been playing around with:

1 Archon
Blast Pistol
Combat Drugs
Haywire Grenades
Total 110

You may want to drop the combat drugs and blast pistol here. At 6" range, the BP is rarely going to be the decisive factor in a fight and the combat drugs screw you over on a 1 and only marginally improve you on a 6, carrying around that agonizer. With both and the Haywire gone, you could get yourself a shadowfield and really improve your survivability in CC. If you take no other advice from me, drop the Haywire here and use the remaining 8 points to give Haywire to the Bloodbrides

4 Hekatrix Bloodbrides
Shardnet & Impaler
haywire Grenades
Blast Pistol
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
1 Venom
additional Splinter Cannon
total 190
Again with the Blast Pistol. Also, drop the Phantasm grenade launcher, you already have grenades on everyone who could be in this squad.

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125

5 Kabalite Warriors
1 Venom
Additional Splinter Cannon
total 125
Solid, but only three minimum troops is extremely easy to pick off in an objective game.

6 Reaver Jetbikes
2 x Heat Lance
2 x Cluster Caltrops
Arena Champion
Total 226

6 Reaver Jetbikes
2 x Heat Lance
2 x Cluster Caltrops
Arena Champion
Total 226
These guys are dead the moment they hit CC. Don't even bother with the Agonizer. the AC might still be worth it though for the leadership boost.
5 Hellions
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
Total 125
Free up points for Baron Sathonyx (you've probably done it by now if you have taken some of my advice) which gives you Phantasm Grenades, a decent HQ, bonuses at the start of the game, a 3+ cover, and much more. Also makes this unit scoring, of course. Phantasm Grenades: the hidden "this is why we suck" caveat of DE. 5 Hellions will never, ever do anything worthwhile that another unit couldn't have done easier and with less trouble for the same cost. Those other units include any unit of 10+ Hellions.

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165

1 Razorwing Jet Fighter
Splinter Cannon
total 165
Total 1747
Razorwings! Yay! Consider upgrading one to a voidraven with NS and FF, plus any missiles you can afford. The S9 makes killing AV12+ much easier.

Obviously from the introduction it is obvious that I would prefer to keen the Razorwings it the list and the other stuff is really just there to look good and be fast!

The main idea is to put all the warriors in reserve and have them jump on objectives as late as possible/not give away kill points, while the rest of the army kills stuff.

How would people change this list?
What could work better?

You are really thinking this through in how you want your troops to come in and score and your heavies to kill something large and immovable. However your elite, HQ and fast attack choices are way too diffuse. DE aren't craftworld Eldar with their aspects, but they are similar in that they need to be focused, or at least designed around specific tasks. If they stray outside those tasks that's fine, just so long as they have completed their assigned job first.